Writer: Mark Waid
Penciler: Mike McKone
Inker: Andy Lanning
Story Title: “24/7”


Mayor J. Jonah. Father and son. Spider-Man on the job. Unexpected discovery in the bedroom.

The Commentary

I would have gotten this review done sooner but I was momentarily blinded after reading the last page of this issue. Thankfully my sight has returned and I think I will be able to hold down lunch.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about you either haven’t read this issue or have erected a wall of denial that the trumpets of Jericho couldn’t knock down, so this is your spoiler warning for this issue. I am thinking of going into denial about it myself.

There. I’m officially in denial so this is the last you will read of Peter walking in on Aunt May and J. Jonah Senior.

I really liked this issue. I was a bit put off by the cover because I have never liked the way Joe Quesada draws Spider-Man but that sour taste was gone once I got into the meat of the story. After the “deadly serious” nature of Character Assassination, a one shot and a two parter that was important but still could have been a done in one this is exactly what this book needed. Peter got back to the business of being Spider-Man and did so for the best reason of all; to make get the goat of J. Jonah Jameson.

J. Jonah Jameson being elected Mayor is right up there in the pantheon of great comic book ideas with Lex Luthor being elected President and the comparison really works because with Superman being bigger than life it would make sense that his arch enemy would be elected President while the more street level nature of Spider-Man makes Jonah getting elected Mayor of New York a better fit. New York is Spider-Man’s town. It’s his home. It’s as integral to the characters as great power and great responsibility. So when you have the single oldest thorn in his side being in charge of his city added to the fact that Norman Osborn is the head of the official Avengers and we are well in quintessential Peter Parker territory.

And that is cool. It really is.

The bulk of this issue was comprised of Peter thumbing his nose at Jonah and Waid’s knack for humorous dialogue was put to good effect here. The two page spread of Spider-Man in action was especially good. It was dramatic and McKone, along with Lanning, really knocked it out of the park. Splash pages can be overused but here it got the montage of Spider-Man hard at work across in a fairly spectacular way, no pun intended. The kitten scene made me laugh out loud, which is rare.

There were also some nice character moments too. The confrontation between Jonah and his father was well written. I also liked the scene where Peter tried to call a truce only to have Jonah call in the SWAT team. It reminded me of the time Iron Man tried to smooth things over with Jonah when Spider-Man first joined the Avengers, which was an issue of New Avengers that I rather enjoyed. The fact that the end result of both scenes were the same goes to the heart of J. Jonah as a character or at the very least it goes to the heart of what certain writers think of Jonah. I also dug the fact that he was willing to take the cost of the SWAT team out of his own salary.

The Final Analysis

This was probably the most classic feeling Spider-Man story since the beginning of Brand New Day. While it is definitely within that world it could have just as easily been told with one or two minor changes in the “old continuity”. All in all there is nothing about this issue that gave me pause or caused any fanboy anger to outrage.


Seriously. Why are you staring at the screen like that?

No, I haven’t forgotten anything about this issue. Seriously. I haven’t.

Check the last page again? All right. Let’s see…


My wife is typing is this last line because I am blind…again.

Hope you’re happy.

4 out of 5 webheads.

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  1. 1. BND sucks.
    2. Styles original comments were right on
    3. Bailey’s review is fair
    4. Stopped reading SM and started reading Batman. The RIP, Battle for the Cowl, crazy good.
    5. Peace and love webheads

    Make mine DC

  2. I don’t think you need put that much thought into the rating as your words make it very clear what you’re thinking.

    But for the sake of argument what about: 5/5 – An absolute classic/must read. 4/5 very good – recommended. 3/5 Good, has some annoying flaws etc but still value for money. 2/5 Fair – must try harder – not engaging enough yet not a total loss either. 1/5 Poor – horrible – you guys are professionals? 0/5 Bin it immediately, in fact don’t buy this trash at all.

