The Chi-Town Breakdown: USM #1 (2024)

Greetings Everyone!  I know, right?  I’m back!

Just to set a few things straight, I never left.  I just refused to read ASM and review it anymore.  Hornacek was kind enough to take that “burden of a book” off these fun-loving hands and Dark Mark now has another person to annoy.  Mark is the gift that keeps on giving folks, and there’s no exchanges, returns or refunds.  Believe me, I’ve tried.

So, what brought me back reviewing?  Brad basically said “Look Chi-Town, the Spider-Marriage!  You like the Spider-Marriage!”  We ALL like (and miss) the Spider-Marriage between Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.  So, when news hit that writer, Jonathan Hickman and artist, Marco Checchetto was going to give Spider-Man fans what we have been wanting over the last decade, I was intrigued.

Here at the Crawlspace, we understand that there are fans out there, that aren’t aware of certain things in the Spider-Mythos, don’t understand what goes on behind the scenes at Marvel and are probably asking “Why is this book such a big deal?”.  They just see the latest movie and believe they know everything they need to know about the character.  Allow me to provide you the “Edu-tainment”.


First and foremost is that Peter and Mary Jane WERE married in Earth-616.  Due to the Joe Quesada ill-decision mandate, fueled by his nostalgia 1970’s passion and “his” version of Spider-Man, he split the couple up with the horrendous and un-forgetful storyline OMD in 2007.  It was later followed by more nonsense in the storyline OMIT, which didn’t make his “logic as to why they split up” ANY better.  I can now understand WHY this guy was banned from any more MCU projects.  So Spider-Man was basically a mess for a decade, mostly misses than hits in their Brand New Day (BND) Reboot.  Nick Spencer entered in 2018 and he was on the verge of fixing Spider-Man.  However, Editorial (fueled by Quesada’s mandate) pulled the rug out from under him and us at the very last second.  Now Spidey is undergoing BND 2.0 on Earth-616.

Second, if you think this design for a Spidey-comic is familiar in some sort of way, you are not wrong.  Marvel has pulled this tactic before.  Spider-Girl (Earth-982) and Renew Your Vows (Earth-18119) have provided fans much need “fresh air” from ASM (Earth-616) when that mandate is in effect.  You could theorize that this book is a “compromise” for Spidey fans.  While Marvel can play their game in Earth-616, they still get profit from another title providing what fans really want in another universe.  This book provides a life jacket (like Spider-Girl and RYV) for fans that are drowning in the waters of “character assassination” story lines and Rek-Rap in ASM.

Lastly, the title of this new series.  “Wasn’t there already an Ultimate Spider-Man?”.  Yes, and to a degree, the word “Ultimate Spider-Man” has been used in various methods throughout the years.  However, this SOMEWHAT is driven off the series that Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley wrote in the early 2000’s.  There was an Earth-1610 and there was a Peter Parker and that’s where Miles Morales came from.  In this universe there was a Read Richards who went mad and decided to become a villain.  He then became The Maker (google it) and after seeing Earth -1610 destroyed during the second Secret Wars event, both he and Miles escaped to Earth-616.  Miles adapted nicely to his new home, but The Maker (after causing trouble, as villains do) got bored and decided to “make” a “NEW” Ultimate universe, now referred to Earth-6160.  If you are interested, check out Ultimate Invasion and Ultimate Universe sitting on your LCS shelves now.

There!  That should catch you up on what you need to know in order to follow through.  So what does THIS book have to offer you?  In Earth-6160, we have an older version of Peter Parker (late 30’s I assume) married to Mary Jane (YAY!) and has two kids, BEFORE he was given the responsibility of being Spider-Man.  There is no greater responsibility that being a parent and who better to pull that off, than “Mr. Responsibility” himself, right?!  Will Marvel deliver the goods that we as fans been drooling for?  OR…will they pull the rug out from under us again?  I honestly wish I could give you an honest answer, Crawlspacers.  After Spencer’s plan for ASM was derailed by Editorial, I am cautiously excited about this book.  That being said…let’s dig in.

Spider-Fans when they compare Ultimate Spider-Man to The Amazing Spider-Man.

