Writer:  Chip Zdarsky

Artists: Adam Kubert and Juan Frigeri

Editors:  Nick Lowe

E.I.C:  C.B. Cebulski

Crawlspace Reviewer: Chi-Town Spidey

Crawlspace E.I.C: Brad Douglas

The Conclusion to this story has come!  We start with T’Challa with Teresa worrying about Peter.  He either completed his mission dead or alive and Teresa just found out she had a brother, so she’s not about to let go.  She’s about to fly out when T’Challa stops her, informing her that they need to think of what to do incase Peter fails.  Spider-Man (all light brighten up) is about to fight Mega-Tinker.  Ironheart shows up with enough distraction for Spidey to land a blow.

The fight isn’t over yet as Tinker grabs Spidey and is about to finish him.  His mono-logging gives Spidey an idea and decides to use in new found power to ask the obvious question.  “WHY?”  Why is Tinker doing this?  Getting very physiological Spidey finds out that the Tinker thinks this world needs a reboot and the pain that he’s gone through no one would understand.  Spidey shows the Tinker that he’s not the only one, but more importantly shows him a better way to cope with that.  It’s basically the ying and yang of a situation and the way Spidey battles with it shows Tinker the better way.  The work together to bring the aliens down and the day is saved.  Spidey did have to jump into the core to unleash the virus, but it was Teresa who saved her brother.  Issue ends with Teresa accepting responsibility for her actions and doesn’t want to meet Aunt May..yet.  She needs to own up stealing government secrets.

Sister-Brother Bonding!

When Zdarsky started this run, I was like “meh..not seeing it.”  I’m happy to say I was proven wrong.  This FITS.  Teresa (in my opinion) not comfirmed to be the true sister of Peter Parker has been an interesting character development in this run.  She’s there for her brother and now that she knows that Peter is actually her brother, her actions speak louder than words.  She really cares for her brother deeply and will go to great lengths not

The dialogue between the two characters is pretty emotional and strong.  I like how Kubert depicts the two in his artwork and it’s good to know that Peter has another close family member besides Aunt May.  Zdarsky gives Teresa Parker the strain of responsibility which is what Peter goes through every day.  A true of a kind kid sister for Peter Parker?  I’m on board for that one!

To all Brothers who have Sisters out there (and vise versa) that care very deeply you for each other.  Cheers!

Author’s Personal Note: Love ya ,Carly. 🙂

Zdarsky does a good job of the differen P.O.V’s of troubled situation.  What one person does to handle things may not be what everyone else does.  It’s good too see that the Tinker and Spider-Man understand both point of views in this issue.

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