  3. “For Michael that score seems to mean something less, because I get the sense from his reviews that he’s really enjoying the series but wouldn’t call it an absolute must-read. His 4 is probably more like my 3.5.”

    That’s a very fair assessment, CrazyChris.

    It really comes down to what I consider the purpose of a comic book review. It may seem kind of strange (though it is clear as day in my head) but frankly I see comic book reviews more as commentary than an actual review. When you look at movie and music reviews they usually come out a week or so before the film or CD or whatever is released. The reviewer gets a chance to experience the film and such beforehand and then writes a review telling the masses whether or not they should bother spending money. I’ve been reviewing comics for nearly eight years now and I would say that 98% of the time the comics I review I do so the Sunday or Monday after it has come out. At that point I figure that most people have already read the book in question so my job as the reviewer is to just give my opinion on the book without much regard to my opinion having something to do with the person reading the review buying the book. I have been proven wrong on several occasions but looking at most the of the comments I get the people have read the book and either they agree or disagree with my take to one extent or another.

    Is this the right way to go at it? I have no idea. I just like to write about comics. Chris is right. Ratings are not the aspect of the review that I put a whole heck of a lot of thought into.

  4. For me the scores cover a broad range of quality and at times overlap. That’s inevitable when you have 11 possible ratings (0-5 with half point increments) to cover everything from Ultimates 3 to Watchmen. When I review a comic, more often than not the number comes from my gut and I put the most thought into the text. My philosophy is that if you want a number, it’s there for you. If you want to read something more thoughtful, that’s there too.

    As for inconsistency, I don’t see it as a problem. Yeah, everyone is going to interpret the numbers differently. For me, giving a series 4/5 week after week is like saying this is one of the most consistently great comics on the shelf deserving of an unqualified recommendation. For Michael that score seems to mean something less, because I get the sense from his reviews that he’s really enjoying the series but wouldn’t call it an absolute must-read. His 4 is probably more like my 3.5. It comes down to getting to know each reviewer through his or her work over time and coming to understand how that person interprets the scale.

    Is a more consistent rating scale between reviewers something you think we should strive for?

  5. Roger Ebert has argued against the star system, because a lot of the time people will look at the score, and ignore the actual review.

    Plus, the scores aren’t going to be consistent, as one guy’s three could be another’s two or four. One guy may think the best books of the month deserve five stars, while someone else may believe that score should only be reserved for a handful of the best comics ever made (and that you can’t exactly fit more than Absolute Watchmen, and maybe the Gladstone Free Comics Day reprint of the Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge classic “Only a Poor Old Man” into a handful.)

  6. When grading papers, teachers usually have a specific rubric that they grade against to stay consistent and minimize subjectivity. Is that what you’re looking for in comic book reviews?

  7. I respectfully agree with what you said about “a second opinion.”
    But lets clear something up….

    The definition of a review is to examine with an eye to criticism or correction. Much different from the word opinion.
    It’s like a teacher reviewing a students paper. He/she cannot use his or her opinion to give the student an A or an F.

    Here let me explain further. There are 5 teachers, 2 of them believe that a student should get an A on a paper he/she wrote. 3 believe it’s F material. Which set of teachers are right?? Some teachers may not grade the same way, but

    Now when it comes to THAT big a difference, than obviously something is wrong no? I understand people can have different tastes in comics and what not. (even though this is only Spidey we’re discussing and we generally love the character for the same reason.)

    I understand and respect all of your points…I just wanted to bring this to attention. Since it REALLY is a big difference out there between what the panelists have to say and what the official reviewer says. Because really is he just stating his opinion every week? Or is the purpose of a review on this site here to help people decide whether they are going to pick up the issue or not? Someone explain that to me. I’m not asking him to change his review style, I’m asking him to be aware that some fans like me are trying to find a good point to jump back in. At least throw us a bone, because its hard when he’s giving it consistently good scores and im just not feeling some (not all) of the books he gave good scores to.

    If I remember right you even said yourself “You sure give alot of 4’s….you must be loving this run.”

