Both Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 To Relaunch With New #1s

AmazingSpider-ManandSpider-man2099Well, I told you we’d keep you posted as what would could happen with Amazing Spider-Man, and thanks to Bleeding Cool, we may have gotten our answer. Not to mention some potential good news for George Berryman.

This October, we will apparently be getting yet another relaunch of The Amazing Spider-Man with a yet another #1 issue, with Dan Slott still doing the writing chores. The difference, however, is that Giuseppe Camuncoli appears to be the regular artist for the series. The other title will be another relaunch of Spider-Man 2099, with Peter David and Will Sliney continuing Miguel O’Hara’s adventures, yet Bleeding Cool states O’Hara will apparently have “a very new look.”

So what’s the verdict, Crawlspacers?


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  1. If I was going to be reading books again in October, I would be picking Miguel, Miles and Gwen too. See this, I left at a good time.

  2. I can see how being the leader of a global business and jet setting is far more relatable than married to a struggling actress/model that you’ve known since freshman year of college who is also a friend of the family. Looks like I’m sticking with reading the adventures of Miles, Miguel, and Gwen.

  3. @40 – The next news release will say that after the globe-trotting storyline is over will be a year-long story where Spidey walks across America without using his powers.

  4. I’ll stick with PAD and avoid Slott like the over-hyped hack that he is, Marvel.

  5. I’ll stick with PAD and avoid Slott like the over-hyped shmuck that he is, Marvel.

  6. So, taking Batman Inc. Leave Miles and Jessica to handle NY and his rogues and get new foes as a result. Trying to pull a Morrison.

  7. It would seem that Marvel and DC are in a competition to see who can piss on their classic characters the most.

  8. @36

    Wow. That article was…….enlightening.

    “The new series is written by fan favorite Dan Slott,”
    In fairness, they don’t stipulate fans of what. I choose to assume they don’t mean fans of Spider-Man.

    “Parker is finally figuratively owning his new position in life, having taken Parker Industries and made it one of the leading companies in the world.”
    Wow. In only eight months since Secret Wars, and barely a year since the entire company was destroyed? I think its safe to say Peter is the greatest businessman in the history of the world, even by Marvel standards.

    ““He’s grown. He’s become the Peter Parker we’ve always hoped he was going to be.” -Slott
    Huh…. you know I get the sense that not everyone hoped he would turn into this. I suppose the “we” in that sentence ws Marvel editorial.

    “Now that Peter Parker is an international icon, Spider-Man has become his bodyguard — mirroring a storyline that played out with Tony Stark back when “Iron Man” first launched ”
    But isn’t the entire point of the secret identity to create some measure of protection for you and your family? I mean, if Spider-Man is known to be Peter Parker’s bodyguard, why doesn’t…….I don’t know…….The Kingpin hire a hitman to go after Peter or his family as a means of getting to Spider-Man? I mean, just to pick an example at random.

    “The new suit Ross designed has some tech secrets inside of it, beyond the glowing logo.”
    Wow. Its been what? two years since the last gimmick costume change?. Showing more restraint than usual eh Marvel?

    (re: the new Spider-Mobile)”Where the previous version was a goofy ’70s addition to Spider-Man’s mythos, this one is story driven”
    Sorry but……how? Why? What possible use could Spider-Man have to make a special car? I mean other than to sell toys.

    ““He’s going to be a far more global Spider-Man, and with that is going to come all new global threats.”
    Yes. Moving Spider-Man outside of street level crime always works very well.

    “While spider-themed heroes like Miles Morales, Spider-Woman and more will be taking on Peter’s rogues gallery back in New York, Spider-Man’s new global scale means he’s taking on new enemies”
    Wait WHAT? Stop the presses. Is this MTV’s conjecture or official word? No Spidey rogues gallery in the new series? Miles gets to have them? Well what happened to the internet assuring me Miles being in 616 won’t effect Peter’s comics?

    “Speaking of caring, fans who were excited about the announcement that Miles Morales was “the” Spider-Man when Marvel dropped the news this past week, shouldn’t worry that Parker’s return pushes the popular young Spider-Man to the wayside.”
    Who was worried about that? 99% of all comments I’ve seen, and I frequent more Spiderboards than most, were concerned about the exact opposite.

    ““What you’re going to get from Miles is you’re going to get classic Spider-Man,””
    Oh. so you ARE replacing Peter with Miles. Miles gets to have the stories people want when they buy a Spider-Man book, and Pete gets to be Iron Man jr.

    Sorry for quoting so much in here. I got started and the things to rip apart kept on coming. Who is Marvel marketing towards with this move? I have to assume its because Slott is bored with writing actual Spider-Man stories, so they’re giving that over to Miles with Bendis.

