Alford Notes: ASM #850

The big milestone issue is here!  Time to get some answers, be wowed, and enjoy some quality backup stories.  So, do we get those?  Quiz time!  What does this issue and an all Swedish hockey team have in common?  Read on, dear friends, to find the answer!


Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  None Given

Writer: Nick Spencer

Penciler: Ryan Ottley, Humberto Ramos, and Mark Bagley

Inkers: Cliff Rathburn, Victor Olazaba, and John Dell

Colorist: Nathan Fairbairn, Edgar Delgado, and David Curiel

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artist:  Ryan Ottley and Nathan Fairbairn

Asst. Editor: Kathleen Wisneki

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: October 7, 2020


Remedial ASM 101

Kindred has resurrected Sin-Eater who is going around shooting villains and cleansing them of their sins (as well as stealing their powers).  His next target is Norman Osborn, the head of Ravencroft Institution.  Despite a host of Spider-Heroes who wish otherwise, Spider-Man has decided to stop Sin-Eater and his minions from killing/curing Norman.


The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

Spider-Man is overwhelmed by Sin-Minions and Norman drinks down some Goblin formula to lend a hand.  Together they escape the minions and successfully stay one step ahead of the new and improved Sin-Eater (now with 100% more Juggernaut!).  Spider-Man saves Norman.  Norman saves Spider-Man.  They get the Juggernaut stuck.  Norman betrays Spider-Man.  The Order of the Web get off their rear ends and help out Spider-Man.  Norman gets creepy with Ghost Spider.  Spider kicks Norman off his own boat (thereby effectively stealing Norman’s boat).  The end.


What Passed and Failed

PASS – Spider-Man and Green Goblin Team Up!  They actually work well together!

FAIL – The Order of the Web – More on that in the analysis

PASS – Creepy Norman – Holy moly!  Question – Can anything get creepier than this scene with a middle-aged Norman sniffing teenage Gwen?

Answer – Yes!  This line!

For those of you blissfully ignorant of the Gwen and Norman’s tryst in London, good for you!  Stay happy without that little bit of knowledge that you can never unknow.

PASS – Cool Fight Scenes – like this one where Spider-Man is moving so fast he is in several places at once in the same panel.

FAIL – Not Enough Cool Fight Scenes – I miss the days when Stan Lee would just say, “I’ll let Jazzy John Romita have a go and catch you in two pages!”


OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)

On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB), KH-THOOM rates a 7.  What works well is that we don’t see what makes the sound, but we KNOW what makes the sound.

VWOTI (Vocabulary Word of the Issue)

For Chi-Town – ‘Egress’ means ‘exit’.  Barnum and Bailey had signs up “This way to the lioness!” and “This way to the tigress!” and “This way to the egress!” But when you followed that sign, you were locked out of the circus and had to pay to get back in.



This is a great concept, but the story has some major issues that detract from the overall enjoyment.  The number one complaint is the answer to our opening question – how is this comic like a Sedish hockey team?  No Finnish!

  • No more clues to who Kindred is
  • Green Goblin is still free
  • Sin-Eater is still free (it shouldn’t take too long to get out of there)
  • Sin-Eater still has all the powers stolen

How are we any different than before this comic began with the exception that Norman and Spider-Man are no longer inside the Ravencroft building?

Here’s why that is a problem – it is a milestone issue and one that has been touted for a while now.  Add to it the price of $10 and this issue MUST deliver.  It must live up to the hype or else you lose readers.

Kindred – We have been dangling the Kindred arc for the last 49 issues.  That is a heck of a long time to drag out a story.  Now, it’s not the longest drag out.  The Hobgoblin first appeared in ASM #238 and his identity wasn’t revealed until ASM #289 (which was later retconned, but that’s a different story all together).  However, the big difference here was that Hobgoblin was doing things other than just teasing his identity.  If Spider-Man was constantly fighting Kindred, then I probably wouldn’t care about the identity being strung along.  To be honest, I’m quite enjoying looking for clues!  But I need Kindred to do more than lurk in the shadows like Kaine.  This issue gave us no meat to chew on in that respect.