    This book is split down the middle with controversy. Whether you want to choose to diffuse this situation as (everybody has there own opinion and taste) or not. really there is no simple answer….and I’m starting to see that now the way both of you have answered without understanding my questions and seemingly blowing it off as a simple “he wants the reviewer to change his style and grade the book for less webs” comment. =(

  8. People have different taste for comics. There’s absolutely nothing unusual for one person to love an issue another would rather burn than read. When that happens among reviewers I usually give the most weight to the people who I’ve agree with in the past. For example, I personally tend to agree with Kevin about 80% of the time, so I pay the most attention to his reviews. I read the Spot issue and would give it a 2.5 or a 3, but Michael gave it a 4. That means he’s a reviewer for someone else to give great weight to. It’s good that we all have individuals we can follow. Consciously looking for common ground would ruin that.

    Styles, it sounds like what you’re looking for is for reviews to say something like, “well I loved this issue, but some other reviewers dislike it so take this recommendation with a grain of salt.” I respectfully disagree, and would hate for that to happen. The purpose of a review is for the reviewer to take his or her own stance and defend it. It isn’t Michael’s job to give me a balanced look at all the opinions out there, because I’m capable enough to find second opinions on my own if I need them, and it sounds like you are too. There’s nothing wrong with bringing up other opinions and entering a dialogue with with them in a review, but that’s a very different thing from paying lip service to other opinions. Representing a single point of view is exactly what reviews are for.

  9. Well this is a VERY confusing conversation, I had no idea who is insulting who and who is getting told to shut up. haha

    No no no, lol. See I respect Mike’s OPINION, I’m asking why should I take the review into account when alot of the panelists dislike an issue he may have enjoyed?
    All of you guys have great credibility, so lets say, when 4 of you are giving the book a D and 2 are giving it a B or an A.

    Really thats a BIG difference there in grading. So who should I be listening to? I’m just asking for some more common ground since Mike pops out reviews at a reasonable enough time for me to pick the book up. =)

    Personally I find my opinion of the book in line with most of the panelists. It’s not Mackie reboot bad, but they haven’t proven that this reboot was a necessary step either.

    and Revenge of the goblin is a GREAT story, but I really don’t think this issue will define Jameson. Granted it wasn’t annoying because of the Post One more day confusion. It really wasn’t a bad issue. Just kind of passe set up stuff. But the Aunt may action….actually, no comment. =(

  10. @Styles: Wasn’t knocking you my friend, I was saying it as a warning to anyone else who might try to pull what Z did. For the record: The reboot era brought the Revenge of the Green Goblin story, which was from ASM and PPSM VOL II 25. That is pretty much the only good story to come out of the reboot era. (And the beginning of the end of the Reboot era.) Oh no, man. I Just feel with us having creators on the site (Slott, Wacker, Brevoort and Belard) That we could and should have a balance.

    You’re right with the Podcast overall disliking the direction: but based on GPAs of everyone, it’s pretty even. Although we’ve been known to give an A+ since the beginning of the run, if you’re asking me why you should respect Mike’s opinion if you’re a faithful listener of the Podcast, I view Mike as the ‘unofficial’ Panelist, meaning he’s the guy who gives it a grade before we get to it.

    (And despite the fact every other panelist gets their book from Mail Order, I get mine at my LCS.)

    Thanks for commenting!

  11. @Mr. Bailey
    Thank you , I appreciate that you took the time to set the record straight. =)
    and for the record…I’ve NEVER read a poorly written review from you.
    You don’t have to change your review style, im not asking for change, im asking for addition.
    I would appreciate it if you at least made suggestions for fans like me (who have the same view as the panelists) you know since they are a month late with their reviews on the podcast.
    These bad boys are REALLY expensive now-a-days. I’m not a bad guy, and I couldn’t dare suggest that a new reviewer take your place. I’m just a fan of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. =)

    I hope you weren’t referring to me as a lunatic. Because than I could call you illiterate. =)
    I can’t vouch for Zarius LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD though. Even though everyone seems to think we’re some kind of team. =(

    @Irishlad and Spideydude
    Loooook, I wasn’t knocking his review. Really. That’s what the complement was for. You know when I said it was well written??

