COMING SOON… The All New-All Different Spider-Man CrawlSpace!

construction1Hey everyone,
Zach here on behalf of Brad and the Admins. You might have noticed the site looking, well, strange. Brad made a post on Facebook about it, just in case you were wondering.

So what’s going on? Really simple. We’re undergoing what I guess you would call ‘The conversion’. For the most part, the site has remained the same since the WordPress Conversion back in 2008, with Brad adding a few things here and there. The problem with that is that over time the world has gone increasingly more mobile, with tablets and phone becoming more and more the market share in terms of computing with the personal PC becoming less and less used in terms of surfing. To combat this, we are working on using a new theme to better enable us to bring you the content that fits your screen.

As me, Brad and the team work on this, you might see the page as it has existed currently, or the new theme. This is to ensure that the new theme is working and we’ll be going back and forth as we try to work out as many kinks before launch. Again, those that happen to catch the new look will get a free preview, however, we will revert back to the original front page until we launch. We will keep you updated on the progress as we go.

So please be patient as we undergo this new theme transition. We will continue to bring you the best content on the Spider’s Web, so continue to check for updates.

Thank you all!

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  1. I really enjoy the new design and appreciate everyone’s hard work, though I know it will take some time to get used to. I only wish there were a way the comments were numbered so that it’s easier to keep track of the discussions posted here. I access this site on a PC and not a portable device, so I doubt I’m experiencing the full scope of this layouts advantages, though.

  2. The background spider will be less prominent. It will be more subtle like the message board has it.

  3. Will you be removing the repeating spider background image? That’s always driven me crazy with the contrast problems it causes with certain colors of text. Never mentioned it, because this isn’t my house. But it seems worth mentioning in this moment.

  4. As long as the website still displays on my IBM 286 PC with 6 MHz processor.

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