Alford Notes: Giant-Sized King’s Ransom #1

It’s a GIANT-SIZED issue for a GIANT-SIZED story!  King’s Ransom will conclude here (it’s in the title story even, and all your questions will be answered!  Will Kingpin succeed?  Will Boomerang be the hero everyone believes he can be?  Will Gog save the day?  It’s here folks!  It’s double the size of a normal mag, but not double the cost!  We are truly living in the age of MIGHTY MARVEL FAN FRUGALITY!


Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  King’s Ransom Conclusion

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Roge Antonio with Carlos Gomez and Ze Carlos

Colorist: Alex Sinclair

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artist:  Mark Bagley, John Dell, and Brian Reber

Asst. Editor: Lindsey Cohick

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: May 12, 2021


Remedial ASM 101

The Kingpin is after the pieces of the Tablet of Life.  He wants to put them together with the Tablet of Death in order to resurrect a loved one.


The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

This is a story of two characters, our hero, Spidey, who is in pursuit of Boomerang to help him capture the final piece of the Tablet before Kingpin does, and a tale of our villain, who is in pursuit of Boomerang to find the last piece of the Tablet before Boomerang does.  Spidey uses Gog to track down Boomerang’s whereabouts, but when he gets there, Kingpin has somehow already deduced the location and has sent every mobster in New York there.  The mobsters delay due to not being able to agree who gets the kill here and in that time, Spidey assembles his old team, the New Avengers.  While the mobsters and Avengers fight, Spidey makes his way into the sewers after Fred while Kingpin makes his way there as well.  Despite having an insanely long head start, Fred is easily found and the two team up to beat a few baddies while Spidey’s backup play goes into action – Black Cat steals all the tablet pieces from Kingpin.  Unfortunately for Fred, can only be obtained by a true hero, so Spidey steps up to save the day.  Fred then double crosses Spidey, takes the pieces from him and Black Cat whereupon he delivers them to Kingpin, who has been his true partner all along.  Kingpin uses the Tablet to resurrect… his son!


What Passed and Failed

PASS This issue was FUN!  – Street level action, Boomerang being Boomerang, twists and turns – this issue was truly done in Mighty Marvel Mayhem!

FAILThe Fight Scenes – Some artists are able to draw fight scenes that show a flow of action and others just show snapshots.  This was the latter.

PASS Boomerang! – A Spencer Boomerang is a beautiful thing!

PASSBlack Cat – Her series is great and her inclusion here, while promoting her series, is well done.  This is how a Spider-Man supporting character who is also a thief should act.  Did anyone here think that the specialist was really Felicia all along?  Do you think Kingpin knew it and was OK with it since he knew Boomerang was just going to get it in the end?

PASS The Double Cross – Did you see it coming?  It got me.  There were clues, though, and those of you who picked up on them and put them in the comments.

FAIL Bilbo-esque Ending The Hobbit builds up to this massive war and just when it is about to get good, he gets hit in the head with an errant rock and wakes up after the battle is over, so we are just told what happened.  I’m marking this as a fail, but really, I liked the story being mostly from Spider-Man’s perspective so much, I don’t think it would have been better to have Kingpin’s story fleshed out as well.

PASSBoomerang! – I know I already mentioned him, but he was SO good in this issue, and this is a DOUBLE SIZED issue, so he gets TWO passes!

OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)


On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB), KROK and TW-KROK rate a 9.5!  First of all, how does that first sound even get made?  Kudos to whoever is the one who decided not to go with some splash sound for hitting Hydro-Man and Double Kudos to whoever decided to double up on it with the Boomerang!  That’s some high quality onomatopoeias, right there!


This is appears to be a fairly straight-up story at first glance.  Spencer is not juggling plots and laying out teasers for arcs to come in six months time. However, there are some good game changers in here.

