Review: Spider-Man 2099 #3

2099-1“YOU! What the Hell are you doing here?”

WRITER Peter David
ART Will Sliney
COLOR Antonio Fabela
LETTERER VC’s Joe Caramagna
EDITOR Ellie Pyle

Liz pulls rank on Miggy at Alchemax, Tiberius gets his grandson into hot water during an arms sale and an old Spider-Man villain standard shows up overseas with a new look!

SUMMARY: Despite having a surprise kiss at Miguel’s apartment last issue, his boss Liz is very cool to him at Alchemax. She makes it clear, in no uncertain terms, that while she does not plan to blackmail him or interfere with his plans on his trip through time, she does expect him to shut up and follow instructions. Her first instruction? Travel with his grandafather Tiberius Stone to Trans-Sabal to deliver a shipment of Spider-Slayers. The current reigning warlord in Trans-Sabal wants the Slayers to help put down a rebellion.

2099-2So we’re off on the road to Trans-Sabal! Well on a company jet, anyway. And almost as soon as they touch ground and meet the client they’re ambushed by rebels. Miggy gets grazed in the head by a bullet and the rebels manage to make off with Tiberius. The rebels take Tiberius to their based, hidden in the slums of Jaffan, and try to get him to agree to stop the arms deal. After taking out the rebels left at the airport, Miggy sets off to find his horrible grandfather.

Unfortunately for Miggy, someone else is closing in on the rebel hideout. Scorpion appears on the scene right as Spider-Man 2099 arrives to rescue Tiberius. The two briefly scuffle, with Scorpion stupified to find ‘Spider-Man’ there in Trans-Sabal, but before Miggy can deliver a proper beatdown, a small army of Spider Slayers arrive at the scene to back Scorpion up.

ANALYSIS: Lots of nice action this month, with Miguel in his civvies as well as his hero togs. Will Sliney’s art is really, really wonderful and his fight scenes really come alive with the way he draws Spidey 2099 leaping around. I wasn’t familiar with Sliney’s work before 2099 but I am truly enjoying it. I am anxiously waiting to see what this brings next issue action-wise.

Peter David taking us back to Trans-Sabal brought back some nice memories. David created the fictional country back in 1992 during his awesome run on Incredible Hulk (#390) in a three-part story that featured Jade Jaws & X-Force. That was a real favorite of mine ‘back in the day’ so I was glad to see the fictional nation return.

Liz continues to entertain. David has upped the unpredictability factor way up with Liz now and it’s anyone guess how she’ll be from one moment to the next. Especially after the quick kiss from last issue!


With Superior Foes being eclipsed, Spider-Man 2099 takes its own place as the best Spidey-related ongoing title. This book has become my retreat from how disjointed Amazing Spider-Man is right now.

–George Berryman!

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  1. I’m really digging Scorpion’s new suit. It’s sleeker and smaller than his pre-Superior suit, but carries the parts of that suit that I really liked like the claws. I wonder if Alchemax might have also done alterations to Boomerang?

  2. I know David said the Scorpion’s new look and more lost of his humanity will be explained next issue.

  3. A protagonist that isn’t treated like an ineffectual putz, an ex-Peter love interest that’s actually intelligent, and jokes that are actually funny. So far this series is everything ASM isn’t.

  4. I guess that Alchemax fixed Mac up because last time we saw him he didn’t even have a jaw.

  5. Not really. But she straightens his tie & touches his cheek this issue while basically telling him “You’ll do everything we tell you.” She’s got kind of a Sarah Newlin vibe from True Blood right now. It’s kooky.

  6. I wondered about that at first but then I wasn’t sure. Seems like David might be trying to get away from the Norman/Not-Norman/Goblin King stuff. Seems just doing his own thing.

  7. Maybe Liz is playing a double-game. She’s being forced to do certain things by Osborn, but the kiss implies something else.

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