    I just felt that 4/5 should be in line with a story thats memorable albeit with minor flaws. Can you honestly tell yourself that in the future you’ll look back on this story as one of the greats? Especially in a time where Spidey’s story as a whole has greatly divided fans? at least I gave it a chance before the extra dollar to the price tag kicked me out for good. What good stories do you think about from the Mackie reboot era hmmm?

    You know “Tally hoeing” with the panelists is NOT what im asking for as i said earlier, but Irish laddie. Buddy lets look at it this way. (here’s a lame attempt at a jedi mind trick, you ready??)
    Why should I respect any of the other panelists reviews if they are on a TOTALLY different page than what he is on? (not in reference to this issue since there is no podcast yet) That goes vice/versa.

    I respect everyone’s opinion. That’s why I spend my free time reading these reviews and listening to the podcasts. In fact BD helped me avoid peter parker’s crinkly mcgiblets in REIGN, and I love that man just for that.

    See this is where why I think we’re on different accords, I’m using proper definition and now I’m being called a lunatic for it.
    An opinion is a person’s own belief, a review is an inspection of a particular subject T(hat being ASM) while correcting possible errors. =)
    Now I’m not trying to insult anyone with my often vast and superior knowledge which the ladies seem to go crazy for, but I am always willing to back up what I say.

    These panelists are on there for a reason, people listen to them, All of them have great credibility one way or another.
    So if they hate it simply for no good reason…should they really be on there tainting fans with their opinions?? That mean’s someone is misleading their audience….Hate and love are totally different words. Ya dig?

    Didn’t I just blow your mind? I mean really, especially with that “ya dig” ending. so poetic….KOBE!!! *swoosh* =)

    But if you really want to look at it as a Pro-asm site. (Don’t take this the wrong way im not calling you or anyone stupid), but thats pretty hypocritical for about 4/5 of the podcast panelists to dislike the new direction most of the time and for the written reviews to be praising it like its the best thing since kool-aid and I’ll be damned if ASM is even close in quality to kool-aid. It’s not even generic, hell its not even pixie sticks and water.

    You guys can dislike me, but I will still love this site. I’m just sad that I finally get noticed by you guys and you talk down on my comments like im some random flamer with no good points.
    Well…there goes my dream of ever being in a podcast someday. I have a pretty sexy voice too. Oh well… =|

  12. I’m in the camp with Irish, although I disagree with him and Mike on ASM, it shows that we’re trying our damnedest to make sure this is the Pro-ASM, not completely anti-ASM’s Direction.

    We’re ALL Pro-Amazing Spider-Man. Just some of us, are Anti Amazing’s DIRECTION, and there is a HUGE difference.

    As for the review?

    I thought it was fair and very humorous as to that damned last page which threatened to blind anyone.

    Cheers Mike.

  13. I’d challenge anyone on the planet as to being more Anti-OMD/BND than myself. But good lord, Zarius – it’s a review. Michael Bailey’s a fantastic reviewer and someone I trust to be totally honest and forthright, as well as informed. He’s doing a great job reviewing ASM right now and that comes from someone who doesn’t see eye to eye with him on BND. Agree or don’t agree with his review, but cripes – cut back on the Haterade.

    Keep on truckin’, Bailey.

  14. Also, why does MB’s reviews have to tally with what the Podcast crew say? ASM is getting plenty of positive press throughout the net.

  15. Michael, don’t you dare give in to the utter obtuse attitude of some people here. They are the usual suspects with their contempt, hatred and yawn-inducing repetition.

    What’s going on here is quite obvious in terms of trying to sway a reviewer by shovelling bile and vitriol on his thoughts.

    Could the lunatics go back to the asylum? Please?