Additional Characters – Normally, like most of the Crawlspace, I only want other characters butting in when the title of the book is Marvel Team Up.  However, Spencer did a good job here showcasing the New Avengers in a manner that compliments Spidey and draws attention to his role in the greater Marvel Universe.  They did not steal the show, so to speak.  The same goes for Black Cat.  Yes, she rescues him in the end, but not in a way that steals time away from Spider-Man’s story.  And while this is a Spider-Man AND Boomerang story, Boomerang’s part in this does not take away from Spider-Man’s part.  The fact that Spencer gives us this story almost exclusively from Spider-Man’s point of view, really helps to deliver on this feeling like a Spidey-centric story.  Now, what does this mean for the future of Spider-Man?  Are we going to see Spidey join another team?  I hope not, but as everything seems to be leading up to dealing with the deal, and Spider-Man having been involved with the Avengers pre-devil deal, I am seeing Spencer potentially setting us up for that.  But I must confess, I enjoyed the little scene with the Avengers talking about the neglected emails.  It made them feel like Spencer’s Superior Foes.  Now, if Spencer wrote a Spider-Man’s Superior Avengers…

JJJ and the Suit – JJJ taking Threats and Menaces to the extreme with playable Spider-Slayers was so absurd that I couldn’t help but like it.  Especially when they start fighting themselves and the Avengers just stop fighting to see what the crap is going on.  But the real meat of the JJJ story comes when Spider-Man has a chance to show himself a true hero and turns off the suit.  I have several questions about this.  The big one is, does making money off of being a hero really take away from his heroic-ness?  I don’t feel like it does, but for Spidey, he’s been bothered by this paycheck.  Then again, this is the same character that felt bad and couldn’t keep the notebook of gold after the Beyonder turned a whole building to gold (right after Spidey taught him how to pee).

Editor’s Note – He’s not making that up. You can check that out here, if you feel the need to. – Bodacious Brad

The second question I have is the red and blue suit – are we to believe that he was wearing his old costume under his new costume all this time or did he just program the new costume to mimic the old costume?  Weird.

Finally, what is this going to do to JJJ and Peter’s relationship?  JJJ just got snubbed in front of all of his fans.  The assumption is that Spidey will NOT be wearing that suit anymore, so now we have a rash and irritated JJJ who KNOWS Spidey’s identity and feels betrayed.  That can’t end well.

Boomerang’s Future – So Boomerang fooled Spidey and he fooled me too!  But, what gets me the most is that when he should be living up to his great glory, we get this scene:

So old Boomerang got a taste of being on the good side and had a friend in Peter and a friend in Spidey.  While he burned his bridge with both of them, I can see that maybe, just maybe, Boomerang will try to make amends, which of course, Spider-Man won’t fall for.  There is still hope for a Boomerang/Overdrive Heroes for Hire book in the future.  I just know it!

Kingpin’s Decision – This result has been bee flirting in the back of my mind for a while and curses for me not mentioning it sooner in my reviews.  This move makes good sense.  Vanessa killed herself because of Kingpin’s issues with their son. Why would she go back to him just because he forced her back into the land of the living?

And isn’t cool that the Rose’s rose also got resurrected?  See, it’s these little details that you come here for.

But I don’t think Kingpin is finished.  He plays the long game.  He didn’t just make a decision to resurrect one of them.  He will continue to try and force Kindred to bring back Vanessa.  Since he has his son back, he surely believes that Vanessa will forgive him.  Now, the question is, will Richard Fisk continue to fight against his father?  His father is no longer the head of organized crime.  What is there to fight against?  I am very interested in seeing where this one goes.


Final Grade

I loved this issue.  I read it with a smile.  It is pretty much everything I want in a story – bad villains, street level, and Spidey-centric.



But Wait!  There’s More!

We got a little plug for the Black Cat and if you are not reading it on Marvel Unlimited, you really ought to. It’s a fun read with each issue being a its own heist story.

Neil Bogenrieder, Who’s the Boss was a TV show in the mid ‘80s playing on reversed gender roles as Tony Danza was the maid and nanny while the Angela went off to work.


Was It Worth More Than…

This small bottle of Carolina Reaper candy?

As much as I love Atomic Fire Balls, I’m going to have to give this one a pass.  The ad for it literally says you will be in pain, suggest you wear gloves when handling the candy, and proceeds to tell you the best ways of reliving eye pain for when you do not follow precautions and burn your eyeballs out of your head.

Extra Credit

Buy a container of Carolina Reaper fire balls and report back to us if they are good and should be considered again against the cost of the Giant Sized ASM.


What’s Next?

On the other side of King’s Ransom, Spider-Man is left to pick up the pieces. If he can manage to put them together he is going to be horrified with what he finds!

