Spectacular Spider-Man: the animated series #26-“Final Curtain” Review

finalcurtainThe revelation of Spider-Man’s arch-nemisis’ true identity is finally revealed in this truly immaculate season finale. No one comes out unscathed, and everything is changed forever.

A QUICK “OUTRO”: After 26 episodes, two seasons and more supporting characters and super villains included than I initally expected, we have finally reached the end of the Spectacular Spider-Man. As of this writing the show is offically on hiatus, and any word of its future remains unknown. With these scant few episodes being all that is left for the current generation to work with in terms of knowing the world of Spider-Man and his various related characters, has the show truly earned a hallowed place on the altar of Spider-Man history? It certainly came about at a time where many questions concerning the character’s future have been brought up. Such questions include “What villains will be in future movies” or “Will Spider-Man ever get married again?” Only time will tell if these questions will have a definite answer, but for now the people have this series to become familar with Peter Parker and friends. It’s a series that truly epitomizes the enduring appeal of the Spider-Man character and will forever be a “go-to” guide when one questions how creative and ingenious comic book mythos can be variously interpretated. Want specific proof? Look no further than “Final Curtain”.

Written By Kevin Hopps
Directed By Victor Cook
Music by Lolita Ritmanis, Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion
Animation By Dongwoo animation

THE PLOT: With the return of the Green Goblin made apparent to Spider-Man, the webslinger embarks on a manhunt to bring the villain to justice. But what will he do when it’s revealed that the Goblin isn’t, nor never was Harry Osborn?

LONG STORY SHORT: Peter and Gwen declare their feelings for each other, while unbeknownst to them Harry witnesses this from outside the window. Peter breaks up with Liz and begins to search for Donald Menken as Spider-Man in order to solve the Green Goblin mystery once and for all.


MY THOUGHTS: This is it. The pinnacle of the show’s achievement in absolute quality and incredible storytelling. This is the episode that forever brands into the cheek of the Spider-Man franchise that special something which first touched readers back in 1962. Upon re-listening to Executive Producer Greg Weisman’s inital interview on the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast, I recall him saying that the intention for the series was to come as close as possible in being a “Batman: the animated series” type of show in terms of remaining as faithful and true to the original characters while at the same time staying fresh and exciting as possible.

It is my personal opinion that with this episode alone, this show is at the very least on par with the Justice League animated series in terms of perfection in character interpretation and magnificent storytelling.

With “Final Curtain” we’re shown the true identity of Spider-Man arch enemy, through a series of twists and turns, dramatic character beats and high flying action. Everything in this episode works from start to finish, and the season completes its run by leaving an indelible mark on fans minds across the world. Before I begin my analysis, if you are a Spider-Man fan and have not seen this episode or even begun to watch this show by now, stop reading the review and watch whatever you haven’t seen. I’m completely serious, do it now.


To start off, the animation was just excellent across the board. Whether it was due to Victor Cook’s solid directing or the fantastic storyboard artists, this animation was from top to bottom spectacular. Its interesting because I believe that this was that specific animation crew that I had been down on in past reviews. The models resembled that team. It’s a moot point, because this is a very action packed episode and any lags or flubs in the animation would’ve brought it down. Thankfully this one had none of that. Particularly with the facial expressions, the animation really shined. Norman gritting his teeth, Peter and Harry’s reactions to the Goblin’s death and the general action were all very well done. It’s those little things that add icing on the cake.

On the the excellent story, this episode sees the return of two aspects of the show which I felt were missing since around the Venom arc. Those being Gwen Stacy as a central character and Peter Parker’s perspective. Now the former is understandible since Peter was with Liz and Gwen was less of a central player in his life. Nevertheless, I missed Gwen, especially after she shined in “Shear Strength”. The second however is integral to every Spider-Man story and needs to be consistent. Peter Parker is truly a character for the audience and perhaps it’s because we got less from his input that I didn’t really care too much for the Gangwar arc. Looking back on that, Spider-Man was more reacting to the gang’s battles so that is understandable to a certain degree as well. However, with this episode you absolutely NEEDED Peter’s input, and thankfully we got it. Both aspects of the show leads to one of my favorite scenes in the entire series with the three main Midtown Magnet students at Gwen’s house. (Why they would converse about criminal activity at a cop’s house is questionable.) All three characters are to a certain extent at fault for things that happen later on in the episode, but for the most part they truly are sympathetic. Most notably Harry. He goes to his two best friends and divulges to them a very serious dilemma, then scowls menacingly upon hearing Gwen’s plans to dump him and go with Peter. Harry being present to hear Gwen and Peter declare their love for each other was a brilliant touch because it reminds the audience that the world of Spider-Man is never easy. There are no easy outs or truly happy endings, and there will always be obstacles to overcome. I did very much like Peter taking up responsibility and telling Gwen his feeling as well as apologizing for putting her through months of crap. It was more natural acting from Josh Keaton and great human drama from the show. It also makes him and Gwen just as sympathetic after viewing the ending.


