High Quality Photo of the New Spider-Man Movie Costume In Action

One thing to keep in mind: this is a stunt costume, so the footwear and other elements are probably altered from the costume design to make it easier on the stunt player.  There’s no need to rush to judgment or anything.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go vomit uncontrollably while hugging my plush Spider-Man doll.

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Spidey Memories#92

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  1. @hermann22

    This is a costume, not the TUMBLER.

    We don’t need to see it in action, we just need to SEE it.

  2. Best quote of the year so far in my house. ” That has to be the most gaudy thing for a spidey outfit.” From my wife who is not a Spidey nut but liked the 90’s cartoon and the first 2 movies.

  3. C’mon Spider-Dad, the Raimi/Maguire trilogy used a faithful red & blue costume, with the back spider based on the emblem drawn by Alex Ross in Marvel’s
    Blade was faithful translation of suit, cause he doesn’t put on a costume
    Iron Man used the Extremis with some modifications, in the second movie they made him put on a comic replica of the Extremis
    Fantastic Four?

  4. This is another example of someone trying to “improve” the design instead of going with the familiar. I am not sure why Hollywood thinks this is a good idea, but they consistently try and do this with every hero, except one. The Superman costume for the most part stays pretty static, (Michael Bailey can correct me if I am offbase). At least this Spider-Man costume does not have nipples in it like a certain caped crusader.

    I hope these movie stills are more for balloon trials to see if fans like it. Otherwise, a new costume and MJ not the love interest is going to cause confusion to the casual fan on top of a reboot no one really asked for. Unless the story and acting totally kill, this does not bode well for the franchise…

  5. Definitely looks weak from the picture, but I am reserving judgement. Might look better in fluid motion rather than still shot?

  6. Who came up with this shit, the guys who designed the Broadway Musical?
    If they don’t fix this in the postproduction because of the negative fan reaction, we will very likely see this shit version in the comic books as well.

  7. How about we see it in action first? I mean…seeing it like this is OBVIOUSLY how it will EXACTLY look on screen *rolls eyes*

  8. Man I was cautiously optimistic about this movie but now my slightest hopes are shattered. I am so depressed and enraged I am wanna find a quiet place to have a heart attack in

  9. Here’s something I never thought I’d hear myself say:

    I like the costume from “Turn Off The Dark” better.

  10. AICN has an update with a link to two new pictures of the same costume via Perez Hilton’s site.

    I am linking to AICN where others can find the link there cause… yeah I’m not posting a link to Perez Hilton for any-damn-thing-ever.


  11. Exactly Enigma_2099, you can’t screw an all black costume, real funky on Batman

    This suit is one major MEH-fest (no, don’t go that way)
    Schumacher is the director in disguise

  12. I wasn’t crying foul at the costume…until now.

    I’m sure we’ll all get over it when the movie comes and goes, but it just looks lame. Not horrible, but lame.

  13. I’m not against new designs at all… providing they work right. Spidey’s had a few new designs that were good. The Symbiote being the best alternative of course. The Ben suit was always a close second. Hell, even the Scarlet suit was decent (as mentioned above). Batman’s redesign was good because they made it believable. Of course a millionaire vigilante would need some high tech armor, so it worked. Iron Man, same deal. If anything, Iron Man’s suit looks pretty damn close to the current comic version. But spidey’s… I mean the last trilogy was pretty close to the original comic design with some updates. It worked. But this …thing looks like a bad joke.

  14. And nothing says they can’t try new designs… look what they did with Batman… but at least the new Batman costume LOOKS good… the again, how do you screw up an all black costume?

  15. No wonder they kept it in the dark…

    @George Berryman

    That’s gonna cost you a point.

  16. So …I thought about giving this suit a chance….. Yeah ….not anymore.

    Big F–ing SPIDER-FAIL!


    I really, REALLY hate this costume now. This is not the kind of Spider-Man costume I wanted to see on the big screen. Or ever.

  18. but i agree that those are probably stunt man shoes.. in the live footage you can see that he gets kind of pulled by the truck a little before jumping on… Spider-Heelys?

  19. It definitely looks like an athletic suit more than a superhero costume (kind of like screwball’s outfit…)

    …how many days until a trailer?

    I was tryin to hope for the best with this bbbbbbbbuuuuuuutttttttt…..
    that’s pretty bad.
    I’d only accept this as a tribute costume worn by an Olympic swimmer

  21. There’s a human being in that costume? It looks like CGI…and really really bad CGI at that

  22. Obviously, it looks terrible, but in this case I’m putting it down to the photo itself. The colours seem off compared to other images we’ve seen and it’s not once looked that shiney before.

    So I’m confident it will look far better than this on film, regardless of your opinion of the design.

  23. Looks like they got a college football uniform designer for this costume…I like this costume less now 🙁

  24. I need to see a trailer but so far… ugh.

    You know what would suck more? If Marvel decides to adapt this costume into the comics. I mean their not that crazy… 😆 … 😯

  25. Looks like no belt… the red sleeve is skinnier and they even added it to the legs?? not a fan of this right now, stunt costume or not. I hope the eyes are just red for filming and they’ll make them white in post production or something

  26. Wow, that costume looks bad. Maybe they’ll CGI over it to make it look better during the editing process…

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