Spencer is coming out with these so fast, Chi-Town and I are going to trade off for the next few weeks!  So, join him next week to get the Breakdown on this issue!


Nick Lowe has asked people to let the Spider office know how they are doing by sending an email to and to make sure you mark it “OK to print”.  If you get published, make sure to draw our attention to it!




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  1. @Mark — Koi are awesome! Now I need to get a koi pond so that I can dispose of my Honey Nut Cheerios. I weigh only like a hundred pounds (hence why I don’t really drink alcohol), so it’s not like a health concern or anything, but they taste far better to me now than they ever did as a kid, and I guess they’re better for me than, say, Oreos. Even better than that Spider-man cereal made by Ralston — err, Chex with marshmallows.

    Okay, I guess it’s Peter’s fault. (Parker or Norbot? Take your pick.)

  2. @Jack Brooks, @Aqu@, @Evan

    Jack – good point, especially with Peter’s past at wanting to be liked and famous.

    Aqu@ – When I first read that line, my first thought was that she was just pleading with Kindred to stop torturing Peter since he obviously didn’t remember what Kindred wanted him to, rather than her knowing what Kindred wanted Peter to say, though now that you mention it, I do recall many others going in that direction.

    Evan – I have a small pond with koi in it and they love Honey Nut Cheerios. And you can always blame it on Peter. Whatever it is, you can blame it on Peter. That’s why we keep Chi-Town around. It’s obviously not for his witty banter. And you’re right about the nice atmosphere around here. It’s a good place to talk Spidey. That comes from you guys. It’s not my writing that does it and it most certainly is not Chi-Town’s. That guy, right?

  3. @Mark — I forgot to add that I appreciate Peter’s giving up the TNM suit, as well. From the very beginning he’s done what he views as right, not only when there’s no glory, but even when those he would help outright despise him. To me, it’s admirable when a character believes so much in his ethical truth that he’s willing to endure misunderstanding and even hatred to uphold his values, and, admittedly, that’s always been one of the appeals of Spider-man to me: the inspiration he provides to trust oneself, one’s compassion, and one’s abilities. I really wish I had seen that Rose reveal coming, by the way. I feel kind of dumb, in retrospect. I think the thought crossed my mind, but I didn’t voice it because I figured someone here would have brought it up if it were a viable speculation. I always assume you guys know far more about Spider-man history than I do. (By the way, I loved reading your exchange with Stuart Green. Everyone here so supportive and kind to each other — except for you and Chi-Town, of course, but what’re you gonna do? 🙂 )

    @Jack Brooks — I agree. Peter may have decided he’s been down that road before and doesn’t want to take any chances. By the way, I’ve never had a problem with alcohol, but I can’t bring Cheerios into the house. I’ll eat half the box in one sitting. There are worse weakness to have, I suppose. But, man — that Apple Cinnamon…

    @Aqu@ — As Bruce Lee said, “Be water, my friend.” I’m not sure of a particular issue that made me think Mary Jane knew of the deal, but maybe it was just speculation that I read in the comments here on the Crawlspace. In fact, if I may make reference one again to Mary Jane’s calling Peter “idiot” when he was wearing his web diaper in one of Dan Slott’s stories (I can’t let that go), I think the outcry, apart from its being out of character for MJ, was due to an inconsistency with her remembering the deal with Mephisto. Or maybe I’m mistaken. Mark may have made a mistake once as a freshman in college, but I made not only countless mistakes then, but I still do it all the time. I try not to blame myself as much as Peter, though. I try. I want some Cheerios now.

  4. Thanks Evan for trusting my knowledge of water given my name. I have to be honest, though: I live on the mainland. 🙂

    Geez, Mark, now I’m glad I didn’t apply for a position as reviewer, if that’s the consequence for failure!

    Anyway, I suppose many think MJ remembers the deal after that sentence spoke to Kindred (something like “He doesn’t remember!”). I admit I thought so too at first, but in fact we can’t exclude it was just a way to stop Kindred tortures.

  5. Regarding Peter’s motives: Sometimes you go to hard lengths to avoid things because you know there is a weakness inside you that is still alive and could really take you over. Like alcohol — some guys can take a drink in moderation, but there are others who know they absolutely cannot allow themselves to even sip a little alcohol.

