Spider-Man Cosplay #23! Featuring Mary Jane Watson! (Nicole Bandit)


Thanks for doing this interview!  So glad to have you with us. So where do you hail from? 

I’m from Orange County in California.

Let’s get started, what do you like about Spider-Man so much?

 I like how relatable he is. He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s a broke kid trying to make ends meet, and he just wants to do good.

Any favorite artists or writers?  Are you recent to the comics or do you travel back to the Stan Lee days?

I’m definitely more recent. I really like Gerry Conway’s Renew Your Vows storyline on Earth-18119.

Your Cosplay!  So you dressed up as Mary Jane.  What made you decide to do that?

Honestly, I put Mary Jane together for a guy. Peter and MJ were his favorite Spider-Man couple. I felt confident enough that I could look like her, and I was looking for a Marvel character to cosplay at the time, so it seemed to all fall into place.

Click to pics to enlarge!

Do you know anything about Mary Jane?  Do you feel any kind of connection to her?

 I didn’t know as much before I made the decision to cosplay her, aside from the basic “wants to be an actress, is Peter Parker’s great love” stuff, but I learned a lot more about her as I was putting the cosplay together. I definitely feel a connection to her now.

How do you feel Mary Jane should be personality wise?

 I feel like the basis of her character is a forward confidence and charisma for days, with this underlying hint of insecurity that I think most people in show business have.

Were you introduced to Spider-Man in comics or more in media (TV, Movies, fanfilms)

My very first introduction was probably the Raimi trilogy, but truthfully, I didn’t pay much attention to Spider-Man until Amazing Spider-Man and, later on, Civil War/Homecoming.

Is there any merchandise you hold dear to you that represents your love for the character besides your Cosplay?

Nothing specifically for MJ, but I do have some Spider-Man merch. Technically it’s part of my MJ cosplay looks, but my Spider-Man backpack that I use for conventions, and I have a couple of pins from Disneyland that are Spider-Man.


What was that like designing the costume and did the costume present any hurdles to you when making it. 

MJ has been one of the easiest cosplays I’ve put together. The only hurdle I can think of was finding a pair of jeans that fit right, and even that was only a little bit of one.

You suited up for the first time and ready to walk on out of the floor as Mary Jane. What was that like and how did that feel?

Wearing MJ makes me feel really cute, I’m not gonna lie. 

Sometimes a costume you cosplay as defines you, because you represent it so much. Has anyone ever called you “MJ” or “Mary Jane” while out of costume?

Sadly, no, not unless they know me and my cosplay.

This is a Spider-Man site, but I’m sure people would like to know. What other cosplay costumes have you done?

My first proper cosplay was Rey from The Force Awakens. I’ve also done Belle in her villager dress (from the animated, not the live-action), Raven from animated Teen Titans, Kim Possible, Catwoman, Hellgirl, of course Spinneret, and a couple others.

You don’t have to say Mary Jane, but which costume is your favorite to dress up as?

That’s hard, I like them all for different reasons. Belle is my favorite to twirl in, Raven captures a lot of my personality, Catwoman is really fun to wear and mess around in, Rey is my favorite for on-location photo shoots.

Seeing the other cosplays you have done, is MJ the most enjoyable?  

She’s up there. She’s probably the most comfortable cosplay I have, which is always a godsend when it comes to conventions. Plus there’s so many ways to variate her look.

Let’s have some fun, let’s say there is a Peter Parker in real life.  Which means there is a Spider-Man.  You see him on the TV and in the Newspapers and you know his secret!  How would you handle that?  Would you be a friend, enemy, partner, ally, or love interest?

Friend and ally for sure, partner if I had the ability and he’d let me join him. Not totally sure about love interest, unless I was his partner as well.

Let’s have some MORE fun.  Let’s say YOU have Spider-Powers.  How would you go about with that?

Oh geez. Well, assuming it’s just the approximate strength of a spider and heightened senses and wall-sticking and not the organic web shooters, I probably wouldn’t use them to be a super hero. As much as I love and admire super heroes, it’s really not the life for me.

Have you ever heard or visited the Crawlspace (this site)?

 I hadn’t until this, but it’s really awesome.

Click to pics to enlarge!

If so, besides the Spider-Man Cosplay, are there certain other articles you’ve read on this site?

Just the other cosplay interviews so far, but I plan to browse more now.

Have you joined our Discord Page?  Whats your handle?

I’m not on Discord, sadly.

Do you listen to the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast and would you like to join in on the fun one time?

 I don’t yet, but I plan to, and I would love to!

Where can people find you online if they wanted to?

The only place to really catch me is my Instagram: @nicole.bandit


thejoshdixon, zoielyndsmakeup






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  1. @Nicole Bandit: MJ herself! You have been a great supporter and helping us out with this interview and panel readings! Fun never stops over here, so please, don’t be a stranger!!

  2. Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity! The page looks amazing, and it’s been so much fun working with you!

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