OK, we have the tombstone scene, but that doesn’t do much.  It could be Gwen’s grave and he is going to bring her back zombie style or it could be his own, but since we already knew that he was dead, that’s not a big deal.

Sin-Juggernaut – I’m ok with bringing Juggy into this to make this an even bigger threat.  But the whole appeal of a Spider-Man vs Juggernaut battle in the first place was that Spider-Man found a unique was to dispatch him.  Well, he doesn’t use wet cement, but the effect is the exact same.  With a Norman/Peter team-up, I was expecting a lot more than just a more complicated wet cement solution.  It felt much like The Force Awakens when they say it’s not the Death Star, but in reality, it was just a bigger Death Star.  That leaves us no better off than when we started the story.  Sin-Eater still has his powers, we still don’t know what will happen to those he stole the powers from, and he can just pop right out of that ground any issue and continue to cause mayhem with Spidery none the wiser on how to stop him.

Order of the Web – They do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to move the story along.  OK, they help out Spidey when Norman double crosses him, but was there any real threat that Spider-Man was going to sink with Sin-Juggernaut?  At one point they even reference their uselessness by telling us they are just there to be observers.  The whole Spider-Man shouldn’t be saving Norman is so easily explained even without there being the issue of Spider-Man doesn’t let people die.  He is convinced that Sin-Eater is making things worse.  If Sin-Eater is focused on Norman, that can’t be good and a living Norman is most likely better than letting Sin-Eater and Kindred get their way.  The ONLY thing that makes the OotW at all interesting is that it sure seems like Madam Web has an ulterior motive.  She was telling everyone that Norman was going to kill Spider-Man like in their dreams, but didn’t she see Kindred in her dream instead?  Something fishy there.  I don’t really care, but at least there is some hope of a bit of intrigue.

The Team Up – I LOVE the Spider-Man/Green Goblin team up!  I know some of you are going to have some problems with this, but Kindred is a common enemy and putting Spider-Man in a spot where he has to team up with his worst enemy is intriguing! Plus, any time Green Goblin is in means that we get to hear JR use his Goblin voice on the podcast.  We all win with that!


Misleading Covers

Once again I find myself stealing Grant’s segment.  OK, the cover promises Boomerang, Grog, Kingpin, Spider-Man, Green Goblin, the Lizard, Kraven, the Rhino, the Chameleon, Morbius (?), Venom, Sandman, and Kindred.  Does it deliver?  Well, we get Spider-Man and Green Goblin along with a tad of Kindred.  I know, I know, it is supposed to be a tribute to the 47 issues that came before, but this is a milestone issue, so it needs to be a milestone review and I need to put all the segments in!  To be fair, if you put characters on a cover, well, I expect to see them.  To make up for it, Spencer gives us Madam Web, so there’s that.

Homework – Yes, I Will Be Taking This for a Grade!

It’s looking less and less likely that we may be getting something definitive on Kindred’s identity, but let’s go on the record of who you think Kindred is by putting it in the comments section.  Go out on a limb!  You know I’ve been saying Harry since the Robot Master and the Tri-Sentinel story.  What do you think?

Was It Worth More Than…

At $10 an issue, was it worth it?  Well, I think I’d rather have read this story than to have spent the same amount on most of the stuff I found on, such as a face blanket, real cow poop, an anatomically-correct gingerbread man ornament, or even this finger squirrel puppet.

And I certainly like it better than the last $10 issue we had, but all in all, I think I would have rather just had gotten a regular $4 non-milestone number issue and I’m really torn over the fact I could have spent this money to get a light for my toilet that features 16 different colors!


Final Grade

I somewhat enjoyed the comic as I read it, but when it was over I felt like it wasn’t very satisfying.  Maybe it was the $10, but I think I could have been OK with the high price if I felt something of importance happened.