  6. @Stuart Green, @Chi-Town, and @Evan

    Stuart – Ah! Thanks for letting me know the issues it was in. I will try to find them on Marvel Unlimited. She-Hulk is something I would normally pick up, but I guess I missed it. As for the costume, once I see that ugly quilted face, the rest is forgotten! I’ll try to be more observant. Thanks for excusing my ignorance. Thankfully I procrastinated the Crawlspace seppukku ritual long enough for you to come through for me! It’s more horrific than Japanese seppukku. Crawlspace seppuku involves re-reading the entirety of the Dan Slott run in a single weekend.

    Chi-Town – I’m going to be sending you texts from the moment I wake up Wednesday wondering where your review is. It sure took you long enough to come over here to read it and comment! I don’t think that Kingpin is done with Vanessa, though. I think he brought in Mordo and force Kindred to bring back Vanessa and the tablet was to bring back the son, thinking that without Richard, Vanessa is a non-starter, but with Richard, they could be a happy family. I might be wrong. I was wrong once in college, but I was a freshman, so I try not to let that bring me down too much.

    Evan – Yeah, Aqu@ came through for us on the ooti! I don’t think MJ knows the deal was made. I think it was wiped from both of their minds, but there has always been speculation that she knows, much like there is speculation, but no concrete proof, that Robbie knows Peter’s secret identity. While I fully support Robbie knowing, I don’t think MJ does. Unless you or one of the other fine commenters here can point me to an issue that proves me wrong (which could happen, as stated in the above reply – her name was Jan and she was Betty Brant level insane). For anyone wanting to hear the song, look it up on YouTube! It’s worth it, not just for the Spidey reference, but also for the guy with the stormtrooper helmet and wampa rug!

  7. @Mark — Gosh, I am so late getting to your review. At least that gave me a lot of comments to read! And Aqu@ is absolutely right — I had the same feeling myself regarding the OOTI, but it was only a hunch. You gotta trust someone named Aqu@ to understand water. You’re right, though — Given how much I love consistency and attention to detail, if you can explain something confusing to me that makes sense in context, that always helps! (Sometimes the explanation is completely obvious, and somehow I still manage to miss it. That happens during movies when I notice something cool in the background and forget to watch the focus of the scene.)

    A thought crossed my mind: Since Mary Jane is the only one with memories of the deal with Mephisto (is that correct?), I have to wonder if, once she’s made aware of the machinations of the Kingpin so far as the resurrection of the Rose is concerned, she’ll think, “Wait a minute — I gave up my marriage to save May’s life, and we could have just resurrected her the whole time? That’s not right.” I certainly would wonder about that in her position.

    I guess, given the nature of comic books and the small likelihood that characters will stay dead, writers have to be creative as to how they’ll go about resurrecting them. Still, give me the Chameleon Conspiracy over the Clone Conspiracy any day!

    This is kind of obliquely related, but I just wanted to share: Weezer has a new album out (Van Weezer), and Track 1, Hero, is a far better song than the Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott one. And the first verse has Spider-man reference, to boot. I’ve kind of run my album into the ground already, since I love it so much.

    Wonderful review!

  8. Nice review Mark. I didn’t see the Rose coming at all, it seemed that all arrows pointed toward Vanessa, but like Kindred said “What makes you think, she’d WANT to come back to you?” It’s nice for Spencer to cement that “that ship has sailed, move on” directive and trying to correct a relationship with his son now.

    Hey, that’s something Wilson and Osborn can now relate to. So “Thwep” is no longer and issue and now we are back to the good ol “Thwip”. You know what, I’m glad. Only because of the people that were getting way too annoyed about it can finally clam up. The costume served it’s purpose, it was part of the story/humor, even Peter didn’t like it and now it done with it. Didn’t last long did it, as well as we knew it wouldn’t.

    You were late on this one, but I don’t judge…much. Enjoy your week off, I’ll grab the next one.

  9. @Michael – Oops, you’re right. Sorry about that. I’m sure Spencer will explain Electro’s return by other means: Kindred, Doc Ock, Norman Osborn, or other means.