Speaking of sympathetic, (and you knew this was coming) we see the annihilation of the Liz/Peter relationship and once again Liz is shown to be another very emotionally provoking character. I truly felt for her once she started screaming at Peter because you knew what was going through her head and I just knew she ran out of the cafeteria to go somewhere and cry. I just knew it. Within the past six months, this girl has lost her brother to Rikers Island and has been dumped by two guys in her class. What makes this even sadder is the fact that Peter called her twelve hours earlier aplogizing for missing her play and you get the sense that she feels vidicated from her suspicions of Gwen earlier in the season. Now we know that Peter did the right thing depsite the fact that he really should’ve done it sooner around New Year’s Eve. We also knew that this relationship was never going to last the season anyway. Despite that, Liz’s hopefullness in maintaining her relationship with Peter and her understanding of his “job” makes it even sadder yet much more realistic. You almost want to be mad at Liz and feel bad for Peter because that would be easy. You want for there to be an excuse where you say “It’s good that he dumped her, she wasn’t good to him” or something along those lines. But again, life is rarely that simple, and this show proves it once again with the breakup of Peter and Liz. Still though, poor Liz…

Often times in these reviews I mention that there is sometimes a case where I am more interested in the Peter Parker aspect of the story than I am with the Spider-Man action side. This is a very notable exception, as the Green Goblin mystery may very well be the most intriguing villain plots ever put in the show. (With Venom coming in a close second) Due to the lack of introductions to various other Goblins, consisting of Bart Hamilton, Phil Urich and, heh heh, Gabriel Stacy, I was stumped in figuring out who the Goblin could be when both Osborns were present off to the side as he attacked Spider-Man. The possibility of Menken being the Goblin was certainly interesting, even after realizing that it would be truly ridiculous upon hearing the Goblin point out to Spider-Man how ridiculous it’d be. The mystery was kept up throughout the intense action which put Peter up against the most harrowing odds since Venom revealed his secret identity. With thousands of pumpkin bombs flying towards him and dozens of Goblin’s henchmen attacking him in the sky, this is one of Peter’s more dangerous nights out with the mask on. While watching Spider-Man try to gain the advantage against these people you get the sense that this is no longer playtime for Peter. He has to man up and gain control if he’s to ever grow into the Amazing Spider-Man that we all want him to be in the future. Seeing him accomplish that by taking down the goons and fighting the Goblin made for a excellent “rite of passage” type of action sequence. You feel that after this night, Spider-Man’s stepped up a level in terms of becoming an all purpose super hero.


And the revelation. The fact that Norman Osborn is, and always has been the Green Goblin. It could not have been done any cooler. It’s really funny because if we go back to the initial airing of “The Uncertainty Principal”, a lot of people called what ended up being revealed to have truly happened that night at the Osborn Penthouse.  Many people figured out that Harry was indeed a “red-hairring” (had to do it) and that with Norman offering to be taken in for Harry’s crimes as the Goblin, he was really the Goblin. And those people ended up being exactly right. But that doesn’t take away from how awesome the revelation came about. Going back to the first season, Harry and Norman were meant to be in Europe after Harry was “unmasked”. However in the very next episode, we see “Norman” on the yatch being revealed to be the Chameleon. Using the Chameleon was ingenious because in the way that they used him, he was seen after the initial Green Goblin arc, and wasn’t seen since his initial outing. It was so clever, and the fact that there were subtle hints dropped that Norman wasn’t really Norman the whole time, including the fact that he never apologizes which goes back to the very first episode of the series is nothing sort of incredible. This is also quite possibly the best incarnation of Norman Osborn and the closest to the comic book version. After Spider-Man unmasks him, he remains sounding cool and confident, but there’s defnitely an air of totaly lunacy in his voice. You now know that this IS Spider-Man’s arch enemy and again it shows how much Peter has to overcome to be a greater force for good. It’s also neat because Norman’s reasoning for becoming the Goblin stems from every main incarnation including the comic books, the 90s series, the Ultimate Spider-Man comics and the 2002 movie. It still feels fresh and the context that he drugged himself in small doses while Spider-Man battled the like of the Rhino, Sandman and Doc Ock works very well. Another brilliant touch was both Peter and Harry witnessing Norman’s unmasking as well as his “death”. Peter obviously didn’t intend to kill him, but Harry still saw it that way. This is again a new take on their relationship upon learning the Goblin legacy, differing from the comics and the movies.