    And by the way folks your reviewer is a member of “Delta House” the crawlspace Anti -BND brigade. Go figure, huh?

    Keep the chin up Michael!

  16. ThisFieldWasRequired makes a valid point, but at the same time there is a difference between disagreeing with what I said (which is fine because I am the youngest of four and therefore used to it) and saying, for example, that the review seems like it was written by an eight year old. Styles stated his opinion and I have no issue with that. He think 4/5 is too high. If you look at the past nearly dozen reviews you will see this sort of comment. I expect it. I enjoy it because we are comic fans and disagreeing is our national pastime.

    Was I too harsh? Maybe. It happens from time to time. Usually I am a jolly sort of fellow and just roll with the punches.

    Could I have structured by aggravation in a different way? Sure. Did I maybe get a little too personal? Could be. Was I trying to lump all anti-BND people into one group? No and I guess I could have made that a little clearer.

    Oh and Styles, it wasn’t you. Promise.

  17. I’m sorry if Mr. Bailey felt offended by what I said, I honestly meant NO offense what-so-ever. I also apologize if I incidentally sparked the argument to this review.
    If Zarius feels what I said was similar to what he said…he should read my comments again.

    as I stated in comment 9. It was a well written review.
    I just feel that consistently 4/5 is high for a book that is constantly being thrashed…even by the podcast panelists on this very site.
    So really I was not even commenting on this particular review in the first place.

    I feel as if Mr. Bailey is reviewing solely on what he thinks about the book and not what should be recommended for someone who is looking to pick it up. I’m not making a complaint. I’m simply stating my opinion which I thought is what these comments were for. If I can’t do that…there should be no option to leave comments in the first place.

    I mean even if a he were replaced with someone that picks every issue apart, what would that solve? The state of ASM will remain the same until MARVEL decides to put the pieces back together.

    ummm… and Thisfieldwasrequired hit the nail on the head. You really did take it really far saying Zarius lost a bet with god and lives in a basement. That’s terrible. I’ve lost alot of respect for Mr. Bailey on that one. He said your review sounded like an 8 year old, boo hoo. He was being a jerk but firing off at him like that was very unprofessional. It’s not like he made an attack against your family or something. He didn’t even get personal. What makes it worse is that he was the ONLY one out of currently 15 comments that flat out said your review sucks. Even I said it was well written. His comment was REALLY ignore worthy. Trust me.

    But ya I’m done….I have no “blind rage for this stuff” nor is it really worth my time to find fruitless battles on the internet. Because really….who wins?

  18. Not to provoke further argument, but I found this site from the link on and by relation hold this site in high regard, so I’d rather not see it fall apart due to drama and etc.

    First of all, for people that don’t agree with the review: if I understand correctly the webmaster appointed the new reviewer. If you do have issues, the appointee is probably not the one to take it up with. And to give a preemptive solution in case one is required, since clearly multiple people here are more than willing to share their opinions, why restrict the site to a single review per issue? Apparently people would be willing to review the issues and share their opinions online (as they are clearly doing in the comments), and I don’t think anyone would complain about the site having more content.

    In any case, if you do disagree with anything in a review I do think the comments section is the right place to discuss the review (why have it, otherwise?) but I think discussing the actual content of the comic should be the focus more than insulting the reviewer.

    Secondly, to Michael: I was going to make the former point anyways because I do think people pounced on you here, but as of comment #13 I’m very disappointed. The entire gist of your statement seems to be that people need to be more open-minded about what you’re saying, but you need to realize that the same thing applies to you. Whereas you are free to like something, others are just as free to NOT like it. I understand that some comments directed towards you were fairly heated, but snapping into a paragraph long rant isn’t the right way to handle it. Particularly in that doing so you ignore all the valid points that people have made and focus only on the admittedly uncalled for insults. Furthermore, the entire rant is just as baseless and accusatory as what you’re retaliating against. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and all that jazz.