    @Mark Alford – Nah, you haven’t failed. Every fan can’t know everything about the Marvel Universe, so there’s no need to hang your head in shame. Shocker wanting to apparently reform came from other Marvel comic series, “She-Hulk” vol. 3 #12 and “Uncanny Avengers” #30. Since they were outside of the Spider-titles, that’s why you missed out on the changes with Shocker’s behavior. Also, in regards to Shocker’s costume, it’s the usual quilted look without the belt and much more brown on the suit than the usual vest and trunks combo. Just Google “Superior Foes Shocker” and you’ll see the difference between the suits.

    Thank you for the replies and I hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay safe, Web-heads!

  10. @Sthenurus and @ Stuart Green

    Sthenurus – I am so glad you and the others said that you were blindsided by Boomerang. I figured everyone would be coming on and telling me that I should have figured it out since it was so obvious…

    Peter could be moving in with Mary Jane – or – Beetle will just take Boomerang’s place as the third roommate and now Peter is this super awkward third wheel.

    I like the Rose too. His shtick is limited, but a good one. I do like your idea that Fisk will now have to stop him so that he can continue being mayor. Sort of a reverse of the original.

    We don’t talk about Spencer’s run ending.

    Stuart – I wish I could answer your Shocker questions, but I am sadly malinformed here. I don’t remember his costume ever changing. I don’t have an eye for art, but didn’t he always have his quilted look? And I don’t remember Shocker wanting to go legit. In fact, I can’t remember any real character progression since he supposedly became the head of the maggia by finding Silvermane’s head.

    I have failed you. I end this post with my head hung in shame from the dishonor I brought upon the Crawlspace.

  11. @Gabriel and @Aqu@

    Gabriel – “Imagine an avengers team were everyone is mind swap for a weirdo fat guy.” And Spidey just yelling at them – “See how it feels?!” 🙂

    The Specialist we were referring to was the scientist with Kingpin who was warning him about going into a war zone, then turning out to be Black Cat in a wig and glasses. When you first saw the ghost, did you immediately think of the old archivist who gave Boomerang his powers? I didn’t until they referenced him later. I just thought it was an odd look for a spirit. And Spencer certainly has his story lines mapped out! Like you said, little things in past issues that seem like throwaways come back to play a role later on. As far as it being in ASM, I’m not sure why they didn’t.

    This could easily have been a GIANT-SIZED ASM #66 (or whatever number we are on). My Comixology didn’t include it in my ASM subscription. If I weren’t writing/reading reviews, I would have missed it.

    Aqu@ – I can respect that view of heroes, though I don’t see anything wrong with a hero profiting from his or her actions. The biggest problem with that is that money corrupts and if the hero is directing actions to make money rather than doing good, then that becomes an issue. The Avengers get paid about a $1000 a week so they can devote time to being a hero without having to worry about bills and the financial security of their loved ones. I don’t think that disqualifies them from being a hero. Would be a good thing for a future writer to explore.

  12. @Stuart Green- Electro CAN’T come back from the Tablet. The entire point was that the Tablet can only be used ONCE- that’s why the Kingpin didn’t resurrect both Vanessa and Richard.

  13. Nice review, but I hope this means that Spencer is wrapping up the Kindred arc rather than wrapping up his run on Spider-Man and leaving the comic altogether. I’m not really a fan of much of Spencer’s work, but I trust him more than most current writers to handle the Peter/Mary Jane relationship going forward, and I still want Spencer’s run to be the one where One More Day is undone. Seriously, it’s been 13+ years too long. I’m also curious to see where the return of Richard Fisk/the original Rose goes, as the Rose is one of my favorite lesser-known member of Spidey’s rogues. Since the Rose has been brought back from the Tablet, maybe this is how Electro returns from the dead?

    Also, I have two quick questions about the Shocker:
    1.) Is Shocker back in his classic costume or is he still in his Superior Foes era suit? I haven’t read recent issues yet and I haven’t yet seen any panels recently confirming it either way.
    2.) When did Shocker go back to being okay with being a bad guy? I thought in previous issues he was hinting at wanting a chance at being redeemed. Didn’t Rogue even speak on his behalf saying he could reform if given the chance?

    Thanks for your attention. I hope you all are having a great weekend and stay safe.

  14. Another ASM issue (kinda), another great review!

    Like everyone else (including Spidey) I was blindsided by the boomerang twist. I still think it’ll somewhat change him. Not make him a true hero but maybe some sort of semi heroic thief? A la Beetle?

    So it’s clear Pete and MJ are moving in together now. I love it.

