Civil War Novelization Reflects One More Day Retcon

Marvel’s 2006 company-wide crossover “Civil War” had a massive impact on Spider-Man, the repercussions of which were felt for almost an entire year. Marvel’s new prose novelization of “Civil War,” out June 6 and written by Stuart Moore, will apparently give Spider-Man a new role in the story.

Marvel has put out a news story with excerpts from the first few chapters at the following address:

What’s relevant for our purposes is this statement from Marvel:

Fans returning to the Civil War saga will find that all-new material has been added to the experience, including a new take on Spider-Man’s role, with the story set in the post-“One More Day” reality and showing these events as they unfolded without Peter Parker and Mary Jane being married for the first time.

Interesting. So this will be how Civil War happened in the new timeline where the Spider-Marriage never occurred. How will writer Stuart Moore capitalize on the newfound story potential available now that Spider-Man is free from his matrimonial shackles? Let’s look to the preview chapters to see, shall we?

Tigra reached out her arms and half-hugged, half-hoisted Spider- Man up out of the building. Her furry body was warm and muscular; her bikini costume barely covered her at all. She held Spidey close, just a little too long.

“Welcome to the Avengers.” Tigra smiled, ran flirty eyes down Spider- Man’s thin frame. “‘Bout time we got some hot guys in this group.”

Sue grimaced, turned toward the FF’s plane. “I’ll follow him, make
sure he’s okay. You can catch a ride home?”

“Sure,” Reed replied. Their eyes met for a moment in profound,
silent understanding.

Spider-Man found himself wondering: Could I ever be that close to a woman?

Another change in the novel is that the cleanup of Stamford, Connecticut is said to be Spider-Man’s first mission as a New Avenger.

Stuart Moore previously wrote 2009’s “Spider-Man: Fear Itself,” not to be confused with 2011’s “Fear Itself: Spider-Man.”

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  1. It’s a novel just based loosely off the comics… no more, no less… some people like to read Marvel novels… I have a few in my bookshelf, though I’ve never read them… just a few Spidey shorts here and there… but in this new Marvel era, Peter & MJ never wed, so it only makes sense that this would be reflected in the novel… written shitty or not…

  2. @22 I don’t particularly think it’ll boost the sales of anything. It’s a random tie-in novel, they’ve done this sort of thing before and the effect has been negligible. But my point is, I can see why they’ve made these changes to keep it simple to people who don’t follow the comics.

    @25 ASM is still one of the biggest selling Marvel titles that isn’t an Avengers book or major crossover tie-in. Is it possible for it to sell a bit more? Probably. But compared to the rest of the line currently, it really doesn’t “suck”. It’s average at worst.

  3. I wouldn’t consider this book a part of the continuity. Besides, why would Tigra get horny all of a sudden for Spider-Man? Any chance of them getting together ended a long time ago when he asked her out and she rejected him. 🙁

    And since Tigra’s now a mom while trying to re spark her relationship with Hank Pym. I think that Tigra would be better off in a relationship with The Beast(Hank McCoy)

  4. @#16

    It ALL comes down to the money. But if changing this s*** was such a great idea, why are so many people upset about OMD? We’ll see how much of a sales boost they get from this. BTW, you’re probably the only one that actually thinks that will work.

    Your new nickname shall be “ze Spin Dokturr…”

  5. Ugghhh. I was really looking forward to this, too. I loved the whole Civil War era. I just re-read the whole thing. With JMS, Millar, etc. this, for me, was one of the highest points in Marvel history. Compare the ASMs of that period to what we have post OMD and I can see why people are so disappointed. The really craptastic thing about this is that the most compelling thing about the whole Civil War story is what was happening with Peter, his moral struggle and how that affected his personal life with MJ and Aunt May. To take MJ out of this, just takes the heart out of the story. Now we’re stuck with Spidey fighting off a horny Tigra? That’s just great Marvel. One stupid decision has pretty much led to the complete dumbing down and crapification of half your books. There was a time when Peter was the moral compass of the Marvel Universe. Now he’s the bumbling jack-ass of the Marvel Universe.

  6. @19 I don’t think this is in continuity. This is a re-telling aimed at new readers, so they’re trying to avoid needing a prior knowledge of stuff like New Avengers.

  7. They say that the clean up of stamford was Spidey “first mission as an avenger”. But wasn’t he a founding members of the NEW avengers a long time before that? How does the retcon changes that?

  8. Was this original Fear Itself a graphic novel where Spidey fought some ninja dressed in white? I vaguely remember the cover.

  9. …was this an official preview? Like, what marvel uses to promote this book? Because if it is, it either bodes very, very badly for both the book and the writer…or they need a new marketing team.

  10. @13 I imagine they want the new readers for the increased sales figures, extra profit and potentially larger readership in a shrinking market. Those things probably trump setting up grand conspiracies about the Spider-Marriage.

  11. This makes fan-fiction look like Hemingway.
    What garbage. Waste of trees. Done.

  12. The one thing I hate the most about this is that Marvel will ultimately get away with it. This is why they want the new readers. Because they’ll come in AFTER they’ve f****** up things and lie about it. They’ll change this and tweak that, then act like nothing happened. Meanwhile no one will be able to call them on their bull****, because they deleted the proof.

  13. I imagine their thinking is that spotlighting Civil War again might pick up some interest off the back of the Avengers movie, which did play up the Cap/Iron Man tension a bit. (Presumably so that they can do Civil War in Avengers 3 or 4.) Why bother commissioning a whole novel instead of just pushing the original comics, I don’t know. Maybe they think parents might pick it up for their kids who liked the movie. I doubt they’re exactly aiming for the bestseller list.

    And in terms of the marriage, Spider-Man is now unmarried in most of his major forms. If they’re aiming for the general public who are there after seeing Avengers, probably simpler to keep him single. No idea how much of the “Peter gets adopted by Tony Stark” aspects of the plot they’ve kept for the novel, but you can do them without him being married, I’m sure.

  14. I expected much better from Marvel than poorly written…I’ll just say it: fanwank. If that whole humiliatingly obvious Tigra passage were’t blatant enough, just…..*shudder*

    Why revisit one of the single worst crossover events in recent Marvel history anyway, other than to put sme sort of stamp of legitemacy on the BND timeline? I was actually embarassed for Marvel.

  15. That Tigra passage…reading it again it is so Godawfully bad. Please explain to me how someone who is as fit as Tigra is fetishtically described would find afore-described skinny guy in a creepy mask “hot”? Jesus Christ…

  16. It was everyone, because it DOES read like bad fan fiction. We brought this to up on a Skype chat, I think.

  17. Today’s CS postings have been buzzkill after buzzkill…first fake IP, then f u to the Spider-marriage, now this…jeez 🙂

    I’m not sure why anyone would read this anyway, but i do appreciate the fact that Marvel makes comics into novels and novels into comics, exhibiting fantastic creativity…

    I’m assuming Spidey will still unmask publicly in this, and that Aunt May will be shot as a result…ah well, who cares.

  18. This only confirms that a key reason for making Spider-Man single again was so that these puerile efforts to live vicariously through him could resume. I mean, those sentences with Tigra read like they were written by a horny teenage boy.

  19. FFS..the story ends with Marvel staff flipping the bird at Spidey fans in group shot:)

  20. Setting aside the unmasking and joining up for the sake of MJ & May; FUQ DIS $H!T.

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