Your Turn

What grade do YOU give it?


But Wait!  There’s More!

There were a few back up stories –

Strawberry Fields – I saw this and thought, “I love Busiek!  This is going to be great!” but alas, even Busiek cannot overcome the art here. And maybe if I was more of a Beatles fan, I would have appreciated all of the allusions, but my only real knowledge in this field is from Goldfinger when James Bond said, “There are some things you just don’t do, like listen to the Beatles without ear muffs.”

The Weird Dog Story – While I appreciated the reference to Sir Pellinore and the Questing Beast, it was not enough to get me through this story.

Starling, the Vulture’s Granddaughter – I like this one.  I know that the Vulture would never just sit back and let his granddaughter fight his battles, but I enjoyed Spider-Man’s banter here (it was spot on!) and I always like seeing how the villains are when they are not being bad guys.  Grandpa Vulture!


I did think we might get the next part of that story with Dr.  Strange, JJJ, and Spider-Man with the color changing villain, but I guess that will just be a mystery that we’ll never get resolved.


What’s Next?


THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN reaches another landmark and we’re celebrating Spider-Style! Spider-Man just took the beating of his life and we’re just getting started. Kindred is stepping out on stage for the first time and Spider-Man is not ready for the havoc that Kindred is going to let loose.

And the solicit for talks about a bombshell dropped in this issue, so that might be something!

Nick Lowe has asked people to let the Spider office know how they are doing by sending an email to and to make sure you mark it “OK to print”.  If you get published, make sure to draw our attention to it!




‘Nuff Said!

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  1. Late to the game with this. But, I was just thinking about this issue and realized I never read Mark’s thoughts on it. Nothing new to add, really, other than:

    a) Mark, I’ve been catching up on the podcasts and at no point during your all’s reviews of “Back to Basics” did you call that Kindred was Harry. When that story ended, it sounded like you thought the jury was still out on that. (And this is where communication just breaks down in a comment section, because having reread what I just wrote, it sounds kind of bitchy, but I don’t mean to come off like that – just an observation). But, maybe you did in a written review or one of the Patreon shows, though. No big deal, just trying to keep you honest.

    b) I propose that this issue be forever remembered as the debut of the dreaded “Jugg-Eater!!”

    Thanks, as always, Mark! Viva Crawlspace!!

  2. @Adam B Parker – That wouldn’t surprise me. I entertained the multiple people are Kindred when I first noticed that each time we see him, the coloring of the outfit was slightly different. That would explain why some clues fit some people, but not all clues fit all people. I could see that being part of the reveal. I’m sticking to it being Harry and Harry only, but could certainly see that scenario play out without me being irritated

  3. Forgot to say, I think the “whose coming to dinner” tease Marvel sent out is foreshadowing a scene with Kindred and Spider-Man sat at a looooong table.
    Spider-Man will be a smart-ass and be all “so you’re kindred,huh?”
    And Kindred will says “one of them” and the a whole host kindred will come and join them at the table, Carlie Cooper, Sarah Stacey, that photographer who wanted to be Peter’s friend as the Clone Saga, the girl who got the restraining order from Peter David’s FNSM run etc…

  4. I’m increasingly worried that we aren’t going to find out who Kindred is next issue. But if not the 50th issue…when?

    As far as my theory at the moment I am firmly in the Harry camp. But as I’m worried that’s too obvious I’m going with Kindred is a group of like minded people (Kindred spirits) who are using the technology and mystical powers of the Look Ups to target Spider-Man. Most of the Look ups are unaware, but a few of them including Carlie feel enough bitterness towards either Peter or Spider-Man that they want to mess with him.

  5. @Aqu@ (that’s just too many at symbols!) and @Sthenurus

    Aqu@ – I’ll take your assessment of my jokes as a compliment! I remember by high school science teacher trying to teach me about waves and frequencies, but all I really know about them is what I’ve read in Spider-Man comics and from watching the Flash and that is if you can pinpoint the exact frequency, you can make it do pretty much anything the plot calls for. Oh, and you must be super smart to pinpoint the frequency. I assume that is truth otherwise they wouldn’t keep using it for a story in today’s time, which, as you say, anyone can just look up the truth. And I guess the temporary resolution was a bit too concrete for me!

