Like they always say: START ‘EM YOUNG. And Marvel is truly setting up the future of comic books with bright, new prospects, putting themselves in danger and risking their lives, even if they’re still kids. And in the case of Normie Osborn, we really mean KID. While admittedly, it feels a bit unsettling or disturbing seeing a child take on the huge responsibility of taking down the bad guys, it is reassuring to know that he has a bunch of friends on his side. We already know that the younger Venom is Normie’s acquaintance, to say the least. But in this most recent issue, he also roughs it up AND patches things up with Spider-Man! Marvel is clearly going all-in with their symbiote characters and stories, and if that means more Spider-Man across various books and titles, then I count that as a good thing. Symbiotes are not just a fad or a mere trend… they’re here to stay. And what family would be complete without a little cute kid transforming into a gruesome Red Goblin, slashing away at kidnappers, abductors and mercenaries? Am I right?



August 09, 2023


Alex Paknadel


Jan Bazaldua

Cover Artist:

In-Hyuk Lee

IN CROSSBONES’ CROSSHAIRS! As the new RED GOBLIN, Normie Osborn has tried to do the right thing and in the process, has had to face down small-time criminals and lowlifes. That will leave him poorly prepared for when the bloodthirsty and brutal mercenary CROSSBONES tracks him down, intent on taking both Normie’s symbiote AND HIS LIFE!


  • Normie is a very complex, endearing, and likeable character, almost by default. If you think about his history and background, you can already assume his life will go down a dark, tragic path, one way or another. But surprisingly, the future looks bright for this one, as Normie is already showing so many signs that he will be a great superhero in the future. Not only is his heart in the right place, but he almost strikes me as fearless. Maybe he is numb, given his family tree. Maybe he is just always caught in the moment, forced to do anything that will help him survive. But regardless, Normie is shaping up to be a man beyond his years. His growth right now is on an even faster track than Spider-Man, himself!
  • Crossbones is another exciting supporting character in this issue, as he shows off all his skills as a merciless soldier, and really just as a force to be reckoned with. You would think that the Goblin soldiers would put up more of a fight when they get invaded, but Crossbones made his infiltration and assault look as easy as stealing candy from a baby. I’ll be looking forward to seeing more of Crossbones in action in the upcoming issues.
  • As with the other ongoing symbiote titles, the art in this book is top tier, with much attention and detail given to the action, and to the symbiote, itself. The relationship between Normie and his symbiote is developed through their dialogue and interaction but seeing them as one in VIOLENT action really highlights the potential Red Goblin has as a mainstay character in the Spider-Man family.
  • Hey, any supporting title in the Spider-Man family where we get meaningful and action-packed participation by Spider-Man himself is always a winner in my book. I’m always glad to see Spider-Man mixing it up with the next generation of heroes. And honestly, he really has been popping up everywhere, lately.


  • The bonding and interaction between Spider-Man and Normie was cute and heartwarming, but a part of me wanted to see a little more of their initial fisticuffs. I felt the slugfest was simply too brief, and Spider-Man took down the amateur Normie too soon, only to realize that he clobbered a poor kid. Their back-and-forth exchanges, both physically and verbally, are going to be sensational to read in the next issues.


The Osborns already have such a rich, deep, and dark history, but Normie is only improving their collective timeline as he seeks to redeem all the sins, downfalls and scars left behind by the men before him. It may appear to be an insurmountable task at times, but with his symbiote friend, and the other members of the Spider-Man family, the sky is the limit for this kid.

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