The final scenes end with an utter masterstroke as Harry guilts Gwen into staying with him, leaving Peter with no one but himself to rely on. It was so great how Harry was shown to have a true touch of villainy completely independant from any chemical or depressant. Again, you do understand Harry’s motives. However here it is less sympathetic because the way the scene plays out you feel as though Harry did this as a sting against Peter and Gwen more than keeping Gwen for himself, almost as an act of revenge. It’s a masterstroke because it keeps Harry interesting and tainted, and not just the son of a wacko. It’ll also bring Peter back into a true sense of isolation in his class because now he can’t ever truly rely on Harry because we know Harry has ill intentions for him in the near future, and he lost Liz and Gwen. It’s a very difficult place for Peter to be in and we definitely need to see him survive this momentary pyrrihic victory just for the fact that assuming he can is less interesting than seeing him do it.

nevertheend There are really no words to fully describe how incredibly awesome this episode was. As a finale to an arc, as a season finale, and a possible-but-hopefully-not series finale it delivered above and beyond. Listen to me, THIS IS SPIDER-MAN at its finest, and it’s thanks to Greg Weisman, Victor Cook, Josh Keaton and countless others that have delivered one of the finest imports into the Marvel Comics mythology.

Stay Spectacular.

5+5/5 webs

*Best Line Contender:

Green Goblin: “Aww, what’s wrong Spider-Man? Off your game?”

Spidey: “Naw, game’s good. Just getting aquainted with the rules.”

Green Goblin: “Rule #1: All Spiders go splat!

Spidey: “Rule #2: Ignore rule #1!”

all images taken from marvel.toonzone.net

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  1. Glad i ran across this web site.I added “Spider Man Crawl Space » Spectacular Spider-Man: the animated series #26-”Final Curtain” Review” to my bookmark!

  2. Good review !!

    I bet the scorpion will be created by Harry in the 3rd season (if there will be one)
    since he wants revenge on spidey, mac gargan worked for his dad and he could
    possibly get his suit from that little rhino mercenary chip thingy (in the 1st gang war
    episode) but scaled down into a smaller armour. I also hope for more interesting stories
    like a return of the black suit, a goblin war and of course death of gwen stacy

  3. As of this typing, the site’s going through some changes. If the BG is all white and you can’t read the review, just highlight everything. The text should come up then.

  4. I really must be clarvoiyant. After watching “The Uncertainy Principal,” I rationalized how Norman could have set up Harry to take the fall for him. I never bought for a second that the writers would make Harry REALLY be the face behind the mask of the Green Goblin. And wonder of wonders this episode played out EXACTLY like I predicted! The subplot with Harry, Peter and Gwen was extremely well-written. They really upped the maturity level in this episode. This teen angst was worthy of Bendis. Yeah I got that hint of menace in Harry’s voice at the cemetery, which almost played out like the ending of the first Spider-Man movie. I really hope that a third season happens because I want to see where this leads. Please don’t let this be a ten year gap like Futurama was. SUPPORT THE THIRD SEASON, SPIDEY-FANS!

  5. You are wrong Donovan! Spectacular Spider-man is just better than Justice League or even Batman: the Animated Series and I have good reason for that:

    Spectacular Spider-man is a show that is so very serialized and every episode is related to another and the continuity is so tight. This, to some extent, ties the hands of the writers of the show and at the same time adds to its awsomeness .
    But Batman TAS had almost no continuity. I mean you can watch some episode from season 4 and still understand what is going on. The episodes of Batman, while so well-crafted and entertaining, rarely have any interconnectedness. As a viewer, you only have to watch the origin of a villain, like Two Face’s, and then it would make no difference continuity-wise to watch either his second appearance in the series or his tenth! And the writers could simply go pick one helluva storyline from the Batman comics and adapt it as a two-parter without the burden of having a huge cast or advancing many other plotlines lingering from the previous episodes at the same time. This way, they could just handpick some of the greatest spider-man stories of all time and turn them into self-contained kick-ass episodes (storylines like Kraven’s Last Hunt, the awesome Doc ock story in Spectacular Spider-Man 73-79, The Kid who Collected Spider-Man published in ASM #248, the first Hobgoblin story arc published in ASM 238-251, – Who Killed Jean Dewolfe? In Spectacular Spider-Man 107-110 and many many more). Storywise, it is much much easier to produce a show like Batman TAS than it is to make a spectacular Spider-man (pun intended).

