Spider-Girls # 82


This is Shaline Woodley probablly shot back when she was cast as Mary Jane Watson in Amazing Spider-Man 2. Her hair looks photoshopped, but it’s a cool pic non-the-less.


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  1. I don’t think Mary Jane has to be exactly the same as Stan Lee wrote her, but it would be nice if she resembled the character at least a little. Mary Jane has been written as a dropped gorgeous red head who has a ton of confidence and nerve in every issue she has appeared.
    As far as casting goes, look at the difference in the two Hulk movies. The first one was terrible, the second was great.

    I just thought it would be fun to hear from fellow web heads who they believe should play her in the next movie.
    Emma Stone is great because she is attractive AND can act! Margot Robbie would be a great choice.

  2. I don’t know why people always think that a version of a character in a film adaptation has to be exactly like the original comic version. Even if you really think this is how the movie should be, aren’t we past the argument about it, given that the current film universe as pretty well established which aspects of the comic it intends to keep as-is and which it wants to reinterpret?

    The original Lee-Ditko and Lee-Romita Spidey comics are never going to be perfectly recreated in a film series. No one will ever be able to rope in a cast for enough movies to make that, and anyway the actors would all be in their 50s by the time the Green Goblin made his first appearance.

    I don’t want to see someone try to perfectly recreate Lee-Ditko anyway. The only people who could ever have made Lee-Ditko are Lee and Ditko. There’s a host of creative people putting their own spin on the story with these movies, so if their version of MJ is different, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s worse — it might work better for the continuity they’ve created.

    This is all my long way of saying I think she looks great in these shots and probably would have done a fine job as MJ. I do, however, agree with the above notion that Emma Stone would have been even better as MJ than Gwen… but then again, if they’d waited till MJ arrived, who says they could have gotten her at all? I like the way the series is shaping up aside from a few minor complaints, and I think the casting has been really good so far, so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt on their next MJ choice until I see a reason not to.

  3. Unfortunately BD got it in one. The best age appropriate actress would have been Emma Stone. Her movie “Easy A” could have been an MJ origin story.

    To do MJ as you describe they would need an actress more attractive and funny than Emma Stone, and if she exists she is not currently in the spot light.

    The safest bet is to move onto Black Cat, and let the next reboot worry about MJ.

  4. To me there is only one M.J. She is a groovy super model with moxy to spare! I can’t think of an actress who might her play right now, but I bet a young Ann Margaret would have been awesome! Is there an actress today who might fit the bill?

  5. That depends what they were going for. I could see her as the more reserved Ultimate MJ.

    We will never know though if she could pull of the moxy of the traditional MJ, that is what could have convinced people.

  6. I am sorry, but I just do not think this young woman should be cast as Mary Jane. She just doesn’t have the looks or curves.

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