  9. @#36 – Okay, I’m still not down with this new direction, but I do think the new costume and Spider-Mobile look cool. Granted, I’d rather we not have a Spider-Mobile at all, but at least it looks pretty slick.

    Slott writing a love triangle for Peter, with everyone vying for his attention? I don’t see that ending well, and something tells me this triangle won’t involve MJ and just Slott original characters. Maybe try and build up her relationship with Pedro and try and convince people it’s a perfect match. God I’m not looking forward to that…

    I think Spider-Man is definitely one of the greatest Superheroes, but I don’t think putting him in a situation that doesn’t feel like Spider-Man is the way to do that. Especially when he comes off more like Iron Man than Spidey. It makes MIles seem more like the real Spider-Man by comparison.

    I wonder who will fill out the two-seater Spider-Mobile?

  10. The article suggest it’ll be like Batman inc. The love triangle statement is unsettling. Thanks Mike for posting!

  11. So Dan Slott is still giong to be writing Amazing Spider-Man.

    Are they going to change the tag line at the top of ASM from “All-New. All-Different.” to “Same as it ever was.”

  12. I like the Spider-Man 2099 look and I’m sure PAD will be putting a lot of in-jokes with it. As for turning Peter into Tony Stark/Iron Man. If this was an alternate Earth where Peter became the Iron Man of that universe with Parker Industries. I completely understand and I get that its 8 months later when Vol. 4 picks up its new #1. However, really this is going too far. The next year better see three things: 1. All of Slott’s subplots left over tied up. 2. Peter moving back to a quieter life style after hitting the big time and 3. Being a mentor to Miles.

  13. Like most of the people here, I’m glad P. David is the writer of the new Spider-Man 2009. But I’m not fond of Miguel’s new costume colours. The old one was better.

    As for ASM, I’m not gonna pick it up. Ever since the 2014 relaunch, ASM was bland and medicore because of Slott’s crappy writing. Since Slott is still the writer, I have no interest in this so-called all new all different relaunch. As long as Slott’s writing it, I’ll never pick up a new issue of ASM again.

  14. @ Nick MB. I did NOT say that people who like Spider-Man were buying Dan Slotts stuff out of the sake of completism. What I said was, if you ARE buying it out of completism we should band together and stop buying it until Slott is gone. I did not make any blanket statements, just a plea for sanity.

  15. Shouldn’t the tagline be “Your friendly neighborhood just got suck-yer!” ?

  16. @31 – Imagine if back in the 90s, instead of having 4 Spidey books with 4 different writers of various talent, we only had one book and it was Web written by Terry Kavanaugh. (shudder)

  17. The biggest shame about slott still manning the helm of amazing is that there isn’t any alternative book. In the past if didn’t like a particular writer or artist on a spiderman book I would just drop the book for a bit and read one of the other 3 or so spiderman comics. Right now we just have amazing which sucks. Hopefully they add back spectacular or web of, just so we have some options to get more stories without reading the sludge that slott writes.

  18. @28 The idea that anyone who really likes Spider-Man would only buy the Dan Slott stuff out of completism is, at best, incorrect and, at worst, contains a massive implied insult. Sometimes people have different tastes to other people.

  19. @#26 – Hmm…so they kept the basic Spidey 2099 design but just changed the color scheme. Well, it’s not a bad color scheme, but I don’t think if fits as much as Miguel’s old one did.

  20. “If you want Slott gone, there is only one option. Don’t buy the book. It’s sales that matter, complaining doesn’t matter to marvel I they still get your money, you have to not buy he book”

    This. I’m serious. This character is in serious jeopardy – the same atrociously shallow writer on the title for almost a decade. If he’s not removed from the title and soon, there’ll be nothing left of his character but a shell- an image of a costume to put on t-shirts, but story wise irreparably damaged. If you’ve EVER cared about the character Spider-Man, I beg, I IMPLORE you. Do NOT buy the new title. For the sake of the future, your children’s children. Please. Just. Don’t. Buy. It.

    I understand the completist attitude but we have to if we as fans care about the character at all. Slott must go.

  21. I like it much better than the “modifications” to the suit in Amazing, even with what appears to be Alex Ross art, particularly the extended boots.

  22. #4-I am DEEPLY offended that you could not find a facepalm image of Captain Archer for your post. I will be boycotting your reviews of Spider-Man 2099 in protest. 😉

    Seriously, I’m happy to see David back on Spidey 2099 and like everyone else, keeping my fingers crossed he is left alone to do his own thing. I’m also digging the new look. Feels like the Hollywood version of the costume.