(Writer) Jonathan Hickman
Marco Checchetto 
(Colorist) Matthew Wilson
(Letterer) Joe Caramagna
Wil Moss
C.B. Cebulski
Date Released
Issue Number
Price Tag:

STORY:   Peter wakes up not feeling any younger.  He gets dressed, says good morning to his kids (Richard and May), grabs a some coffee, cooked bacon, and some “sugar” from his WIFE, Mary Jane PARKER ( Man…does it feel good to say that again).  There is something important he wants to talk to his wife about, but they both agree to chat about it after work as he heads out the door.  Jonah is at the Bugle yelling out “Parker”, but it’s not for Peter, its for Peter’s uncle, BEN PARKER.  As manager editor of the Daily Bugle, Ben informs Jonah that yelling isn’t allowed.  Both he and Peter are heading to the memorial service to the people that lost their lives during explosion.  Peter is worried his Uncle hasn’t processed May’s death, but Ben assures him that everyone grieves in their own way.  After “Father Murdock” makes his speech, Harry Osborn (who lost his father and mother in the explosion) reminds everyone why playing a simple game of catch with your old man, is important.  Peter and his uncle head back to the Bugle where Jonah has just quit, because Wilson Fisk now owns the paper and wants to make changes.  Ben refuses to be a “Yes Man” and walks out.  Ben and Jonah decide to start over with a different paper and Peter asks his uncle how he can make a change in his life so easily.  Ben tells Peter to “take action” on whatever change he wants to make.  Later, Peter talk to MJ about him making a change and that it’ll NEVER change how he feels about her or their marriage.  MJ gives him a kiss of approval/support and with a “Go get em, Tiger.” Peter sets out to make this “change”.  Apparently not too long ago, holographic Tony Stark gave him the whole breakdown on the Ultimate Invasion and Ultimate Universe story line and Peter decides to be the hero he was destined to be.

The Marriage:   Let face reality and talk about what really intrigued you to read this book. The Marriage here is strong, VERY STRONG!  You are getting the same type of excitement when Renew Your Vows came out, but it’s MORE GROUNDED in this book.  This first issue will satisfy your expectations and will feel like a breath of fresh air (if you are following and complaining about the ASM run).  I would say that the best way to describe this dynamic between Peter and MJ is to compare it to the stories in  Web of Spider-Man.  One could also say on how JMS wrote these two characters during his time, before “the mandate virus” came in.  Peter and Mary Jane are very supporting of each other in their marriage and because of that, their parenting skills are top notch.  Hickman seems to know what the fans want to read about and is settling in nicely when he writes this family atmosphere.  The only thing I have that I don’t like, is Peter not telling MJ what this “change to him” is.  All he did was assure her that it will NEVER affect how he feels about her or their marriage.  She knows how responsible he already is and trusts him, but I think a longer talk about “I’m getting Spider-Powers because a holographic image from the most hated man on our planet said it belongs to me.” would be beneficial.  Personally, I would have told my wife that and shared that info.  I think it will cause drama for Peter and MJ, but it could show just how much stronger it will make this marriage.  We will see in future issue, however I like the beginning structure of it.

The Premise:   This is an origin story and much like how the first Ultimate series took a different modern twist to the original, Hickman takes his time by establishing the characters first, which is a good thing.  He wants you to know and invest in the character of this world.  He wants you to know the MAN behind the mask and the people around him.  What kind of goals and ambitions Peter wants in life.  The sense of responsibility has been already cemented in Peter’s core by this time, being married and having kids can do that to person.  It’s RELATABLE! (Go, figure, right?)  In this universe, we have an adult version who already has a keen idea about what his responsibility is about BEFORE he gets his powers.  Hickman established all this character development in one issue without revealing Spider-Man.  Characters driving the story and when it keeps the reader invested because of that premise, that’s good story telling. I’m drinking that Kool-Aid.  I want to know more about how THIS Peter will handle the bearing weight of being Spider-Man and is that the type of change he was looking for.  More importantly, how will his family take this new direction?   I honestly hope that Hickman centers a few issues on Mary Jane, The Kids, Uncle Ben, and Jonah.  If he wants to take his time delivering the goods with characterization with this run, I’m onboard with that.

Uncle Ben:   You are seeing a more adult, mature, and responsible Peter Parker.  Even though his marriage and being a parent can enforce that onto him, I believe it’s only half as to the reason why.  In this universe, Uncle Ben is ALIVE and has been with Peter throughout most of his life.  So it’s safe to say that both Uncle Ben and Aunt May and built and very strong structure in Peter Parker core values.  In this universe, Peter didn’t learn on the fly while being Spider-Man, HERE…both parental guardians have guided him along the way BEFORE he started climbing walls.  Unfortunately, Aunt May perished in the blast The Maker caused and blamed Tony Stark for.  So now Ben (the father figure) has been a big part in Peter’s life, so much that he even worked as the manager in editing at the Daily Bugle.  The “Good Man” that is Uncle Ben, still is implied in this universe.  Refusing to be a “Yes Man” to Wilson Fisk and quitting The Daily Bugle, to run a new newspaper with J. Jonah Jameson.  Ben believes and knows he’s doing the right thing.  Here we get the “Wake Up” speech.  It’s not the “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” quote he’s so known for, but it’s still powerful.  Ben insisting that Peter has a great life so far and if he feels that there is something missing from it, then he should take action, be responsible, and take it.

