ASM 700 2nd print

imageMarvel Unveils The All-New, Hotly-Anticipated Second Printing Cover to AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700!
It’s the story that rocked headlines around the world – Peter Parker is no more. Long live the all-new Spider-Man! Due to overwhelming demand, Marvel is proud to present your first look at the ALL-NEW, jaw  and reserve the Amazing Spider-Man #700 Second Printing Variant.

But don’t take our word for it – see what everyone has to say about Peter Parker’s final fight against Doctor Octopus!

“Slott will be remembered as one of the best Spider-Man writers of all time.” – Aint It Cool News

“[A]n emotional, impactful and memorable Spider-Man story.” –

“Dan Slott has done everything in his power to remind us all why Peter Parker is the greatest super-hero in the Marvel Universe.” –

“The conflict is certainly worthy of a milestone issue.” –

Then, on January 9th, Marvel launches Superior Spider-Man #1, an all-new ongoing series from Slott and superstar artist Ryan Stegman (Fantastic Four, Scarlet Spider)! Shipping twice-monthly, Superior Spider-Man launches a new chapter in the Marvel mythos, as Doctor Octopus strikes out on his own to be the greatest Spider-Man this world has ever known. But can he keep up the ruse? Will Spidey’s closest allies discover the fate of Peter Parker? And can this Spider-Man truly be a hero?

Don’t miss out on the story that’s taken the world by storm—Amazing Spider-Man #700 Second Printing Variant on-sale later this month at your local comic shop!

FOC – 1/7/13, ON SALE 1/30/13

Written by DAN SLOTT
Art & Cover by RYAN STEGMAN
ON SALE – 1/9/13

To find a comic shop near you, visit www.comicshoplocator.comor call 1-888-comicbook

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  1. #23

    Based on your feelings about the book, you’re taking the correct course of action. Just drop the title and move on. There are lots of other stories deserving of your attention (and writers/artists who would be grateful for your business).

    On a different note, for those people who are completely gung-ho over the idea of killing off Peter Parker, I would love to see what would happen if someone really followed through with it. And by that, I mean no Spider-Man, period. No replacements, no other guys “taking over the mantle.” None of the stuff that Dan Slott and Brian Michael Bendis are writing — with 13 year-old kids dropping in out of nowhere and conveniently happening to get their powers in exactly the same way, or villains taking over Parker’s body in mind swaps. Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and if you want to see his story end, that’s fine. But you don’t get to keep reading about someone else in the costume. If he’s dead, Spider-Man is dead. You get nothing and can move on to reading about Thor or Iron Man until they get knocked off.

    Then I’d be willing to listen about a change being “ballsy” (as people have called ASM 700).

  2. @fantasyfreak The reason why I find it especially funny is that I agree with most people that this is essentially a middle finger to hard core fans. Some will get offended by the cover, I just think it’s hilarious that the own writer would poor salt in the wounds of his fans/readers. My natural reaction to this whole thing is to simply drop the book, freaking out will do no good. I enjoy Spider-Man as much as anyone (or at least almost anyone), but I think it’s time I take a break to explore other books.

    We read Spider-Man because of Peter Parker, without him it’s just another book. I can tell you that there are far better ones out there.

  3. Oh and btw, I´m not generally opposed to hyperbole in promoting comics since it can be entertaining sometimes, but that is just ridiculous. They´re acting as if the issue is the best thing since sliced bread. I hate to be negative(no seriously, I do) but it just seems like they are kind of reaching it a bit.

  4. @Stryker: I do not wish to be confrontative, but I´m guessing people dislike that title(as do I) for the reason it´s a pretty tasteless joke and pretty morbid too. Personally I don´t think the cover is awful, I do like the idea of the homage, but it could have been done better. But I´ve also seen worse, so I´m not gonna complain too much.

  5. I hate the story, but I kinda like this cover. Homages can be hit or miss, but this one is pretty funny. Everyone seems to be hating the “World’s Deadest Super Hero” title, but it gave me a chuckle.

    That said, I won’t be picking up SSM unless I hear some glowing reviews (from the Crawlspace of course).

  6. I really can’t see anyone who is a fan of Peter Parker as Spider-Man wanting to read a comic where Otto Octavius is now masquerading as Peter Parker. Seriously, who had this idea submitted to them and thought “Brilliant! Fans will love this and want to read it!”

    The *only* reason I could see me reading SSM would be to see what the supporting cast is up to. But having to read pages of Otto pretending to be Peter – that’s just too much to bear.

    I’ve bought Amazing since #224 (and all other Spidey monthlys) but next month will be the first month where I won’t be buying the regular Spider-Man titles. And if he appears in any other of my Marvel titles, I’ll just tell myself it’s some other superhero.

  7. The arms are coming out of his ass, they all vary in size, Ock looks like a monkey. I hate to be so harsh but this is a terrible piece of art.

  8. Wow so marvel has the gull to put the “worlds deadest super hero”? Thank you for twisting the knife in the readers backs as if the reality of the situation wasn’t terrible enough

  9. Hey BD,
    This isn’t about the issue at all but did you know that at Daily Ink they didn’t publish a Sunday strip at all for our main man Spidey on December 30th 2012 did you catch it at all in you Daily strip postings just asking, is all? And NO I haven’t put anymore posting on my blog of the strip so please don’t worry about it. since you took it down this past February!

  10. Dan Slott has also predictably broken his “I will be hiding out until Superior Spider-Man hits the stands” claim over at Comic Book Resources, hitting back at people who criticize Doc Ock as Spider-Man.

    Wacker isn’t as surprising. But why does a senior editor waste his time at Bleeding Cool trying to flame people or getting attacked in return? And maybe I’ve been out of the loop for too long, but when exactly did the readers become the enemy over at Marvel (where the greatest joy is causing them to become upset)?

  11. Once he comes back, this will be seen as a somewhat decent story arc. The longer it lasts, the fouler the taste in my mouth. And no more “touching scenes with Mary Jane.” This ain’t the Spider-Man we wanted here to be paired with, so don’t have her confessing her love to him now! You leave those out… like you had a tendency to do with Peter… then you won’t have to deal with the “implied rape” argument.

    The more I see of this stuff, the more it feels like they’re intentionally using the story to troll people. And as usual, Wacker’s embarked on another one-man tirade against anyone not behind this book at Bleeding Cool.

  12. I think that’s a terrible rendition on the cover. I had to stare at it for ten seconds trying to figure out why Ock’s right thumb was so large and distorted until I realized it’s actually his left foot. I’m not a fan of Ramos’ art.

  13. I like that lil bone thrown: “But can he keep up the ruse? Will Spidey’s closest allies discover the fate of Peter Parker?”

    Doesn’t sound very final to me. Btw, am reading correctly that in Superior #3 that CARLIE of all people will figure out that Ock is Spidey? Seriously?!

  14. Notice that the reviews quoted are from sites that can be brought and paid for with swag and attention. This site will never be quoted, its too honest and its opinions can’t be brought.

  15. All kidding aside, even if this storyline only lasts a year (which is debatable considering just who is running Marvel), in my opinion, it’s a year too long. What a dopey concept.

  16. Well this proves nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the buying public.

  17. They forgot to include:

    “So irrevocable that any sort of recrudescence breaks the verisimilitude of the story.” — Spider-Man Crawlspace

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