  23. If you want Slott gone, there is only one option. Don’t buy the book. It’s sales that matter, complaining doesn’t matter to marvel I they still get your money, you have to not buy he book. if you like Sott, then fine, but if you don’t like him, don’t buy. If you don’t want the hole in your collection, (I was like that with the clone thing) then wait until they’ve changed, and then go pick up those issues in a back issues bin, it’s not like number 1 issues are worth anything any more. (Does anyone in the world still think they are?) If we keep buying it, nothing will ever change.

  24. Maybe if Battleworld remains in place Miguel will be able to be back in his world of the future instead of modern day NYC

    @#5-Medicore writing is putting it generously.

    @#7-Slott might be in charge of 20% of ASM’s history but therewere thankfully other titles he didn’t control.

    @#9-If MJ returns to the title somehow (preferably after having dumped Pedro upon realisation he is Peter except a fire fighter) I would be mixed on that. Yay MJ is back but oh no now Slott can screw her up further.

    @#12-The all new ads also showed Captain America as an old man alongside the Falcon Cap so the idea that Peter would be around but WOULDN’T have a title or be the primary Spider-Man wasn’t an unrealistic idea, especially given that Miles’ book was going to just be called Spider-Man, with no Ultimate or Miles Morales prefix. Which sold the idea of him being more firmly the ‘legit’ Spider-Man. So it was far from an unrealistic expectation. In particular in light of Peter being replaced TWICE in the last 5 years and Spider-Verse summarily marginalising him in addition to selling the idea he is one of many Spider-Men, not the first and foremost.

    And as for when would Marvel put out a Spider-Man line that didn’t have ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ in it see literally all of 2013 when you could read Venom, Alpha, Miles Morales: Spider-Man and Superior Spider-Man but nary was an ASM issue to be found.

    @#14-I’m not saying I’d want them to not ignore his asinine plots I’m just saying they are there so the idea of him resolving them is also there which is encouraging if you don’t want a reboot

  25. JEEEEEZ, more slott??
    does the characterisation of Spider-man need any more trampling on?!
    officially done until he’s off the book, just end up annoyed by the mess it has become

    but yes
    Great news for Peter David and 2099!

  26. The verdict is “Spidey needs a new writer not yet another pointless relaunch.”

  27. Peter David is the Spider-Man 2099 writer again…?

    YES!!!! Heck yeah!! That’s great news!

    Wait, Dan Slott is gonna continue writing Amazing Spider-Man?

    Ugh! This is terrible. Darn it Marvel, I wanted a new writer on the book! Slott’s writting is so bad it makes me want to filp the table. Good for nothing.

  28. Slott’s Spider-Man violates established continuity, regardless of it taking up 20% of ASM history. I will always consider it non-canon. It’s a counterfeit Spider-Man and after 40 years of reading Spidey, I couldn’t care less until a new creative team comes on board.

    MARVEL: a bordello of ideas.

  29. @#19- eh… the same thing happened with Bendis and the Avengers.

    It sucks, but it’s not without precedent.

  30. It is a bit absurd that the series will have had 3 #1 issues (including Superior) in the past several years and all three were written by the same person. What’s the point of a new volume if it doesn’t come with a new voice and perspective?

  31. Slott has made me not care about Spider-man. I can’t believe Marvel is keeping him when everything else is changing. He’s like a cockroach. When the world ends, odds are Slott will still be writing Spider-Man. When your grandkids buy Spiderman stories, he’ll still be writing them. I just… I can’t…. Make it stop.

  32. Slott. Seven YEARS of suffering through Slotts run. And now … I just can’t do it anymore. Slotts made me give up Spidey after almost 40 years of collecting. I can’t do it. I can’t keep going. There are a few Marvel titles I’ll still buy, but I just can’t stand to read another comic written by Slott.

  33. And yet another comment stuck in the spam-filter. This just isn’t my week.

    Could one of the admins help me out? Thanks.

  34. @11 – “but makes sense when he still has plots to resolve in the book” At this point, if they replaced Slott with a new writer who just ignored everything in Volume 3 and just started fresh, normally I would scream about ignoring established continuity, but at this point I would be fine with it.

    @12 – I was upset about Miles being reported as the only Spider-Man in the post-SW universe, and I don’t feel embarrassed at all. It had nothing to do with race or political correctness, I just didn’t want the original Peter Parker Spider-Man shoved aside for a different character from another universe who would be made the main (and only) Spider-Man in the post-SW universe.

  35. What the hell is this? Volume 4? Seriously? Anyone want a copy of 1, volume 2 or 3? Do they go for more than cover price?

