Brad Douglas Banned

It’s with a heavy heart that I’m here to inform you that Brad Douglas has been banned from the Spider-Man Crawl Space. As we all know, Brad was the founder of, founder of the podcast, and has been the webmaster of the site for many years. There’s no denying we all loved Brad, and he’s been an important part of this community.

But as of late, with me not being around the site as much, Brad has begun to question my authority fairly regularly, and even told me I was wrong on one occasion. I think all of you can understand that I just can’t have that happening while I’m trying to run the message board and this site as a whole. This morning I was forced to ban Brad from the message board and the front page.

So as of today I am taking over running I alone will administrate the front page, and I will be the webmaster of the message board. I am considering getting rid of the other admins on the board as well so there is a clearer authoritative voice coming from me alone. I will keep you updated on that. And I will also be hosting the podcast now. To replace Brad, Michael Bailey will be appearing on the podcast twice per month. We already have Michael Bailey from Views from the Longbox, so we are going to add Michael Bailey from From Crisis to Crisis to our cast. We’ve loved having Michael Bailey on the show, and we are very excited to be bringing Michael Bailey on board, as well.

I know this news is sad, but I hope you all understand the position I was in and why I did what I had to do here. The Crawl Space won’t be the same without BD, but ultimately, with me in charge, I think it can be better.


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  1. Banned? I believe this as much as the recent death of Johnny Storm. Not going to last…

  2. Great April Fools joke, but I’m a bit surprised that Kevin didn’t change the name also, making it………MORBIUS FLYINGSPACE or something similar.

  3. How can you ban someone from their own site? That is like banning Stan Lee from Marvel.

  4. guys… today i found out that im biologically a woman which is y my penis has receded into my body and ive grown breasts…. this is no april fool’s joke i am being entirely serious… APRILS FOOL’s im rich beeyatch

  5. All hail Emperor Cushing!!!! Green Lantern rings for all. Poor Brad must be crying into his Mountain Dew.

  6. @#30

    Quick!!! Check if Kevin’s sporting cornrows and a hot secretary with black/red hair!!!


    Oh ho ho hoooo… I SEE what you did there…

  7. Saw the headline.
    Remembered what today was.
    Hoped against all hope…. 😉

  8. “So if this leads to Crawl Space Civil War, who’s selling their marriage to Mephisto?”

    I’ll pay him to take mine…

  9. If BD does create a Muppet Site, is Fozzy going to say “Wacka wacka, I’m doing your mom.”?

  10. So if this leads to Crawl Space Civil War, who’s selling their marriage to Mephisto?

  11. I knew it was only a matter of time before Kevin banned Brad. The writing was on the wall. 🙂

  12. He was becoming increasingly unstable anyway…now he can promote milk baths all he wants…

  13. Ha ha ha. Yeah right. Try harder next time, man. You get points for the Romita homage, though lol.

  14. @Stephen Wacker If you indeed Mr. Wacker, and not yet another poser asking to be banned, I think you say “ass” too much 😛

  15. Nu-Crawl Space Offices:

    Zach: So what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?

    Dammit Cushing!

  16. Oh god, I had to enter the message boards and not see anyone banned to remember April’s fool, I hate that tradition

    Read none of the comments above

  17. But there are times when you can’t be available, you sure you’re up to this? Especially with removing other admins and you being the sole authority? How are you to manage at times you are forced to be absent in?
    The idea of a person losing owned website to another person is a strange idea

  18. Good for you, Mr. Cushing. I think it’s about time. Mr. Douglas is a troublemaker and a mixer. He’s obsessed with his daughter. (Who does that?!) He laughs an awful lot, too. And his grades are always so *high!*

    If I may, I think this is a perfect opportunity to effect some real changes around here. To whit:
    1. “Spider-Man Crawlspace” is so played out. Morbius’s Coffin? Morbius’s Laboratory? Planet Oa?
    2. Ban all BD loyalists…otherwise there may be a revolt.
    3. Loyalty test: if you can’t recite the Green Lantern oath, you’re out.
    4. Make Steve Wacker a moderator.
    5. Put an end to casual Fridays. I’m tired of seeing George Berryman in his boxers.

    Congratulations on your promotion, Mr. Cushing. (And, if I may, you are looking really good today.)

  19. Although I have served him faithfully…

    *brandishes sword…*

    … I cannot just stand idly by and allow him to desecrate the honor of the fallen Brad Dougls… forgive me, sire. But I must defeat you.

    *Strikes tortured pose for dramatic effect…*

  20. We don’t have to stand for this! Not at all! The people shall rise in revolution against its tyrannical master! DOWN WITH CUSHING!


    **raises flaming torch**

  21. … and my god!! The power has finally gone to Kevin’s head! He’s become a tyrant!!!!

  22. Does this mean there will be a Crawl Space Civil War, then everything will be rebooted?

  23. I will not be banned, I”ll just create a new account and no one will ever know the difference. Damn this site is so negative with the coup. I’ll get you Cushing!!!!!!!

  24. Instead of having twice the Bailey, let’s have Berryman be the new BD. He does have half the initials.

  25. I was waiting to see a “CBR buys Spider-Man Crawlspace” article or something on here…lol

  26. April Fools, lol. I knew going in it wasn’t true when I saw “I couldn’t have Brad question my authority!” Also count the fact that Kevin is very busy at acting school, where would he find the time to stage a hostile takeover with an army of Michael Baileys

  27. Crawlspace podcast, now with TWICE the Michael Bailey? I’m in! If only you could go for the hat trick and get podcast guest Michael Bailey to come in every once and a while!

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