    The Rose coming back is cool. Cause we also don’t know what else he came back with. If Harry became kindred, and the sin water also came back with powers. … Who’s to say Fisk jr didn’t as well? My guess is that Wilson will have to put him down himself to preserve his position as mayor. So he’ll finally understand Vanessa.

    A lot of plot threads are being tied up. Am I the only one feeling like Spencer’s run is coming to an end? Maybe with issue 900?

  15. Sorry, I forgot to add something to the following line:
    “In my opinion, being an hero means doing good for the sake of it, because it’s the right thing to do,” especially when that comes with sacrifices.

  16. @Paul Penna: As I hinted with the words in brackets in my post, if Kingpin wasn’t fooled by Felicia’s disguise then that makes HER the fool for thinking a wig and a pair of glasses would suffice.
    As Mark said, it’s like Clark Kent’s identity and that’s really naive (never liked that aspect).

    @Mark: I still think getting paid for heroics isn’t honorable either. In my opinion, being an hero means doing good for the sake of it, because it’s the right thing to do. Doing good because you’re paid, well, that’s just work. I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t pay respect or be grateful for the work of doctors, policemen, fire fighters, etc…, but I’m wary in calling any one of them a “hero”.

    @Gabriel: nope, we were talking about Black Cat’s disguise. 🙂

  17. “Now, if Spencer wrote a Spider-Man’s Superior Avengers…”
    Imagine an avengers team were everyone is mind swap for a weirdo fat guy.

    About the specialist, I think you guys are talking about the guy who told boomerang about the table? He appear in the #ASM 41, or 842, when Fred is “telling” to spider how he did get involved with this kingpin mess.

    I always though that something there was off putting, because the history seemed forced, but I ignore it and though as bad writting, but I was so wrong.

    The reveal about Fred was so unexpected, and makes sense, I can’t remember the last time that I didn’t figure out the plot twist on an ASM.

    About Spider-Man deciding to not go on with the JJ thing, there was the highligh of the issue, first, I always knew that Peter would end up stopping using that costume, but I thought that it would be because the app thing would bit him in the face, but no, it was because he realised that it was wrong by himself, I liked that a lot.
    I couldn’t help but to remember every time in the Slott run when you would have his OC saying how much better they’re in comparison with Peter, I remeber that annual when an inhuman random was giving Peter a moral lesson, and all the times that Peter would be saved by Doc Ock following by him saying how much better he was, like in Spider-Verse.

    A thing I really liked was how little things in past issues, that seemed just as fun fillers are important here, not in a obvious sense, but more to give context to things that happen on this issue, I talked about Fred’s history seeming off putting, but not fishy, until this issue, but there is also Peter’s decision to stop proffiting that way, this may seems out of nowhere, but do you remember that issue where Peter disscuss with JJ in a podcast? Where they talk about every time that Spider-Man acted in a scummy way, like when he trowns sand to the air and acted like he was fighting sandman to make some money with pictures and others things as such? It seemed pointless, though good to see it getting adress, in that issue, but It was to lay the ground up to his decision about being a “true hero”, here. It doesn’t trown it in your face, but It’s here.

    About the fighting scene, yeah, I was a little dissapointed, I was hopping a big fighting scene, but instead we got a pannel, and not a great one, this is a thing that I think americans comic book artist should take after shonnen artist, where you got a big impactful scene, even if brief.

    I really liked this issue, but it should have been on a regular. ASM

  18. @Michael, @Aqu@, and @Paul Penna

    Michael – Maybe Jessica is tired of Boomerang’s Instagram and has been harping on it to Luke, so he hates the guy too. It’s possible… I try to never go down the spider-sense rabbit hole. It’s been so inconsistent over the years. I explained it away to myself like this: there is all the fighting going on everywhere above them, there’s a dangerous force ghost guarding the piece, Kingpin is in the area, Boomerange Revenge Squad is in the area, so with the sense constantly buzzing, Peter was ignoring it or blocking it out much like we sometimes do background noise. My guess is that they are thinking the child resurrection was bad because they are worried about what the Rose may do again for crime in New York City? But I didn’t pick up on Kingpin not considering this option until Kindred said that, but that would make sense and since that was a flashback to an earlier time, it still holds that this was Kingpin’s plan all during this arc. I still think Kingpin is panning on using Kindred to bring back Vanessa with some idea in his head of them all being a happy family again.