    Sthenurus – The last 48 issues were, all in all, good ones. I imagine that binge reading them will have a better effect. Spencer understands the characters MUCH better than the previous writer and it shows. He doesn’t decompress stories as much as Bendis, but he does love to introduce part of the story and then leave it dangling. Kindred has been sulking around for quite a while. I think most of us were expecting this MILESTONE ISSUE! to be where Spencer starts to move on the plot some. Even those of us die hard Spencer supporters are getting a little fatigued with the lack of closure. If you have Marvel Unlimited, go back and read the entire run. You’ll most likely be pleased with the end result.

    The supporting cast is, well, they get the same treatment. We will see a glimpse of someone, but nothing enough. He was going somewhere with MJ and Peter getting back together, and then they whisked her away for her own series. When they show up, it’s good. Aunt May has cancer, but Spencer doesn’t do much with that. Pete is rooming with Randy and Boomerang, but the story moves at a snails pace with them. Harry has not been seen except in a flashback this enitre run. That pretty much sums it up.

  6. That was the first issue of amazing I picked up since superior spider-man 20 (aside from the absolute carnage tie in)… I expected the big milestone issue to be much more meaty story was, especially showing all the advertisement around it. So from what I gathered that kindred guy been around since relaunch and nothing of significance happened with it? What’s up with the supporting cast?

    If osborn plan was to use pete to escape… Why do everything to get under his skin? Norman is supposed to be a Savy manipulator, not a bumbling buffon… Either he had ulterior motive or he was way out of character.

    Overall how were the last 48 issues? Is the current run worth tracking down? Or is it like the end of slott run (a string of big “event” with poor characterisation and a bunch of new poorly defined character)?

  7. @Mark Your jokes are the worst, but in a good sense.

    Yeah, thank you; I didn’t bother to search them, but I figured they’d be alive.

    The problem I have with the science of it is that frequency is just a characteristic of a wave, but there are different kinds of wave; changing frequency doesn’t transform a wave from the EM specter (basically, radiations) to a vibration (i.e. a series of compressions and decompressions of matter, a.k.a. sound), otherwise you could use any antenna as a speaker (now, that would be cool).
    “Because frequencies” may be the new “because radiations”, but I have to say we’re not in the 60s anymore. Knowledge nowadays is literally at your fingertips, so I think a good writer should do his researches (said the one who was too lazy to look the Stacys up!)

    I’m okay with an in-story forced team up, but I didn’t like the hows and whys.

    “Come on, Spencer! Give me something concrete here!”
    Is the temporary resolution to the Sin Eater “concrete” enough for you?

    And my nick is Aqua with a @, not Aqu 😉

  8. @Evan Berry and @Jack Brooks

    Evan – Jugger-Shot has a nice ring to it! That scene where Spider-Man is pulling on his cheek flap looks like that scene in The Boys where the Female … well, I’ll let you catch it for yourself if you haven’t seen it yet. I recently picked up the first volume of The Boys omnibus and HOLY COW! I’m only a little ways into it, but the comic is even more pushing the limits than the show!

    You’ve got to make a prediction, Evan! No waiting it out! 🙂 And about those fallen hopes, hang in there, buddy!

    *Respects Mark’s research skills* That. Listen to Evan, everyone!