    Also Michael, as far as open-mindedness goes like I mentioned before if you want people to listen to you you should listen to them as well. What do you think the comment box is for, Michael? You’re reviewing a comic, pointing out what you think is right and wrong, and the comments are essentially for reviewing your review! That means people are going to point out the same kinds of things. Moreover, again like I mentioned before I think in anger you miss valid points people are making. For example, in the review the first several lines are dedicated to commenting on the Aunt May/JJJ thing (which, by the way, despite dedicating the most space to it in your review, you never really mentioned any of your feelings on it. Do you think it’s a good turn for the characters? What do you think will Marvel do with this from here? Since Aunt May doesn’t know Peter is Spiderman since OMD, will she and JJJ team up against him? Or do with think this May will be a clone/skrull/genetically modified actress/etc?) and then the first line is a completely unqualified “I liked this issue.” You talked about the humorous dialogue and good character moments between JJJ and father, but you don’t have any favorite dialog quotes and you didn’t explain any examples. I haven’t read the issue-what did JJJ and his father talk about that qualifies as a good character moment?

    I think from some of the phrasing and other aspects of the review you’re writing them assuming people have already read the issue. But not everyone who reads your review is going to have read it (indeed, people may use your review to judge whether to buy it or not). Therefore, it might be best for you to write assuming you’re explaining it to a friend that hasn’t read the comic. I think if you do that you’ll include more detail in your review, which seems to be the main thing people are asking for.

    Anywho, I’m only a lurker/reader and this is only my second comment, but I’d like to douse the flames if I can. This actually seems to be a very intricate community with only a few people making a majority of the content, so if everyone could get along hopefully everything won’t fall apart.

  19. *gives Michael an ownage high-five* Well said good sir. And Zaruis, if you already read a review of a comic, um, why read another? Looking for words you want to hear? Anyways, Im kinda glad Im broke, but at the same time if feel left out lol. If I had money I’d feel compelled to buy ASM every week, but then theres a good issues every blue moon. =/

  20. All right. That’s it. I have really had it.

    In approaching any comic I review from two perspectives; either I can come in with piss and vinegar and predisposed to hate everything I am about to read or I can try to work within the frame work of what I am given and judge it on those merits. When Brad asked me to come on board as reviewer I decided early on that I could either look past my utter hatred of what happened in ONE MORE DAY or I can rip each and every issue apart. Frankly, I couldn’t write three to four reviews a month for a title if I knew I was going to hate it. I already half ass do that with another title I review and it makes writing those reviews an unhappy process.

    So yeah, I liked this issue. I liked the previous issue. They were enjoyable to read. I got my money’s worth. The reason I don’t go into detail about each and everything I like about a particular issue is that I feel a person should have to justify what they don’t like more than what they do. If I like it, I like it. It’s that freaking simple.

    To the people that hate BND to the point of blind hatred…to the people that don’t like what happened to Spider-Man to the point that you didn’t, you know, just walk away and get on with life…to the people that spend all of their time on the Internet finding things to hate because they have little to nothing else going on in their sad, pathetic, lonely, living in the parents basements lives don’t read my reviews. It wastes both of our times. I’m sorry that your life is an empty, wasted thing. I’m sorry you didn’t date in high school. I’m sorry your mommy and daddy didn’t pay enough attention to you and that you woke up one day and realized you lost a double or nothing bet with God. Just stop because I’m getting sick of people giving me crap because I don’t hate something like you do.

  21. …And frankly, there’s also no difference between this review and the eight year old’s either. Both don’t go into real detail over why they liked it, the “comedy elements” they find funny simply…well…ARENT funny, not even to someone used to deadpan humour…because we all RESPECT the characters, I think some are either reviewing BND “in context” or don’t care enough these days about the character to really fault it.

