Kirsten Dunst is Turning Japanese?

Thanks to my friend Thomas Deja for pointing this one out to me, because I’d never heard of it. Evidently actress Kirsten Dunst, better knows for playing Mary Jane in the Spider-Man movies, has done a music video. She teams up with Director McG to cover the song “Turning Japanese.”
Click below the link to see the video. If you’re under 18 be warned there is a bit of brief anime nudity.

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  1. I love this song, and I find the video hilarious! 😀 It´s obviously not supposed to be taken very seriously. Just a bit of fun. And it´s been said before, but damn she looks good in that outfit with that hair.

  2. Oh god my eyes!

    The director of this video, McG, also directed Terminator: Salvation. That explains a lot.

  3. @ Jonny “So no she’s not trying to start a music career or anything.”

    So what, she didn’t have the free will and integrity to say “no” instead of agreeing to be yet another teenyboppy actor-turned-popstar cash cow? Am I missing something?

    If I suck at something (like singing) and someone approaches me to sing, I’m not going to agree to it. She did it for the money and exposure. Totally cynical.

  4. Er, to everyone using this as an excuse to bash Kirsten Dunst, check your facts. She may star in the video but the real person responsible for the video is Takashi Murakami, a Japanese artist who wanted to make the point that this is (apparently) art. So no she’s not trying to start a music career or anything.

    Personally, I think it says a lot that they obviously had to overdub her vocals, but I’ll admit she looks incredibly hot with blue hair.

  5. Don’t think it’s a good cover, and the video in whole is kinda lame, but I like the way she looks with the hair like that.

  6. Many Spider-Man fans are mean to Kirsten about her portrayal of Mary Jane. Blame Raimi, he cast her. It’s
    his job to know if she is right or not. She’s obviously not going to turn it down. And this vid is not for me. Thank you and remember to drive responsibly.

  7. @ Berserk: Oh, sorry for saying “Anime character”, what I should have said was “flamboyant Japanese-styled cartoon character”. I’m sure there are many more Anime characters in there, but they blend in with the normal dressed people.

  8. It Took Everything I Had To NOT To Cut My Wrist And Jump out The Window To Land In The Highway Below My Building. If I Hated Her in Spider-Man 3 then HOLY CRAP DO I REALLY HATE HER NOW!!! I Wish Norman Actually Dropped From The Bridge In The 1st Movie. Ah! I See It now:

  9. To paraphrase from Spider-Man 3 we have to realize this isn’t about us nor is it about Japanese culture. It’s about her, her, her…

    There was no Mary Jane in the Spidey movies, just Kirsten Dunst with an inconsistent shade of red hair.

  10. @Iron Lantern. Actually there are a bunch of other people dressed up like anime characters. The redhead at 3:52 is from Gurren Lagaan.

  11. Turning Japanese is a legitimate slang phrase for masterbation.

    And I couldn’t go past 1:40. I started to feel my brain evaporating.

  12. @ Durkinator – Wha?? I remember the Vapors (the performers) saying that it was about something in your life going completely wrong. In the songs case, he breaks up with his girlfriend or whatever, and then he’s “turning Japanese” because his life took a drastic turn. (Maybe it’s a bit of both…?)

    Anyways, this vid makes takes stupid to a new extreme… I guess no matter how you look at it, the song has nothing to do with Japan/culture at all (discluding if the performers were Japanese, but that wouldn’t make sense now, would it?) and this makes Japan look like a big neon strip mall. I find it funny how NOBODY else is wearing anything Anime induced except Kirsten, because obviously the best way to make an Caucasian look Japanese is to dress them up like Sailor Moon =/

  13. @Spider-Dad – Masturbation. That’s all it is. Nothing too deep there.

    The video was pretty, but it wasn’t my cup of tea at all. Although, I feel like it was SUPPOSED to be sort of a mockery of the kitschy pseudo-Japanese anime culture Americans are in love with, in which case I’m cool with it being stupid.

  14. @ Andrew, what does that song supposedly mean? What I remember about that song it was somewhat popular, pretty much mindless pop, created no controversy and was from an English Band no one heard of before or since. If it had some sort of hidden message, it was lost on me…

    BTW, this video is about as stupid as the song.

  15. Obviously Dunst has no idea what the lyrics of that song actually meant when it was released the first time around. And as an appreciator of REAL Japanese culture, not the stupid blue-hair, anime-hentai, mechzilla, furry, super-sexualized schoolgirl pop-culture that’s popped up in the last decade, I refuse to watch this travesty past 30 seconds.

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