    Aqu@ – I don’t think the specialist supposedly appeared in the earlier issues and I guess if Superman can hide behind glasses to an investigative reporter while also dating her, then Cat can do it with glasses AND a wig. 🙂 I think you hit the nail on the head about Spencer’s take on Spidey’s heroics – maybe making money isn’t the evil here – maybe it was all the attention seeking for his heroics that was the real unheroic aspect of it. That does seem to cross the line. I do remember when Wally West first became the Flash and a hospital wanted him to get a heart across the country for a transplant and he asked for health insurance from them as payment. They were aghast and felt insulted that he would charge something for his services! I always thought that was a great idea for a hero to have these deals with different places to get what he needs so he can still be a hero and afford to eat and stuff. They blew it in that comic by having him win the lottery at the end so that he would never have to worry about money again. 🙁 AND you made the OOTI make sense! Evan is going to be so happy with you!

    Paul Penna – I waffled on that myself. I like to think that the Kingpin was aware all along and was like, “Really? Glasses?” But you are missing the REAL question – how did she hide the leg and sleeve fur of her costume under that little bit of clothing she had one? That’s the real magic trick! 🙂

  19. Who says that Black Cat did fool the Kingpin? If she hadn’t turned up with the Kingpin’s part of the Tablet, Spidey might’ve realized something was wrong. Kingpin wanted the Tablet assembled, so Boomerang could steal it back. Maybe Kingpin merely allowed Black Cat to steal it as part of his plan?

  20. Honestly I didn’t even remember the Lemurian specialist in previous issues, maybe because I’m not paying attention enough or I’m reading them too late in the night. Anyway I can’t even begin to understand how Felicia could (and would think to) be able to pass for another woman in front of the SAME MAN who gave her powers after a number of medical analysis! And with only a wig and a pair of glasses!

    I’m actually one of those who don’t dislike other characters appearances in ASM, as long as the book doesn’t shift its focus; I like it, because it shows and reminds how they are in the same narrative universe (and same city!). If done well, that is. Not how dear Stan did in ASM annual #1 to advertise his other comics: it was so blatant it became cringey.

    I can see why Peter would feel less heroic showing his heroics: after all, a hero does something because it is the right thing to do, not to gather attention or earn a profit.
    I don’t know if it was Spencer’s intention to openly criticize one of the problems in modern society or if it’s just there as food for thought.

    About the costume, yeah, I just want to think he changed the appearance of the suit while disabling the streaming, because in previous issues he changed directly from civilian clothes…

    You got a point on the OOTI, but maybe that’s the sound of Peter’s ankle hitting a wall of high-pressurized water. LOL

    @Michael: Good points on Kingpin choosing his son over his wife!

  21. I know Spencer likes doing the “everybody hates Bomerang” gag but why wound Luke and the Jessicas hate him?.IIRC, they never met him.
    Am I the only one who thinks Peter’s Spider-Sense should have been going off earlier if Boomerang, Shocker, Hydro-Man and Speed-Demon planned all along to knock him out and steal the tablet? I mean, I could see it not going off if they were planning to steal it when his back was turned or something but if they were planning on attacking him, it should have been going off.
    Wolverine is definitely being hypocritical in this issue. First he’s angry at Peter for trusting Boomerang but the X-Men recently invited both Sinister and Sebastian Shaw to join their Quiet Council (and to the surprise of nobody at all, they both betrayed the X-Men at the first opportunity.)
    But more broadly, he seems to view Kingpin resurrecting his son as a Bad Thing, but recently when the X-Men helped Shaw resurrect his son, it was treated as the humane thing to do. Why is helping one evil rich middle-aged white guy resurrect his super villain son a good thing, and inadvertently helping the other one to do same thing a bad thing?
    Note that Kingpin WAS planning on resurrecting Vanessa until Harry asked him if she would want to come back to him. Did Harry WANT Kingpin to choose to resurrect Richard over Vanessa, and if so why? Does he have plans to use Richard in some scheme? Or did he want Richard to have a second chance because Harry knew what it’s like to be a supervillian’s son? Or did he want Fisk to choose Richard over his own selfish desires because Norman never did that for him? (The counterargument is that Rose held Liz hostage when she was pregnant)

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