  22. When an eight year old can give this crap 9.5 out of 10, it really isnt saying much.

    How was this in any shape or form “classic?” “A.S.S?”, Jameson back to being a traditional biggot abusing his power? Where has his growth gone? Now he’s no better than the other moudtache-twirling panto villain mayors in cartoons that, again, are not realatable or reallistic. Johnah Snr is a blatant mary sue with his fingers in every pie (quite litterally) , I browsed through this ten times, slowly, back and forrth, within the LCS, and I can safely say nothing in this was any different from what had come before. ASM remains a shadow of it’s former self.

    It still alarms me that so much of Marvel’s a-list talent has virtually NO idea how to mold Spider-Man and bring him into the 21st century. Utter incompetants. Make mine D.C, at least Didio pisses people off to get creative results, the web-heads piss people off to get their kicks.

    MC2’s Aunt May is rolling in her grave at this geriatric whore.

  23. I just had to make another comment about this…REALLY.

    Marvel Rebooted Spider-man so he could walk in on mommy getting some. THIS is it guys. These are the stories they couldn’t write before.

    I’ve honestly tried. But Brand New Day continues to show me that it is a failure of a reboot…

    *sigh* I really don’t want to be a hater. but I simply can’t enjoy this stuff…and with the recent price increase, I can no longer afford a book I simply do not enjoy. =(
    It’s really sad that there were 36 issues this year and only 1 gem that I can remember without trying too hard. (Flash Thompson)

    I love Joe Q. He’s done some amazing things for Marvel, but this reboot is certainly a huge debacle. It’s made Spider-man very hard to follow for the 12 years I have been reading the comic. It’s been over a year and we still don’t know much about this BND Pete. In the years that I have read the book that is what I have loved about the character most, that we were always in his head. Feeling his emotions and how they were affected by the plot.

    It’s really sad that the company feels they have to follow the trend of the movies to be successful. The character Spidey made the movie successful, not the other way around. Time to get off my soap box I guess. I’m just really frustrated. It’s really hard seeing these reviews constantly popping out as 4/5 when so many things are wrong with the book. Its not my place to say that my opinion is better than the reviewers but I would like to point out that alot of the crawlspace staff have honestly referred other titles or back issues (before the new status quo) when it comes to a starting point for this book. I’ve seen the same reviewer rate these books 4/5, that should tell someone like me that it is worth the cover price. I feel that alot of these scores are very misleading….a reviewer should help those who are looking to get into the book be more open minded towards what others think, instead of ignoring everybody and simply reviewing a book based on their own personal enjoyment of it. Just my…well…thats about 5 dollars right there. =/

  24. “If you don’t know what I’m talking about you either haven’t read this issue or have *ERECTED* a wall of denial”

    Definitely not the best choice of words in reference to that page. I had to read that sentence twice.

    I’m just sayin. =)

    Again…the review is well written. But the scores are always pretty high. Not that these issues are bad, but they DEFINITELY aren’t GREAT. =(

  25. Hey Spiderman252. Just tell the 1st grader that adults sometimes sleep in the same bed. They might understand this without arriving at what you’re so worried about.

  26. I wasn’t too impressed with the art on this one. Did anyone else notice the Alien-Spider-Man hanging in the window when JJJJr and JJJSr were having the argument? This was one huge head!

  27. MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED BLEACH!!!!! IODYNE!!!!!!!!!! HOLY WATER!!!!!!!!!

  28. The last page is just wrong. They could have easily had Peter just as shocked if he walked in and they were holding hands and kissing.

    I think this is totally out of Aunt May’s character.
    Recently there was an article on the news about a mother wanting to remove spiderman from the library because Mary Jane was in a swimsuit… I can’t imagine what I’d have to do to explain this to a 1st grader.

    Also, Marvel keeps mentioning they want to get younger readers – e.g. kids involved – is this the right way to be doing it.
    All in all – a very bad call by marvel.

  29. I didn’t buy or read this book, and my vision’s going blurry!!! Even Aunt May’s getting some, while Peter had to give up his F***ING MARRIAGE?!?!?!

  30. Totally agree with you mike, this was a great issue of ASM. and absolutly nothing happend on the last panel.

    **goes and crys in the corner**

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