The Ultimate Couple Return in Ultimate Spider-Man #1


Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson Are the Ultimate Couple in ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ #1

On sale in January, Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto’s new run of ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ will feature Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson as a married couple. Meet the Parker family now!

Writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Marco Checchetto’s bold new take on ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN is shaping up to be full of surprises!

Launching this January as the first ongoing series set in Marvel’s new Ultimate Universe, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN will star a very different Peter Parker—an older, wiser web-slinger who balances his super hero duties with his responsibilities as a husband and a father. That’s right, Spider-Man is a married man!

Meet Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson—MR. & MRS. PARKER! They’re one of pop culture’s most iconic couples, and now readers will see them stronger than ever in the Ultimate Universe. To celebrate, Peter and MJ’s romance will be featured on a series of picture perfect variant covers by Elizabeth Torque that will adorn the first four issues of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN. Spidey superstar Ryan Stegman also spotlights the whole Parker family on a new promotional piece.

“When we decided that we were going to do a book about an older Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man, we really wanted to lean into him starting his super hero life from a very different place than what’s traditionally expected,” Hickman explained. “Peter and MJ being married is one of many decisions we made that underline this being quite a ‘different’ kind of Spider-Man story.”

Variant Cover by RYAN STEGMAN
On Sale 1/10

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  1. Hickman is writting Spider-Man (Peter)? A MARRIED Spider-Man at that!?

    Alright, I’m sold! This is gonna be good.

  2. @Big John
    I think that, at this point and particularly after Spencer run’s ending, the cynicism is more than justified.

  3. Man, I’ve two minds on this issue:

    1) On the one hand, the part of me that loves seeing these two together, in any story, can’t wait to read this series.

    2) On the other, the more jaded-with-Marvel part wonders…

    a) whether or not Hickman will be a good fit for this. I’m eager to see his handling of Spider-Man, and think the world of him, mostly because I absolutely loved his FF run. But if guys like Mark Waid are any indication, just because you’re a good writer, doesn’t make you a good fit for Spidey.


    b) if this is just Marvel editorial throwing crumbs at the fans of the Spider-marriage. I loved RYV as much as the next guy, but that was no more the Peter and MJ whose love and marriage I grew up with than these new “Ultimate 2.0” versions are. Prime universe (rolling my eyes while I type this – I am SO tired of multiverses) Pete and MJ should be together. The time to break them up in any meaningful, story/character-justified fashion (i.e. the end of the Clone Saga) has already come and gone. There is no good story that splits them up anymore. So, again, I wonder if this is yet another b.s. “monkey’s paw” from Marvel editorial so that they can placate marriage-fans and just say, “Go read Ultimate Spider-Man! They’re married there!”

    Ugh. Sorry for the cynicism my guys. Appreciate the chance to vent.

    Viva Crawlspace!

  4. @Evan
    Oh, don’t worry about the name. Be it Aqu@ or Aqua, it’s still right. The @ is just a fancy a.
    You’re one of the very few who is precise enough to write it right with the a at the end.

  5. @Aqu@ — Oops, I spelled your name wrong! Sorry about that. At least the comments are working for me now. 🙂

  6. @Evan
    It happened to me too once, some time ago. I just emailed Brad explaining the issue and he kindly fixed it.

  7. P.S. — I’m so glad that my comment finally posted. For the past two days I have tried to post a comment using three different devices in as many locations, and every time I got an error saying that my IP address was blocked. If it continued I thought I’d have to notify someone on Discord or else email BD, since I wondered if it was affecting everyone.

  8. @Aqu@ —

    Thank you for that explanation. I must have read that at some point, but I guess I had forgotten it. I didn’t catch that this Ultimate Peter may have gotten his powers later in life, but that makes sense, too. Comet (below) stated the same thing, so I don’t think you have to worry about spoilers.

    I hadn’t realized that this Ultimate universe is a new iteration. Marvel went to so much trouble to end the original Ultimate universe, I suppose, that you’d think this current iteration will not be an entire line of comics like that was, but perhaps a limited series. I only really follow Spider-man, so I don’t know. Either way, this new Ultimate Spider-man sounds promising!

  9. @Evan
    Yes, it was confirmed he was the real Peter and that he came back to life thanks to the same effects of the Oz formula that made Norman come back to life. They were apparently immortal.

    I doubt he is the same Peter; as far as I know (i.e. I only read the first issue of Ultimate Invasion), this Ultimate Universe is a new iteration. It also seems from the news that this Peter got his powers later in adult life. I may be wrong (no spoiler, please!).

  10. Finally, I can go back to comic book stores. Hickman and married Spider-Man? :O Am I dreaming? 🙂

  11. After Peter Parker was killed in the Ultimate universe, I remember that he was mysteriously brought back. Was that ever explained? I always thought it sort of nullified Miles Morales’s origin a bit to have Peter return, and there was speculation for a time that he was an imposter. Later I believe it was confirmed that that was the real Peter, but I don’t recall how he managed to come back. More importantly, is this older, married Peter the same one we meet as a teenager in the Ultimate universe?

  12. Seeing Stegman’s cover reminded me of the Renew Your Vow series by Conway. I hope their daughter is a version of May. I find it interesting that Peter is getting his powers later in life, which might mean their children won’t have potential spider powers.

  13. Day one purchase! As a fan of the Spider-Marraige who is not reading any current Spider-Man comics right now I am so looking forward to this!

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