    Jack – 1. Let’s go with Morbius! There is nothing about Morlun that I enjoy (except for how the newspaper strip did him in). 2. That and when I looked up Juggernaut, he had lost his powers previously, so there was nothing to steal from him. But it’s comics, so I’m sure someone will one day write a backup story that explains it. 3. Set up a PayPal, man, because I’m going to be calling them Websters from now on and I’ll make sure BD pays you $.50 for every instance. I’ll only be happy with the possession of the Websters if Spidey goes and kicks all of their butts, friends or no friends. 4. Me either. I see no scenario where he pulls that off well. I don’t need to be right in my prediction, I just need it to be a cool execution of the story. 5. I just remember Kindred wanting Peter to come to understand what he did wrong and pay for his sins, but I don’t think death was ever specifically mentioned. He did say that he and Norman would face the truth together and I think he was meaning that Peter would be with them. 6. Yeah, Gwen fits some clues, but that whole dialogue between Kindred and Norman would have to be majorly twisted around to fit Gwen’s perspective. 7. Yeah, and that bothers me a little, but I think he could do it. The deal with Mephisto created a new Harry, maybe a demon in a Harry suit or part of Harry’s soul (making him even more resentful of Peter) or something. 8. No, we are specifically being led to believe that this is a major supporting character that we should all know and be with. I don’t think Gabriel fits and I do think that Kindred needs to have been dead and died in a way that we saw happen to make it work. There is too many teases like “Guess my name” and such. In my opinion, at least.

    Even though this has been dragged along way too long, it is interesting how Spencer has laid out so many clues and if you are looking at some, then it seems obvious that it is ******** and if you look at others, it seems obvious that it is ********* but when you look at them together, you’re just scratching your head thinking, “Come on, Spencer! Give me something concrete here!”

  9. @Bankotsu and @Aqu

    Bankotsu – I know Fake Mike likes the Gwen theory, but I just cannot get behind it. Even if the “he” is a red herring (and if it is, it is not just misleading, but an outright lie from the author to the reader, in my opinion). Going back to issues #832 and 832, we have Kindred talking to Norman and nothing said there sounds like it could match up to Gwen. Here are the images I used for that conversation in the original reviews:

    This just doesn’t sound like Gwen to me. This sounds like someone who hated Norman prior to his death. This sounds like someone whose like was made miserable while he/she was alive. I need to go back and subject myself to Sins Past I guess, but I don’t remember Gwen having left her London meet up with Norman upset and feeling like she had been raped or otherwise taken advantage of (please correct me if I am wrong, it has been a while and I never thought I would need to remember that crap story). Also, to make Gwen (or Uncle Ben, for that matter) a villain is a similar take on Hydra Cap, and I would like to think Spencer won’t re-use that story beat. Make me a believer. I am not so arrogant that I think I have covered every angle perfectly, so show me what I’m missing!

    Aqu – Madam Web! Of course! How could I be so blind! (Get it? Ha!) Now the new Madam Web’s appearance and secretive agenda makes perfect sense! Bonus points for you!
    Gabriel and Sarah Stacy are still alive. Gabriel was last seen in an asylum and Stacy was free and working for Interpol. At least according to Marvel Fandom.

    I’m with you on the science of the frequencies. I don’t enough about frequencies to dispute that it *could* happen, but it’s the latest thing. It was radiation, then genetics, and now it is frequencies.

    Yeah, the team up was forced, but you’d have to have a situation force the two together to get them to work together, so it didn’t bother me (plus it was my favorite part of the issue!).

    I like your normal Stan look with Juggernaut powers! Keep the KH-THOOMs but it just being a normal guy stomping around. That would be awesome!

    Ah! Morlun! I think you’re right.

  10. @Joshua Nelson & @No Name

    Joshua – Sin-nuat…. I like it! I don’t know what Juggernaut looks like without his helmet, but I didn’t think it was quite like that. As I don’t know, I went with it (but thought it looked a little silly too). I’m glad you enjoyed the issue. I did think Norman’s dialogue especially was good. I don’t think it was out of character. Didn’t he just toss Norman out of the boat? Juggernaut’s stuck for the time being, so Norman’s not in danger, and Norman hasn’t broken any laws, so I don’t know what he would have done with him if they made it topside anyway. Oh Kindred’s connected to Gwen. They were high school buddies, remember! 🙂

    No Name – I can’t argue that about the new villain, but I liked the banter enough to overlook it, I guess. I’m glad you liked the dog one because I sure didn’t! That’s the beauty of comics – there’s enough out there for all of us.

