Clone Saga Chronicles Podcast launches


In celebration of the Clone Saga’s recent revival, we are proud to present a new podcast. “Clone Saga Chronicles” is the official podcast of and will cover all things clones in the Spider world. The first episode was recorded last night and features Spideydude and Bertone. is still down, but will be back. In the meantime you can listen to the podcast by downloading it here.

EDIT: Now available on iTunes.


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  1. It’s “My formerly nicotine stained fingers” Spideydude. You should know that. :p

  2. Hi guys. This podcast is great. I was wondering if you guys could talk a little about the Clone Saga and how it was recieved. It seemed to me that everyone who liked it were just getting into comics, or getting into Spider-Man for the first time, whereas everyone who hated it had been reading it for 5 years or more. Did you find this to be true? I actually had no idea what was going on and I was totally not into comics in High School. One day, I happened to stop by my local comic shop and see all these Marvel vs DC books. Remembering how I always wondered about who would win between the Marvel and DC heroes, i picked these up and the series basically opens with Spider-Man talking about the Clone Saga. After asking a few of the resident geeks in the comic shop, they explained what happened, and I began to worship the back issue bins, trying desperately to assemble the whole thing. I got almost all of it back then. So, I became a regular reader of Spider-Man books fairly late into the clone saga. And when it was over, I stopped buying comics, because I felt that all the time and energy I had spent readjusting to Spider-Mytholgy (yes, even buying trades to learn everything about the Venom symbiote, and everything about pre-1970’s clone saga Spidey, when they brought back Norman, I was just angry.

    Well once I heard they were bringing Ben back for a miniseries, here I am again. And what do I see here once I am back? People are complaining now about what happened in one more day. And I am noticing again that those who hate it are long time readers, and those who like it…, wait, is there anyone who likes it? All I’ve read is that people are willing to accept it. So anyway what’s your take on that.

    Finally, down the road I am sure you are going to talk about the ways that they were trying to end it, and I wanted you guys to talk about how Mephisto and the time loop scenario was going to be used to keep Peter and Ben as the same person (thus not needing to kill off Ben), and how ultimately it was nixed because Mephisto isn’t a Spider-Man villain, or doesn’t belong in a Spider-Man book. And the IRONY of it all.

    Keep up the good work, and sorry I couldn’t sent the message over skype as you said in the podcast, hopefully you read these comments and talk about it on your show.

    -Eugene Hwang

  3. Hey Spideydude! Extremely well done, I really enjoyed this podcast… but the heavy breathing gets really annoying after a few minutes! Other than that, great. Keep up the good work!

  4. I love, love LOVE the running “MARY JANE!!!!!!” joke. Very funny.

    This is a total blast for the past for me, because I was just like you two in being introduced to Spider-Man during the clone saga. Looking forward to the next one!

  5. I was the guilty culprit this time. I should have known better because I podcast ALL THE TIME, but I guess we were so excited about getting this recorded that I didn’t adjust the positioning of my mic.

  6. Ben was also a floating head of shame in Peter Parker Spider-man (vol 2) #25 by Mackie & Romita JR. and yes, he was referenced a couple of times in MKSM.

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