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  1. Now I liked Shattered Dimensions alot. Buuuuuutttttt….. this looks more “meh” the more I see it. And the messed up web pattern on Spidey’s costume isn’t helping matters. Granted, you can unlock other costumes, but the cut scenes will still have that messed up crap in them.

    All-in-all, it doesn’t look like a bad game… but it’s not making me wanna run out and buy it day-one like SD did.


  2. @ Gerard.

    If your going to quote me just say my name. I promise my feelings won’t get hurt. 🙂

    BUT to answer your response:

    They keep saying that it’s NOT a direct sequel to Shattered Dimensions. =/

    Edge of Time looks like Downloadable Content for Shattered Dimensions. 😛
    AmFan beat me to it. They are going to want $60 dollars for it. There has to be something that’s obviously bigger and better instead of just more of the same.

    I agree if something works it should stick but your missing the point of my disappointment.
    They should also try to expand to grab the attention of gamers who missed out on the first game or ones who weren’t completely satisfied.
    Uncharted 2 is a great example. They didn’t touch the core mechanics but they GREATLY improved on what was already laid out in the first game.

    Just because Beenox made one decent Spider-man game doesn’t give them the right to start going Madden on us. LOL

    Honestly I feel kind of sad for Beenox. Activision is forcing this game out way too fast and I would be more interested in a game with more dev. time.

  3. I will play this soley to see how Peter David’s story plays out. Lookin’ forward to Edge of Time.

  4. @#6-
    Because if they’re planning on charging another $60 for it, they damn sure better do SOMETHING new!

    Arkham City is a direct sequel to Arkham Asylum, but now you can glide/fly through the city, switch from zip-line to zip-line mid-ride, take on multiple enemies at a time, and even play as different characters at certain points in the game. It’s taken everything from the original, and amped it up to an 11.

    Edge of Time seems to have improved the story, and the picture-in-picture seems pretty cool…but otherwise?
    Oh, yeah…Spidey can run around like a spaz while his enemies are in slow-mo. Woo-hoo.
    At least they seem to have done away with the first-person punch-out scenes…that’s another plus.

  5. @ #4

    Since Peter is working in the present Alchemax, looks like he may show up out of costume.

    And yeah, they confirmed the unlockable system for combat upgrades and costumes from SD is returning.

  6. I don’t understand the mentality of some people, I swear. “It looks exactly the same!” Well, yeah, IT’S A DIRECT SEQUEL. Of course it’s very similar. Why would they change something that people liked the first time around? That’s just bad business.

  7. On one hand, the game looks MUCH better than Shattered Dimensions. The part with Spidey trying to prevent the reactors from exploding was INTENSE!
    A lot of that has to do with Peter David. He’s an incredible writer, and seems to be handling this much better than Dan Slott’s approach of “Here’s stuff…Bad guys have it…get it back”
    The graphics seem much better, also. Maybe Beenox is onto something this time…

    The combat looks like the same old thing, with a few new moves thrown in. Ho-hum.
    Although the Spidey part had me watching with interest, the 2099 part completely lost it. Granted, they only showed him fighting…so I’m sure that’ll change soon. But right now, I’ve seen it before.
    WTF is up with the webbing on Spidey’s costume? It’s like a 4-year-old tried to draw it! It’s horrible! Shattered Dimensions had a MUCH better Spidey design!

    In the long run, I’m going to wait on this until the price drops. I bought SD on day one, and was bitterly disappointed. It was alright, but for $60, I expected SO much more. This one does look better, but I’ve been burned once already. “Fool me once, shame on you. Foll me twice? Shame on me.”

  8. They really messed up Spidey’s costume, the messy webbing looks terrible. I Hate it.

    Hopefully we can unlock and select the classic costume without too much effort.

    Also Spider-man games that don’t have Peter Parker in them need to go away! Looks OK though, wasn’t in love with the last game, too much alternative Spidey’s I don’t care about.

  9. I skipped Shattered Dimensions since it had Kraven and no Venom. I’m thinking I will definitely be picking this one up. 2099 Spidey looks pretty sweet, and Anti-Venom looks very cool in this game.

  10. Looks like the same exact game. 🙁
    The story seems to be improved so I may actually get this when it hit’s the bargain bin.
    Too many good games coming out! =)

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