  6. This is nice and all, but because MJ’s not a center focus of the episode I suggest we move all talk of her to the baords to stay on topic. I’m not a mod, but jst sayin’

  7. (cont)

    …Sorry for rambling (and it looks like I’m leaving a typo trail..blasted autism), but I’ve read Spidey for years, even the stuff that slips under the radar, and I’m steamed enough Marvel have creativly sabotauged MJ for years trying to destroy her and never suceeding thanks to creators giving a damn about her, that I fly off the rails when I hear someone has again been drawn in once more by moronic “revisionist” continuity that nobody really sticks to. In Spidey’s case, nobody sticks with it after five minutes.

    Surely after JMS had Uncle Ben killed outside the house, not inside, we have learned to stop taking continuity in Spidey post-Chapter One at face value?

  8. (continued)

    Also, MJ didnt know why Peter occupied his time as Spidey until Peter revealed to her that it was because he let the Burgler escaped, she thought he did it out of fun and to play superhero, not settle down and use his powers responsibly. If she saw Peter climb out of the window as Spidey, and then heard Spidey had defeated The Burgler, she’d put two and two together that he did a responsible thing and stopped a killer, and thus understood everything about his career without having to know the Burgler killed his uncle. Without PL’s ridiculous origin, MJ’s dissaproval of Peter’s superhero side MAKES SENSE.

    Stop relying on Paralel Lives, read DeFalco’s origin story for MJ, that’s all that’s needed, trust the backstory, use your imagination, make up your own mind about when MJ figured out (for me, it was right after the Carrion story in “Spectacular”) but it’s been established she fell for Peter first..and in a better, truer story.

    Let’s take a look at how “MJ fell for Peter first” became commonplace in the mythology through the 90s and beyond:

    -And then there’s the 1990s Spidey cartoon, where MJ didnt know who Peter was, yet fell in love with him anyway.

    -Then you have the UK Spidey comic strips, MJ falls in love with Peter, not Spidey, she actually hates Spidey in this continuity.

    -Stan Lee had Peter reveal his identity to MJ before they got married, because she fell in love with PETER, she didnt “figure it out” here, and when Peter confessed, she married him instantly because he wasnt keeping a secret. MJ was driven from Peter initially because he DID keep it a secret and she had to, in turn, cope with keeping her knowledge a secret from him.

  9. Donavan, Paralel Lives was full of crap. I still don’t know why anyone counts it as canon or as a “definitive origin” for Mary Jane’s relationship with Peter. Surely the entire, natural backstory of the two in ASM is better than some crappy graphic novel force-feeding you b.s about MJ “peering out a window” Sorry, that’s rubbish, and thankfully, geniuses like Bendis and McKeever have tried to detract that origin by having MJ more geekish in thier own interpretations of the character to match her wit and strength.

    Paralel Lives was contradicted by a comic book that came out I think three years after it, a Marvel Valentinues Issue, that was published that stated quite definitivly MJ had ALWAYS loved Peter and had (drum roll) FELL IN LOVE WITH THE NERDISH SIDE OF PETER (in other words, she fell in love with Peter), which includes the line, “SPIDER-MAN WAS JUST AN ADDED BONUS”.

    This version of MJ has been used in Sean McKeever’s “Spidey loves Mary Jane” series as well as impolied in the dream sequences in “Spider-Man: Reign”. MJ fell for the dorkish side of Peter. Had she fallen for the side that was 100% Spider-Man, she would never have kept any distance.

    And if PL wasnt ENOUGH of an inconsistent load of crap, back when DeFalco was mapping out MJ as Peter’s confidant, she had several pages to herself saying that she would have married Peter had she not “figured out” he was Spider-Man, which indicates she didnt know who he was until late in their early relationship, which blossomed after Gwen’s death, and what contributed to her leaving New York as she couldnt deal with freshly knowing who Peter was, and had to recover mentally if she were to remain a loyal friend, and of course, since she had always loved him, she wanted to find ways to eventually marry him, complicated entirely by Felicia Hardy’s prescience at the time in Peter’s life. Had that not resumed, MJ would have married Peter a hellva a lot sooner.

