Spider-Tracer: The Life Foundation Symbiotes: Where Are They Now?

Based on what we know from the recent “Venom” movie trailers, symbiotes will be playing a big part in the film. With the Life Foundation having also having a huge role, I thought it would be the perfect time to look back and see where those five pesky symbiotes they helped bring into the world currently are.


First, let’s got back to 1993. Venom is just awarded his own mini-series entitled “Venom: Lethal Protector”. A sinister organization known as the Life Foundation, one of the book’s many antagonists, has their eyes set on Brock’s symbiotic other. They plan to harvest what spawn they can from him and use said spawn to empower several security guards to further their nefarious purposes.


The first of Venom’s new children that we’re introduced to is Scream in issue number four.



Her first major task? Beat Spider-Man, of course.



Later, at the tail end of the issue, we’re given a glimpse at the other four symbiotes: Riot (the grey one), Lasher (the green one), Agony (the purple one), and Phage (the orange one).



They make their full debut in the following issue. By issue five’s end, the symbiotes are seemingly disintegrated when Venom turns a laser on them. The compound soon explodes, and we’re left thinking the five symbiotic spawn of Venom are no more.


Skip forward to the beginning of the Clone Saga, and Scream rears her ugly head again in the storyline, “The Exile Returns”. Turns out that she and her siblings had survived. Scream returns to beg Venom for help with controlling their symbiotic others, which Venom refuses by trying to kill her promptly.



Fortunately for Scream, Scarlet Spider manages to save her, Venom is defeated, and sent to the Vault.


Later, Scream and the other four symbiotes break Brock out in the “Venom: Separation Anxiety” mini-series, but he still refuses to aid them.



And then the symbiotes start dying off. Well, they’re murdered to be exact, with Brock as the prime suspect!



However, it turns out Scream mentally disturbed, and has framed Brock for the murders. Apparently, Scream believes symbiotes are evil, and decided to murder their hosts (does that make any sense at all?).



Brock was able to rebond with his symbiote and defeated his yellow-suited child.


Meanwhile, the four host-less symbiotes merged to create Hybrid, merging with Guardsman Scott Washington to become a vigilante. Their union would last for many years.



While Scott was taking the fight to the streets, Scream, real name Donna Diego, tried to make up for killing her brethren’s hosts by trying to mentor symbiotes left over from the “Planet of the Symbiotes” storyline. She ends up encountering Venom again, however, this time she helps him deal with the menace of the Xenophage, which feasts on symbiotes.



After a less than memorable adventure with Venom and Wolverine, Scream goes quiet for a number of years.


Sometime later, after being rid of the Anti-Venom suit in “Spider-Island”, Eddie Brock takes it upon himself to rid the world of symbiotes (lot of that going around it seems). He winds up killing Hybrid and Scream.



The four Hybrid symbiotes are later separated and used to bond with military soldiers named Mercury Team in order to help bring down Carnage in the “Carnage: USA” mini-series.



However, the four soldiers are later massacred by Carnage after another escape in the “Deadpool vs Carnage” mini-series.



Fortunately, the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” applied here, and the four symbiotes merged with Deadpool, who was able to bring the psychotic serial killer down. Deadpool then gave the symbiotes to Mercury Team’s dog and let them be on their way.



And there we have it. A rather sad and disappointing end to the Life Foundation Symbiotes. Which of the five was your favorite and why? Tell me in the comments below!

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  1. @666andahalf
    Lasher’s design was definitely cool. And yes, it was very disappointing to see Scream go out the way she did. I felt they could have done a lot more with her. It was like she was forgotten about til they decided to kill her off one day, which was a very pointless death.

    Glad you enjoyed the article! I love writing about those more obscure characters.

  2. Lasher was always my favorite design, but I thought Scream had the most potential. Sad to see villains unceremoniously killed off like the way they all were. Fun fact: Scream is part of the Sinister Six in the Universal Studios Spider-Man ride!

  3. I love this article the conceptual idea! I’ve often wondered where key (or side) players have ended up when writers drop them. More of these will certainly lead to more patron donations!

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