  11. @Jack Brooks — I thought of Gabriel Stacy, as well. In fact, I received Mark’s warning not to delve into Sins Past too late, and Adam’s earlier Panel of the Day is what did it. At any rate, the odd reference to it in #850 is making me start to wonder a bit. Yeah, Kindred’s being Gwen makes no sense. I was reluctant to think he could be Harry, since it seems odd that Peter’s best friend would actually go to hell. He’s been through hell enough as it is. But I respect Mark’s research skills and, despite my misgivings, he has made a pretty compelling case. I kind of just want to wait and see when happens (I’m no fun, I guess), but I guess I don’t have much of a choice. I’m still disappointed that the reveal didn’t happen this issue, especially after all of the COVID-related delays.

  12. 1. I think that’s Morlun. But I can’t stand Morlun, and would have preferred Morbius anyway, so I’ll pretend it’s Morbius. 2. I don’t think Sin-Eater should have been able to absorb Juggernaut’s powers, b/c Juggy’s powers are artificially endowed by the Cytorrak gem. It’s as if Sin-Eater shot a Green Lantern and gained lantern ring-powers without a ring. 3. I think the Websters ™ are in the story to become possessed by Kindfed or Sin-Eater in the next one, assuming the cover accurately depicts part of the story. Also, I like my just-now-coined-on-the-spot “Websters” a lot better than “Order of the Web” , so Nick Spencer please take note. 4. I cannot imagine a scenario where Gwen went to hell, became a demon, and returns to murder Peter. I think fandom would erupt. It’s would be “Sins Past” on steroids. 5. I’m still not sure Kindred has ever said he/she/it plans to -kill- Peter. Norman said that is Kindred’s intention, but why trust Norman? So if Kindred just plans to kill Norman but ram Peter’s face into whatever it is Kindred blames Peter for, okay, maybeee…. 6. Why would Norman be “proud” of Gwen? Or even want to be? She was a tool to him. 7. If it’s Harry, Spencer will need to retcon who Harry has been this whole time. Harry was the American son, fathered a child with Lily Hollister. BND Harry will need to have been a brainwashed doppelganger this whole time, and Real Harry was toiling in the underworld. 7. Would Gabriel Stacey fit any of the clues? He was Norman’s son, too.

  13. @Mark — P.S. — I forgot to mention that it’s strange to me that a landmark issue like #850 — which was solicited as such, I think — turned out to be more like filler. That was a very good point about how nothing seems to have changed by the end of the issue. It kind of makes me sad, since it really just suggests that the issue number was used as a marketing gimmick to boost sales, with no real substance in the issue itself to justify the extra cost. Higher quantity of stories doesn’t necessarily mean higher quality, right? Oh well. You know what sound my fallen hopes make when they hit bottom? KH-THOOM!

  14. @Mark — You know, I really thought #850 was when Kindred’s identity would be revealed. I had prepared myself for that, so I cannot help but be disappointed. There’s no way Kindred could be — Gwen — could there? The character’s sex aside, and all that, I mean. Maybe it’s some kind of vengeful…uh, nevermind. I don’t know…

    At least the Green Goblin didn’t yell “Hang on, Buddy!”

    Also, the way Sin-gernaut / Jugger-Shot looks is incredibly disturbing. And Spider-man is pulling his cheek off!

  15. Ok, sorry for the poem. Let’s just say I’m in need of exercising my writing skills this days.

    On a side note, I was looking at the cover and I realized two things: there’s a mistake in the low-left corner with Venom;
    @Mark: I think that’s Morlun, not Morbius.

  16. @Bankotsu: Yep, it’s obvious. Kindred is the old Madame Web. How can any of you not see?!
    Just joking. Until it’s revealed to be true.