    This is the continuity I prefer to follow, I like natural, organic character development sans retcons (unless they make SENSE). I will never accept anything post-issue as “explaining” anything because to me, it’s a cheat and tries to derail characters in the eyes of readers, tries to artificially create the “Parker Luck” when there is no such thing. Marvel have the “parker luck”, not Spidey.

  10. Totally with you, shadow. This was the Norman/Goblin I always wanted also. He was just perfect.

    I hope J.R. sees this episode some time, because I’d like to know what he thinks.

  11. Best episode of the series, bar none. And this was the Norman/Goblin incarnation I’d always wanted to see on the small screen, and the big screen for that matter. Completely agree with your review Don.

  12. @Donovan Grant–Sort of. In the Parallel Lives graphic novel, when MJ saw Peter for the first time outside her window, she thought “he looked cute…in a nerdy sort of way.” She was also equally intrigued by Spider-Man because she saw him as a kindred spirit. It was after Uncle Ben was killed and MJ saw Peter go into the house and come out as Spider-Man that she wanted to keep her distance out of fear but at the same time became even more fascinated with him.

  13. Wait, I thought that she didn’t want anything to do with Peter because she saw him as a dork, then once she knew he was Spider-Man she tried to prevent from getting close because of it.

  14. …Dammit, posted before I completed a sentence. And you talk about YOUR draft problems ^_^

    “…This series had a decent ending, with some triumph, but a much colder look at what happens when things go awry”. Which are usually the endings Stan only uses when he’s in a bad mood.

    MJ would also be more prone to feeling responsible for Gwen being with Harry and hurting Peter like that. She was the one who didnt want to commit when Peter asked her out again (which likewise led to her mutual freindship with another non-commital flirt like Mark), and Peter didnt have anyone to turn to until Gwen began crushing on him. MJ’s inactivity and push for the two dating before either knew they were ready would play heavily into her deciding to “stop running” and maybe tigthen the hold she already had on Peter when they first met. MJ was also already in love with Peter for years when they were younger (though she didnt approach him) in the comics, and that’ll likely have translated to this version of the character.

  15. No sweat Donovan, you were reviewing the episode based on who was in it and what was happening and that can’t be faulted.

    As for Spider-Man endings being “by the book” depressing, the last two series had very optimistic endings despite tragic backdrops. Peter lost a clone of MJ, but would get the real one back somehow, and the MTV series ends with MJ dissapproving of Spidey’s actions, but remains loyal to Peter. This series had a decent

    It feels “right” from Peter’s perspective, but everyone knows MJ’s side of the story now, even if this was designed for a new audience, it’s not exactly one that “fits” the post-Romita MJ introduction. And BND certaingly doesnt count.

  16. This was indeed a fantastic episode. Weisman pulled off what many would consider next to impossible: took the Green Goblin whom everyone already “knew” was Norman and managed to make even those well versed in Spider-Man fandom doubt it was him right up to the very end. Just a hallmark of how good the writing on this cartoon is.

    And even though this was a finale (hopefully for the season and not for the series) you can see the possibilities that can result from this. With the Green Goblin “dead,” there’s now an even bigger power vacuum in the criminal underworld so the “gang war” from the second season could actually escalate, which could be how Weisman plans to bring in the Hobgoblin. Not to mention that since the belief is that Spidey “killed” the Green Goblin/Norman Osborn, you now have a suspicion of murder on his head, which not only fuels Harry’s animosity but also J. Jonah Jameson’s media campaign against Spider-Man, which could have something to do with how this leads to Mac Gargan becoming the Scorpion. One thing you forgot to mention, Donovan, was the fact that this is also the episode in which the Connors move to Florida, leaving Miles Warren in complete charge of the ESU labs; and considering how unethical Warren is and with Peter and Gwen still interning there, that opens up a lot of dramatic tension. And, as you mentioned, thanks to his breaking up with Liz and Gwen staying with Harry out of guilt, Peter is now more ostracized at school than he was at the beginning of the series. But it also leaves open the possibility of Mary Jane and Peter getting closer as friends and maybe more. As Danish Web points out, MJ would also be pretty upset that Gwen still choose to be with Harry after all the work she did to try and get Peter and her together. Also, like Liz, she too is feeling the sting of Mark being put in prison as the Molten Man. You have the ingredients there for her supporting Peter as a friend, perhaps trying to help him win Gwen back, and ironically falling in love with him herself. It would be really a shame if the series didn’t get picked up for a third season with all the potential that resulted from this episode.