  36. GASP! you mean MILES isn’t going to be THE ONLY Spider-Man? But…but…people told me last week Peter was gone! I’m shocked. Shocked I saylike

    I knew people who were carrying on like man-childs when Miles was announced to headline the “Spider-Man” title were all missing the obvious fact that A) The All-New ads had already shown Peter in the traditional Spider-Man costume and B) That Mile’s title didn’t have an adjective on it and when would Marvel ever put out a Spider-Man line that didn’t have “Amazing” in it’s title or the fact that Marvel wouldn’t put out multiple Spider-Man themed books.

    I hope all of you who were losing you nut with cries of “PC” are feeling a little embarrassed now. Because boy you should be for all the fuss you were putting up.

  37. Miguel O’Hara will have a book post-Secret War. All is right with the world! Though I’m a little apprehensive of Spidey 2099 getting a new look…

    Slott on Amazing is basically the worst-case scenario, and pretty disappointing after all the other creative shifts that have happened on other books, but makes sense when he still has plots to resolve in the book. Amazing is in dire need of some fresh blood on the book after how long Slott has been on it.

    I’d say that I could live with him on the book if he brought the same level of quality from the first issue of the RYV into this, but then I saw the teaser image. When, if not for the Spider-Man suit, you could mistake it for a Batman cover, you’re probably doing something wrong with the character.

  38. @#5- The “element” that I think will carry over- and will be the ONLY thing to carry over- is just MJ’s “return” to the title.

    Which I suspect will be handled in the exact same way she was handled during Superior. She’ll spend all her time looking at her phone, wondering if she should call Peter, only to be shoved aside while characters like Anna Marie are made to have far more importance to the overall plot and ongoing storyline.

    I’m half suspecting that one of the “big announcements” as SDCC will be “What you’ve ALL been waiting for….the long awaited return of CARLIE COOPER!!”

  39. @#2 Al — At the very least, it may mean Slott, despite the 8 month jump-forward after Secret Wars, may be following up on all those subplots from the last 18 issues like the destruction of Parker Industries’ HQ, Black Cat, Doc Ock’s nano-machines, etc. Your millage may vary, of course.

    @#3 George Berryman — Exactly, George. Exactly.

    @#4 BD–Yep, like it or not, Slott still sells. Though I agree, it’s definitely time we got some new blood. Not to mention how ironic is it that, despite being part of Marvel’s “All-New, All-Different” campaign, it’s literally the same old Slott.

    @#5 RDMacQ — Well, there’s also the hope that whatever will happen in Renew Your Vows will carry over, too, as Slott did claim some “elements” would affect Spider-Man going forward. Then again, Slott has been known to over-hype, so…

    @#6 cronotose — Or more specifically, 20% of the Spider-Man comics ever written. Not sure if that record has been beaten yet, but I imagine it’s getting pretty darn close.

  40. Well…..

    Maybe Slott’s going for a record? You know it won’t be too long until Slott’s been in charge of fully 20% of the history of ASM…..

    Excuse me. I suddenly feel the inexplicable need to go to the liquor store.

  41. The verdict is that we are probably going to get two more years of excruciatingly drawn out storylines while Slott continues to transform the mythos into his fan fiction, and will probably continue to sideline established characters and only pay lip service to characters like MJ while making the series more and more about his own pet characters and their storylines.

  42. The book is selling well with mediocre writing in my opinion. I can understand why Marvel would keep him on the book. As much as I want a new writer, sales are going to have to drop before it happens. He obviously doesn’t feel he peaked with Superior.

  43. “The other title will be another relaunch of Spider-Man 2099, with Peter David and Will Sliney continuing Miguel O’Hara’s adventures…”

    “This October, we will apparently be getting yet another relaunch of The Amazing Spider-Man with a yet another #1 issue, with Dan Slott still doing the writing chores.”

  44. I’m actually happy Slott’s continuing because it is more evidence we might NOT be rebooting after all. At least for now

  45. Not at all surprised by these “relaunches”. Well, hopefully this new volume of Amazing ends up being Slott’s swan song.

  46. Great to see 2099 continuing on with the same creative team. Not sure about a new look since Miguel’s is perfectly fine and unique, but I’ll still give it a shot. As I said in the thread, perhaps this time he’ll not get derailed by silly events and such.

    So that’s one Spider book I feel I can count on.

    As for Slott….just why? Why? The man started in 2008, right? Aren’t we due some new blood to give a bit of new life into the book? I want to actually read about a competent Spider-Man. Not Slott’s supporting cast and Peter being an idiot.

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