Becoming Spider-Man:   Have you ever heard the lyrics to Phil Collins (Thanks Nate!) “You’ll be in your heart” from Disney’s Tarzan.  Ironic since that I reference that movie, considering the swinging scenes that mirror Spidey.  One of the lyrics is “When destiny calls you, you must be strong.”  In every other universe it’s a common theme that Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Man.  A freak accident that has been interrupted as “destiny” and it called upon Peter.  HERE, Peter actually CHOOSE destiny instead of the other way around.  Definitely a different take on Spider-Man.  A responsible man, and STRONG MAN taking on what he thinks was supposed to be his in the first place.  What he believes that it was robbed from him and will use it to help others.  Peter believes that Uncle Ben and Mary Jane gave the approval to this “change in his life”.  He always felt one part of his life was “off” and this is the missing piece of that puzzle.  I like how Checchetto illustrates that one page depicting that and I truly believe that is Hickman’s intent.  However, like I stated before, Uncle Ben and MJ didn’t know they Peter was going to become Spider-Man…or did they?  Y’know, there are certain way to read panels…hard to actually tell.

Unfortunately, I suppose we have Tony Stark to thank for this (Trust me Crawlspacers, that sentence disgusted me when I typed it out.).  I would have preferred a less amount of Stark in my Spider-Man Comic.  Handed the Spider that bites him and made his suit.  Still there too much GOOD in here, than bad.  So, I will allow it.  I don’t LIKE it, but I will allow it.  So in SIX MONTHS (Yeah right…we learned that lesson in Wells ASM) Tony will arrive and assemble his heroes to fight the bad guys.  I like Spidey being a street level-lone hero, but since this is an more mature, responsible, adult Spider-Man, maybe it’ll be a good thing.  So count your coins and place your bets that there will be a cross over coming up in all Ultimate titles.

The Bad Guys:   Kingpin and Green Goblin appear!  It’ll be interesting to see if Peter keeps his job at The Daily Bugle, now that Fisk has his hands in it.  With his new found powers he may be able to keep tabs on Kingpin’s criminal activity.  With Jonah and Ben making their own newspaper business,  it also could put Peter’s life in danger.  Fisk is smart enough to know that Peter is Ben’s nephew and may pull some pressure on that card.  He’s a street level criminal and a part of Spider-Man’s rouge gallery.  I’m down for that.  Then we have an unknown person flying around in a Raimi-Updated Green Goblin Costume, making an attack on Fisk.  The obvious choice is that it’s Harry, since Norman is dead.  However, Norman may be alive and only presumed dead, in order to devote more time as Goblin to destroy Fisk.  Don’t know much on this new character yet, so..for now, your guess is as good as mine.  Love to see your thoughts below!

Things to Note:

  • This Peter seems to prioritize his Family over being Spider-Man.  That responsibility came first before the spider-bite.  It’ll be interesting to see how he juggles it.
  • Give me MORE of Ultimate Best Buds, Jonah and Ben!  Looking forward to their dynamic.  Also, Jonah is NICE to Peter!

Grade:   I’m giving this one an “A”.  The Stark influence and Peter not being completely honest on his “change” to his loved ones brought it down just a tad (this nitpick may be corrected in issue #2), but this is still an AMAZING BOOK!  I’m locked in and Hickman seems to be as well.  It’s nice to now look forward to this book and review it for you folks once again.  I would encourage you to go and buy it.  Look for more reviews to come and again, tell me what you think.  Let me know if I missed anything…there was A LOT to unpack in this first issue!  All good things, though!

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  1. 5,99 $ for 48 pages of characters talking without a single Spider-man appearance? Sheesh! I know they can afford it with such a creative team on this character and with this premise, but still for a first issue… It’s a bit too introductory.

    On another note, I bet the Goblin is JJJ. Or uncle Ben, but probably JJJ.

  2. Loved it! Some leaps of logic here and there on where the characters ended up, but those are stories yet to be told as they say. Looking forward to the next issue!