  17. I’m still hopeful of this series being renewed. This is just simply one of the eps of spec spidey that show how plot and actions seamlessly work together that is exciting. I absolutely believe with Greg Weisman, there is a longevity to the show that even I could see even another hundred episodes until peter is married!

  18. I have to admit that I never considered MJ’s reactions to Harry and Gwen still being together. (FYI I had to re-write this whole damn thing from SCRATCH after the wrodpress program deleted 75% of it from the inital draft) It’s definitely an interesting idea to explore, yet at the same timeyou have to take in the time constraints for the many points of exposition and plot development that needed to be in this episode.

    And I agree, sad endings are pretty much par for the course when dealing with Spider-Man. But the thing is…that’s the character.It’s not so much that he’s meant to fail so much that it’s because in his world it’s that much harder to win. It felt right to me.

  19. I loved the episode but I felt the ending was rushed and
    peter’s last speech coulda been longer and better.

  20. I have to admit, I was sympathetic towards both Liz and Harry, Harry in particular, he was in the right, and who knows how he’d have been had Norman “perished” and Gwen had to leave him right after that.

    The intentions were noble, but Peter and Gwen came off as too selfish and indulgent going to each other behind Liz and Harry’s back, despite coming to thier senses just before thier lips come together, it was the first time the characters had begun to cross lines of adolescent frolics and venture into thier first true test of maturity and morality.

    What made me angrier was they felt almost resigned to thier fate…like they KNEW it would predictably lead to problems, yet chose to pull the trigger in the worst possible ways.

    Liz had prepared for Peter leaving her in her mind, but the ultimate nightmare…to be dumped amid a room full of her peers who can read lips and hear whispers did her in and it’s hard to recover from that kind of humiliation. Her panicked attempt at making it look like she left Peter came too late and she knew it.

    In Gwen’s case, she “trimphed”. Though the cost of her maturity was Peter, and she may be unable to help him as Harry plots worse ways at getting back at him, I don’t think she, being a true friend, would tolerate that for more than two minutes. If there’s a third season, it ought to only handle it over a three episode period, because there’s no way that can go on for a season

    This finale isnt as depressing as it makes out though. MJ still loves Peter, even in the capacity thus far of a friend and occasional confidant, and I find it funny it wasnt brought up in the review…does it take away from the dramatic weight and questions poised by the review or something?

    At least MJ got at least one crowning moment of glory as she selflessly celebrated her next door neighbour pairing up with her gal pal after months of makeovers and confidence boosting. MJ will have been equally devastaed by Gwen being forced into Harry’s arms, maybe even angry all that work with her amounted to nothing. The lack of focus on MJ hurts the optimisum that Spider-Man pulls off like no other when Peter has a good day. It’s not like the audience are stupid, they know who MJ is, they know what she represents, have her lean on Peter’s shoulder or assure him he has a friend when he needs it…we all know what comes next isnt rocket science.

    Maybe I’m just fed up with the angst cliches of a season finale, but season one ended on such a refreshingly positive and happy note. Angsty endings in Spider-Man have always been overrated. They do optimistlcly tragic endings far better in my opinion.

    And by that, I’m referring to how the MTV Spider-Man series ended. Peter lost his girlfriend Indy, but MJ ends the series kissing him on the cheek, sort of dissapointed in Spidey’s actions, but always ready to be the shoulder Peter will lean on. He could ditch the coustume and still have the girl. Great ending…and a TRUE ending.

    There’s nothing here that said Peter couldnt have a true ending. All that was missing was MJ and a peck on the cheek

    Other than that, the episode was a masterpeice, no question, and sets the bar for the third season as the series continues to grow the characters beyond high-school frolics.

    Any chance you could review the Spidey/Gargoyles team-up audio drama?

  21. This episode was just perfect. Probably my favorite episode in the entire series. But, I am a huge fan of the Green Goblin and Norman Osborn.

    Fingers AND toes crossed for a third season.

    Oh, is the Spectacular podcast continuing? Because I can’t wait for this episode.

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