    On a more serious note, if that reference to Sins Past is relevant to Kindred identity, s/he may be one of Gwen’s children. But I really can’t remember what happened to them (I do remember what I think was their last appearance: American Son for Gabriel and the pseudo-sequel of Sins Past for Sarah). Did they die? I don’t seem to recall it.
    However I think the reference is just that: a creepy reference to Sins Past. It’s like Spencer saying “You know that story so controversial we pretend it has never been written? It happened. Ooh if it happened!” /big evil grin/

    About the issue: I did like the last pages and Norman reaction to Gwen, but overall it felt inconsequential, especially, like Mark said, after the recent build-up. And if I think about it, I feel this is the problem I have with Spencer: sometimes (lately, too often) it takes him forever to say whatever he wants to say. In the end, many of the middle issues in a story arc feels empty and a waste of space (in terms of pages) and time (in terms of reading them), with the characters running in circle for one or more issues before coming to a conclusion.
    Other things I didn’t like:
    -the pseudoscientific techno-babble to solve the Juggernaut situation. I mean, if that’s an ElectroMagnetic Pulse generator, how can it create vibrations? And let’s just say it can also direct said vibration only at Juggernaut feet, otherwise both Spider-Man and the Green Goblin would probably be a puddle on the floor by now. (I know it’s comics, but ,come on, there has to be a limit!)
    -the seemingly useless Order of the Web inclusion. I understand why Spencer inserted them in the last couple of issues (Sins of Osborn included), besides laying the groundwork for the next big arc; however I feel it failed a bit on the execution.
    -Peter and Norman team up felt forced. Maybe I don’t remember well, but I thought Peter was in the same room with Norman at the end of last issue. So why he is in the middle of a fight at the start of this one, leaving one of his most dangerous enemy alone in a room full of Green Goblin gadgets? The reasonable thing to do for Peter would have been webbing Osborn up to a wall and THEN going out to fight, if he really didn’t want his help. And he shouldn’t have wanted it, because it’s expected that the GG would use pumpkin BOMBS on regular people, exactly like he did just when he entered the fight; something Spider-Man didn’t seem to notice until it’s time for him (and the reader) to find out that SinEater’s follower are not, after all, regular people. Ugh.
    Also, did Norman really need to drink his Goblin serum? I thought he had it already in his veins after the Carnage mess. (but Slott’s stories are pretty forgettable, so, yeah.)
    -Sin Eater Juggernaut Mode (TM) design: I think having a normal person like Stan exhibit the “unstoppability” of the Juggernaut would have been actually scarier and more impressive than a Hulked out Sin Eater. After all, for what we have seen, it didn’t seem his absorbing power worked that way.

  17. I think by now it is quite obvious who Kindred is.

    ASM #24, Kindred says Peter needs to face the truth of what he did and also says, “Just me and you like it should have been all along.”

    Kindred feels that Peter Parker and Kindred both should be together like it should have been “all along”.

    That KIndred is “male” is a red herring.

    KIndred is female. Kindred is small in size because Kindred is female. A dead female who was close to Peter Parker.

    They should have been together “all along”. Has a history with Norman Osborn.

    Obvious now isn’t it?

  18. The last backup story is my least favorite part of the issue. I didn’t how easily Spider-Man was taken out by the new villian. It just reeks of the Slott era where Spider-Man was highly incompetent.

    The Dog story had an unique art/panel style that I don’t see often in Spider-man books.

  19. Other than a frustrating lack of Kindred info, my only real gripe with this issue was the utterly *stupid* design of Sin-Eater/Juggernaut (Sin-naut?). Seriously, that is one of the worst character designs I’ve seen in quite some time.

    Other than that, I really enjoyed this issue. Spider-Man and The Green Goblin’s dialogue was spot on and I actually really liked the former’s choice at the end. Some might say it was out of character, but everyone has a breaking point and Norman finally pushed Peter too far.

    Also, I’m surprised that Nick Spencer actually had the guts to reference Sins Past. Maybe Kindred really is connected to Gwen…

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