All-New, All-Different Avengers #8 Ryan’s Review

FullSizeRender 4The All-New, All-Different Avengers find themselves in Pleasant Hill with their bodies altered and with a whole set of Super Villains ready to take them apart. But don’t worry, Miles and Deadpool have a plan

WRITER: Mark Waid

ARTIST: Adam Kubert

COLOR ARTIST: Sonia Oback with Dono Sanchez Almara

LETTERER: VC’s Cory Petit



EDITOR: Axel Alonso

STORY: I basically gave the story away from the brief overview, that’s the story folks. The All-New, All-Different Avengers are dropped right in the middle of the aftermath of Uncanny Avengers #8, where Rogue used her powers to wake up her teammates. In doing so, she spread out to the other teams like the ANAD team just in time for an onslaught of super villains to attack them. Miles Morales is the only key to getting them out of trouble since his spider sense was not altered by Kobik (The living Cosmic Cube). Poor Miles is basically used as a compass while the various Avengers try get through to Kobik to help them and it’s Deadpool who ends up saving the day. After all, he’s the “new” Wolverine at Marvel these days, but it’s very effective in how Deadpool turns all of this around, much to Miles’s disagreement.

Please stop fighting!
Stop fighting!
Let's end this crossover!
Let’s end this crossover!

THOUGHTS: Here is the problem with this issue, it’s neither good nor bad and it isn’t due to either Mark Waid or Adam Kubert. The book just starts in the middle of the story line with everything happening over in the main Pleasant Hill crossover books and Uncanny Avengers. I had to flip through the Uncanny book to make sure it was covered and sure enough it was. Mark Waid still carries both Miles, Kamala and Deadpool perfectly in the issue. In fact, the interaction between the three and how Deadpool saves the day was very smart writing. Miles knows how much Deadpool is crazy (look over at Spider-Man/Deadpool series). Yet, Deadpool basically tells them to trust him and it works out. However, that’s all the meat that’s in this issue. It is basically full of super villains on every other panel that Kubert does handle well. However, this is a tie in that while important to the main Pleasant Hill story, it gets lost in the process. It’s an issue that sadly won’t have any effects at this point on the main book and we all know the All-New Wasp who debuts in Free Comic Book Day in a couple weeks is the next story arc that is going to tie in with Uncanny and Nova’s upcoming story. This issue just there to show you how Kobik sides with the good guys and that Miles is realizing that Deadpool isn’t as crazy as he thought he was. Its a nice issue, but it’s very forgettable outside of nice art work and Miles being front and center.  So… it works, just not very well.

 Book Grade: C

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