Spidey Memories#31


The issue: Spectacular Spider-Man issue 204. The circumstance: Harry used his will to mess with Peter some more so Peter thinks Harry is alive. Peter’s smart idea: To tell his grieving widow. The results: Well look at Liz’s face and see for yourself.

In all fairness to Peter, we did find out he was right in 2007.

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  1. I agree with Abdule on the faces. Liz looks too mid-40s when she’s supposed to be in her early thirties. And in Liz’s defence, the way Spidey is shadowishly drawn, I’d freak out too. That doesn’t spell friendly nieghborhood. But yeah it’s nice to know that Peter wasn’t crazy…only after HE decided the idea was crazy…after he WENT crazy. lol.

  2. Since I don’t count Harry’s ressurection (BND is not Spider-Man), this still feels right to me…Peter’s paranoia works better when he’s completly WRONG, and him coming to terms with Harry’s death based on how upset he makes Liz is the perfect way to accept that he was gone. When I read this issue, I said goodbye to Harry, this is what nailed it. He was never coming back. And even with BND, he still hasnt..not THAT Harry. Hell no.

    This was also he beggining of the end for Liz and Normie. Peter’s ill-thought visit to her convinced her to throw Peter and MJ out of their apartment, and exile them back to Queens. Even NOW, she’s used very sparingly. In MC2, she never recovers from Harry’s death and dies at a young age.

    And yes, Sal’s art blows my mind. This was back when masterminds like he and Bagely were allowed to make the characters OLDER THAN TWENTY

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