  3. @Hornacek: You had ONE job! Now the secret is out!!! You’ve been hanging around Mark too much.

    @Evan: Love the optimism buddy! I was actually thinking about that too, concerning Uncle Ben. I hope that’s not the case because I want more Jonah/Ben buddy moments and would like Uncle Ben to fill the role that Aunt May did in 616.

    @Nate: DOH! You are right! Bolton songs were in Hercules and Collins was in Tarzan! Must have mixed up my Disney playlist! I’ll correct that on the review! Thank You!!!

    @Dark Mark:………………..why are you, YOU? I hope Hickman is putting in the logic that Peter had a responsibility to his family FIRST. So that’s how I hope he sees it. It’s simple how Peter won MJ’s heart, it’s meant to be. Like Lois and Clark. I love that Nate stole your thunder, I know you were “itching” to say something, but now you can’t scratch it. 😀 I find that enjoyable.

  4. Glad you are liking the book, Chi-Town! I enjoyed it, but I have… reservations. For one, I don’t see how Rek-Rap can fit into this universe. Maybe a good Spider-Verse story can do that for us.

    On a more serious note, the part I liked was the interaction of Peter and MJ and the kids. My reservation is that I don’t see this comic keeping that going. I think one of the big sacrifices he will have to make here is his family relationship. I hope Hicks is not going to go that way, and maybe he won’t.

    It obviously doesn’t need to be explored now in the comic, but I would like to see how they met. In 616, MJ saw him as Spider-Man on that fateful night, Aunt May and Aunt Anna pushed them together, and his confidence that he gained from being Spider-Man was what sealed the deal with them, but in this universe, that didn’t happen. So how did he pull off winning her heart here? Not a detraction at all, just a curiosity that entered my mind upon reading it.

    I hate Iron Man in my Spider-Man comics, but I love it here only because I know it is a sticking point for you. Ha! Iron Man jr indeed! 🙂

    Nate Dogg – You have my permission to be that guy all day long. Saves me some time.

    Ryan, I’ve been parking in your spot. I may have relocated your sign to the back of the Crawlspace building next to the dumpster (the one where George keeps his Clone Saga collection). Nothing personal, I just liked your spot better and Chi-Town wasn’t on board at that point.

    Here’s hoping that this run just builds from here instead of spiraling out of favor with my best buddy!

  5. Sorry to be that guy, but the songs from Tarzan are actually by Phil Collins. Keep up the great work!

  6. Great to have you back! (I promise you, Hornacek, that’s not a reflection upon you or Puddin’!) I’m glad that there’s something that gets you excited about reading Spider-man again. I suspect that you’re right about Marvel’s intention of appealing to a (large) subset of fans and thus still get their money, too, but I still think this is a very good step. It demonstrates acknowledgment. Maybe I’m being optimistic, but is it possible that tremendous sales of this book could sway the status quo a little bit? Especially given the backlash against the change that occurred at the end of Nick Spencer’s tenure? I’m admittedly sort of naive about editorial politics and economics and public demand and such (and I give the benefit of the doubt to almost everyone, to boot), so I might need someone with more experience and realistic understanding to bring me down a bit.

    My favorite part of this book was the artwork. And, given how much I enjoyed the story, that’s saying a lot! I have some concerns that Uncle Ben may still be killed at some point (which alone is a testament to how invested I am already), though I like the idea of his being in Peter’s corner to offer words of wisdom.

    It was a little jarring to see how easily Robbie buckled under Fisk, given to how committed to the truth he is in the 616 universe.

    If only this book had been the one that came out “thrice monthly.”

  7. I mean I assume he’s going to tell MJ as while with Ben you could argue he’s being rather vague with what he was asking he’s being pretty explicit with MJ about changing and not just like a new job

  8. @Chi-Town Spidey:

    Sure, that’s how it starts. “I’m not coming back to take back the ASM reviewer job. I’m just here to review another book. Don’t worry about it.” Next thing I know my name on my Crawlspace parking spot has been changed to your name, and my key to the Crawlspace executive bathroom doesn’t work anymore.

  9. @Hornacek: It’s LITTERALY in the FIRST paragraph of this review! “I just refused to read ASM and review it anymore. Hornacek was kind enough to take that “burden of a book” off these fun-loving hands.” This is ULTIMATE, you keep up the great work that you are doing in AMAZING!

  10. This is a hell of a way to find out that you’ve been fired because the person you replaced decided to come back. 🙂

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