DARK AGES is really the Marvel Comics event that keeps on giving. It already feels like Christmas for Marvel and Spider-Man fans around the world, as we’re being treated to an epic, dark, and twisty tale starring the Spider-Man family. We even get a special present in the end, with an appearance of a very unique take on a fan-favorite icon. At the end of the day, this book is a perfect example of how to tell a story that is not necessarily canon, but still impacts the readers in a very real, and emotional way. For some reason, the tension just keeps pumping up and the sense of urgency is simply at an all-time high right now. The stakes are greater than they ever have been, and sadly, tragedies are hitting our heroes hard in this chapter, one after the other. I am gripped, to say the least, and I am inviting everybody to grab this comic book series now because it is a must-read.



November 17, 2021


Tom Taylor


Iban Coello

Cover Artist:

Iban Coello


The Earth has been plunged into darkness, and Avengers and X-Men have begun vanishing in the night. They have been taken and twisted by Apocalypse to serve an evil older than the world. A group of heroes will assemble to travel across the dark planet in a desperate attempt to rescue their friends and save a civilization already on its knees.



  • The creative team set up the big tragedy at the end masterfully. The issue started with a heartwarming scene depicting Spider-Man and his family bonding with the other heroes and their children. Human Torch was tried to tell a tale about Galactus, but could not believe the little ones did not even know who Galactus is… possible teaser for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, anybody?
  • The part of this book that hurt the most was definitely the death of the Human Torch. Ultimately, Sue was able to save everybody except her own brother. But to the very end, she stuck by him and never left his side. This was a compelling display of the love a sister will always have for her brother, no matter the odds, no matter the circumstances or situation. Now Sue has to focus on getting back her husband and son from the dangerous strings of Apocalypse and his dark army.
  • We know the story will get even darker and messier as Apocalypse unveiled his next wave during the final panel, a shot of our favorite symbiotes and host, ready to unleash violence and chaos on Spider-Man and the surviving superheroes. Quicksilver was already a terrible punch to the gut for the Marvel heroes, as he was sent out first as a scout, but came back a mind-controlled agent that bloodied their community. But with the symbiotes being released, we just know that more blood and tears will be spilled before we (hopefully) achieve our happy ending.
  • It was a bit of a giggle for me reading about Doctor Doom trolling the Marvel heroes, and pressuring them with his love for the dramatic effect. Funny guy.
  • Thankfully, Doctor Octopus was also given a highlight moment during this issue, where Apocalypse praised him for the defenses he put up, which were able to neutralize Quicksilver as he tried to infiltrate the villains’ headquarters. He’s getting ready for his big movie appearance coming up.
  • The art team nailed it with a money-shot of Spider-Man helplessly trying to catch Quicksilver with his webs… only to fail miserably. It just shows how fast Quicksilver can be, when he is on game-mode.


  • I have nothing bad to say about this one. This comic book is awesome in every, single way.


I am just so emotionally invested in this comic book right now, and I am also hoping the MCU takes note of this little gem for future purposes. Apocalypse is really living up to his name, and his treatment of the world’s survivors is characterized by ruthless aggression. This week’s issue was able to provide some spotlight and shining moments to multiple villains and heroes alike, but at the very core, Spider-Man fans will be very pleased with this event because we get to experience all the trials and tribulations through his lenses.


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  1. Really enjoying this series, although the pedant part of me wants to know why peter’s web shooters are so large. His original Mark 1’s had no electronics in them (pressurised cannister and a pressure switch) and fitted under his sleeves. I get it’s for the aesthetic but it annoys me every time I see them.

  2. The art is gorgeous and the scene with the girls’ tea party and Johnny trying to impress them is so cute, on the other hand I really felt it when Peter could’nt stop Quicksilver, I feel we’re due a big moment for Spidey at some point in this story and I hope we get it.

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