Return of Ben Reilly in Amazing Annual?

8317new_storyimage4577927_fullWriter Marc Guggenheim let out a clone saga tease in his latest interview with He states that an upcoming Amazing Spider-Man storyline will be titled, “Who is Ben Reilly.” The storyline will begin in Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 36. What do you think? Would Ben make a good Spider-Villain?

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  1. I have to agree with Enigma on this one because under Joe Quesada’s editorial direction, Spiderman has continually succumbed to crappy writing. To be fair I once thought that they were going to bring back Ben Reilly with this but when I looked closer, it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the case-This is similar to DC giving people the impression that Jean Paul Valley would return as Azrael but instead we have a new guy in the role named Michael Washington Lane who I guarantee will never be mentioned in the same breath as his predecessor.
    I think that the day Marvel really brings back Ben Reilly is the day that Marvel brings back the Roderick Kingsley Hobgoblin to the 616 continuity and DC brings back Jean Paul Valley to the Bat books. Be warned, spiderfans, not to hold your breaths for this to happen anytime soon. Believe me, I want to be wrong about these assumptions but I suspect that I won’t be.

  2. It’s probably Kaine. Kaine never died and was last seen in that whole Identity Crisis thing for a brief snippet. If I remember correctly from the 90’s books, Kaine was going around killing a lot of people and trying to frame Ben Reilly for the entire thing. If I were to bet anything I’d say Kaine killed that guy’s family and he’s out for Peter Parker now.

  3. If they do that and give him his on solo book again…I will be eternally grateful and will buy every issue. Even if it’s written by Terry Kavanaugh.
    I’ll be crying in the showers often…but I need my spidey fix somehow…and I refuse to support Brand New Day.

    If they get away with this travesty, they’ll likely do it again. =(

  4. Maybe they retconned the whole death of Ben and he just went into hiding so when this “new villain” goes to kill Peter he thinks Ben is the Peter hes looking for and Ben seeks out Peter to tell him *gasps for breath*….. cliche up the hizz’ous but it may work….

  5. >Here’s an idea: why not wait to see what Marvel plan to do before outright condemning them?<

    Because, Macgargan… they never fail to disappoint us. It’s like they go above and beyond to do just that.

    Love the marriage? Poof. Gone.

    Want May back? Oops, we thought you meant the OLD May.

    Peter’s unmasking will open a whole new avenue of dynamic storytelling… psyche!

    Behold… this is the start of a Brand New Day! Starring blatant ripoffs of classic Spidey villans… one a hooker who apparently likes Skittles! And let’s not talk about that goblin fetus…

    We’re gonna show you great stories… stories that couldn’t have been told with a MARRIED Peter Parker… wha? Why are you still here? Oh, the “single Parker stories? Keep waiting…”

    Anyone that still wants to read about a married Peter Parker can simply read Amazing Spider-Girl…. NOW bundled in with bonus crap stories that we couldn’t sell you on otherwise in Amazing Spider-Man Family! Please buy our crappy online comic… Or don’t you like Spider-girl?

    Oh well, at least we still have Ultimate Spider-Man…


    … s***.

    Yeah, they’re batting WELL above average with us! Why wouldn’t we have faith in them?!!?

  6. >Here’s an idea: why not wait to see what Marvel plan to do before outright condemning them?<


  7. Gee, let’s hope it’s better than Guggenheim’s ” Who is Jackpot” annual.

  8. Hmm…..Guggenheim mentions a villain that wants to kill Peter Parker (not Spider-Man). And Aunt May’s maiden name is Reilly i.e. her name before she got married and changed it to Parker. My guess is that they aren’t bringing back THE Ben Reilly, but rather a family member from May’s side of the family called Ben. And he wants to kill Peter….:~

    *crosses fingers*

    please don’t bring back Ben Reilly, please don’t bring back Ben Reilly

  9. i read the blurb and while it hints at a new villain, there is nothing to indicate either way if they will be named Ben Reilly.

  10. 1. Where’s the fun in that.

    2. If a Uwe Bol or The Wayne’s brothers made a movie, you’d automatically assume it was a pile of crap before you seen it would you not? For the anit-BND crowd this is no different.

  11. Here’s an idea: why not wait to see what Marvel plan to do before outright condemning them?

  12. I wouldn’t say this is a last hope, didn’t Wacker say on the podcast at the start of BND that they already had ideas to do with Ben Reily?

  13. I have to hand it to Marvel, they do something horrific and terrible with the character, now they’re going to take the last hope of people who wish Ben Reilly would show up and save the book and destroy that last hope, too. Pathetic.

  14. Unless they bring back THE Ben Reily… I mean THE Ben Reily AKA Scarlet Spider that thinks of Peter as a brother, I offically don’t give a s***…

  15. I have read Spidey just about my whole life. I have been waiting for Marvel to try Ben Reilly again for over a decade. If they finally bring him back just to make him a bad guy I might actually be done.

  16. An eagerness to reintroduce a peice of 1990s continuity that they previously tried to sweep under the rug…surely we’re begining to become more “inaccessible” again to the imaginary new readers…surely Marvel arent singing my favourate diddy called “Infintile double-standards”.

    Tom DeFalco’s new Clone Saga in 2008 already did wonders for me…and the Gwen Reily storyline is just as good…rather than try to copy a master, the apprentices better focus their attention on their own thing. Either stick to your guns, or not at all.

  17. Well, they slapped us in the face by getting rid of the marriage… this must be the huge wad of spit they just hocked at us…..

  18. what? a villain? we already had Kaine. or is this like ultimate where they share the name only? or does Aunt May get pregnant by Jay?

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